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Homeopathic treatment of Dentistry |
দন্তরোগ বা দাাঁতের পীড়া কি ?
দাঁত মানুষের অমূল্য সম্পদ।দাঁতের সাহায্যে মানুষ খাদ্যবস্তু চর্বন করে
থাকে।চর্বন ক্রিয়ার সময় মুখ হতে লালা রস বের হয়ে খাদ্যদ্রব্যের সাথে মিশে পরিপাক ক্রিয়ায়
সাহায্য করে।দাঁত সৌন্দর্যের অঙ্গ/দন্তহীন ব্যক্তিরা স্পষ্ট কথা বলতে পারে না এবং তাদের
মুখের শ্রী নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। হজম কাজের সাহায্যের জন্য খাদ্যবস্তুকে টুকরা টুকরা করে গলধঃকরণ
করাই দাঁতের কাজ।
দাঁতের গঠন জনিত ত্রুটি,দাঁতের অযত্ন,আঘাত,দাঁতের পোকা,বেশি গরম,শীতল খাদ্য, মিষ্টি
ও টক খাদ্য গ্রহণ এবং অপরিষ্কার জনিত জীবাণু দূষণে দাঁতের গোড়া ফুলে যায় এবং ব্যথা
দাঁতের রোগসমুহ
- * মাড়ি দিয়ে রক্ত পড়া।
- * ঠান্ডা পানি খেলে শিরশির করা।
- * মুখে দূর্গন্ধ হওয়া।
- * অকালে দাঁত পড়া।
- * দাঁতের ক্ষয় হওয়া।
- * আক্কেল দাঁত উঠা।
- * মাড়ি ফুলে যাওয়া।
- * দাতেঁর সামনে পেছনে দাগ পড়া, দাঁতে পাথর হওয়া।
দন্তক্ষয় রোগ/পোকা খাওয়া
আহারের পর খাদ্যদ্রব্যের কিছু দাঁতের ফাঁকে অথবা আশেপাশে লেগে থাকতে পারে।
সেখানে ব্যাকটেরিয়া নামক এক জাতীয় জীবাণু অম্লের উৎপত্তি করে। এ অম্ল দাঁতে সামান্য
গর্তের সৃষ্টি করে।প্রতিষেধক ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ না করলে এ গর্ত দিনে দিনে বড় হতে থাকে।
দন্তরোগের হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসায় ব্যবহৃত সদৃশ ঔষধ নির্বাচন
Ø একোনাইট ন্যাপ
ঠান্ডা লাগিয়া হঠাৎ দাঁতে কনকনানি ব্যাথা। মাড়ি ফোলা,ছটফটানি
অস্থিরতায় একনাইট প্রযোজ্য।
Ø মার্ক সল
দাঁতের মারি ফোলা, ব্যাথা,মাড়িতে ঘা, রক্ত পড়ে, লালা ঝরে,
মুখে দূর্গন্ধ, পোকা ধরা দাঁত ঠান্ডা পানিতে যন্ত্রনা বাড়ে, দাঁতের যন্ত্রনা রাতে বিছানার
গরমে বৃদ্ধিতে এটি অব্যা্র্থ। দাঁতের আগা ক্ষয় হতে থাকলে এটি উপকারি।
Ø এন্টিম ক্রুড
পোকায় ধরা দাঁতের গর্তে খাবার আটকালে বা ঠান্ডা পানি দাতে লাগলে
যন্ত্রনা বাড়ে। সেই জন্য রোগী হা করিয়া গলার ভিতর পানি ঢেলে পান করে। জিহ্বায় সাদা
প্রলেপ যুক্ত রোগীর জন্য এই ঔষধ অধিক উপকারি।
Ø কফিয়া
দাঁত বেদনায় চমৎকার ঔষধ, ঠান্ডা পানি মুখে রাখলে ব্যাথা
কমে।মুখের ভেতর পানি গরম হলে যন্ত্রনা বাড়ে। তাই রোগী বারবার ঠান্ডা পানি মুখে দেয়।এই
লক্ষনে কফিয়া অব্যার্থ।
Ø হেকলা লাভা
মাড়ী ফোলা, শূলনী ব্যাথা, মাড়িতে ক্ষত, পোকায়ধরা দাঁত,
দাঁত আস্তে আস্তে ভাঙ্গিয়া যায়।দাঁত তোলার পর যন্ত্রনার উপসর্গে দাঁতের নালীর ঘায়ে
এটি অব্যার্থ।
Ø এসিড ফ্লোর
পায়োরিয়া রোগের শ্রেষ্ঠ ঔষধ। দাঁতের মাড়িতে ঘা,পুঁজ পড়ে,
মুখ দিয়া পঁচা দুর্গন্ধ বের হয়। ঠান্ডা পানি মুখে নিলে আরাম লাগে। গরমে যন্ত্রনা বৃদ্ধিতে
এটি অমোঘ।
Ø কার্ডুয়াস মেরী
এটি পায়োরিয়া রোগের শ্রেষ্ঠ ঔষধ। মাড়ি ফুলে,মাড়ি থেকে
রক্ত পড়ে, দাতের গোড়া আলগা হইয়া যায়। মাড়ি থেকে দুর্গন্ধ পুঁজ বাহির হয়।
Ø ক্যামোমিলা
খিটখিটে বদমেজাজী রাগী।সামান্য কারনেই গালমন্দ করে। ঝগরাঝাটি
লাগিয়ে বসে। এই ধরনের ধাতুর রোগীদের দাঁতের ব্যাথায়
ক্যামোমিলা অব্যার্থ।
Ø ক্রিয়জোট
শিশুদের দাঁত উঠিবার পরেই দাত গুলো আস্তে আস্তে কালো হতে
থাকে।ভেঙ্গে পড়ে,পোকায় ধরে,মাড়ি ফুলে রক্ত পড়ে,পোকায় ধরা দাঁতে ভীষন ব্যাথা প্রভৃতি
লক্ষনে ইহা উপকারী।
Ø ষ্ট্যাফিসেগ্রিয়া
ক্রোধ স্বভাব অপমানিত হলেও আত্মসন্মানের ভয়ে ঝগড়া করে
না। সর্বদা কাম ভাবের চিন্তা । শীত কাতর এই ধাতুর রোগীদের দাঁতে পোকা,মাড়ী ফোলা,রক্ত
পড়া ইত্যাদি লক্ষনে এটি উপকারি।
Ø ম্যাগনেশিয়া কার্ব
গর্ভবতি মহিলাদের দাঁত ব্যাথা, রাতে বৃদ্ধি।পায়চারি করিলে
বা ঠান্ডা পানিতে উপশমে ইহা উপকারী।
Ø র্যাটানহিয়া
গর্ভাবস্থার প্রথম দিকে ভয়ানক দাঁতে ব্যাথা।ব্যাথা শুইলে
বাড়ে, চলিয়া বেড়াইলে ব্যাথা কমলে এটি উপকারী। দাঁতের মাড়িতে রক্ত পড়ায়ও এটি ভাল ঔষধ।
Ø কার্বোভেজ
দাঁত মাজতে বা কুলি করতে রক্ত পড়ে। মাড়ি থেকে দাতের গোড়া
বের হয়ে যায়, ব্যাথা করে।
Ø এসিড নাইট
ঠোঁটের কোনায় ঘা, দাঁতের মাড়িতে ক্ষত,রক্ত পড়ে মুখ থেকে
পঁচা দুর্গন্ধ বের হয়। লালা পড়ে, প্রস্রাবে কটু দর্গন্ধ ইত্যাদি লক্ষনে এটি উপকারি।
Ø ট্রিলিয়াম
দাঁত তোলার পর রক্ত পড়তে থাকলে এর Q তুলা দিয়ে দাঁতের
গর্তে লাগালে রক্ত পড়া বন্ধ হয়।
Ø প্লান্টেগো
সব রকমের দাঁতের ব্যাথায় এটি কর্যকরি ভাবে ব্যাবহৃত হয়ে
Ø মেজরিয়ম
দাঁতের গোড়া ক্ষয় হতে থাকলে এটি উপকারি।
Ø টিউবার কুলিনাম
সামনের বড় দুই দাঁতের ফাঁকে কালো দাগ পড়ে ছিদ্র হতে থাকলে
এটিতে উপকার হয়।
দন্ত রোগের হোমিওপ্যাথিক একক লক্ষণে নির্দিষ্ট ঔষধ নির্বাচনঃ
Single remedy 3 mark rubrics in Kent’s repe
Teeth, bite, want to, on something hard which relieves pains,
dentition = Phyt
Teeth, bites, tumbler when drinking = Ars
Teeth, inflammed, dentine = Merc
Teeth, pain, lower teeth, night, 9 pm = Merc
Teeth, pain, heat of stove, amel
= Ars
Teeth, pain, menses, during, if the flow diminishes = Lach
Teeth, pain, thunder-storm, before = Rhod
Teeth, pain, extending, other parts = Mang
Teeth, pain, drawing, warm room = Puls
Teeth, pain, gnawing, eating, after = Ant-c
Teeth, pain, jerking, stretch and let loose, as if nerves were put
on = Puls
Teeth, pain, stitching, menses suppressed, with = Puls
Teeth, pain, stitching, outward = Asaf
Teeth, pain, tearing, biting together, when = Am-c
Teeth, pain, tearing, bed, worse after going to = Acon
Teeth, pain, tearing, lying on painful side = Ars
Teeth, pain, warmth amel = Ars
রেপার্টরির সাহায্যে দন্ত বেদনার সদৃশ ঔষধ নির্বাচন
++ PAIN, toothache in
general : Acet-ac., Acon., agar., ail., all-c., alum., am-c., am-m., ambr., anac., anag., ang., ant-c., ant-t., apis., aran., arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars-h., ars-i., ars., asar., asc-t., aspar., aur-m., aur., bar-c., bar-m., Bell., benz-ac., berb., bism-ox., bor., bov., Bry., bufo-r., calad., calc-f., calc-p., calc., canth., carb-ac., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., Cham., chel., chen., chin-a., Chin., clem., cocc.,
coch., Coff., colch.,
coloc., con., cor-r., croc., cycl., dios., dros., dulc., echi., eupho., ferr-i., ferr-p., ferr., fl-ac., Glon., graph., grat., guai., guare., hell., Hep., hyos., hyper., ign., iod., ip., kali-c., kali-i., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., kalm., kreos., Lach., laur., led.,
lob., lyc., mag-arct., mag-aust., mag-c., mag-m., mag-p., mag-s., mang., merc-c., Merc., merl., mez., mur-ac., nat-a., Nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nicc., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., par., petr., ph-ac., phos., phyt., plan., plat., plb., prun-s., puls., ran-s., raph., rat., rheum., Rhod., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., sars., Scil., sel., seneg., Sep., sil., spig.,
spong., Staph., stront.,
stry., sul-ac., sulph., tab., tarax., tarent., teucr., ther., thu., valer., verat., verb., vinc., Zinc.
++ incisors : Agar., alum., am-c., am-m., ambr., ang.,
arg-m., asaf., asar., aur., bell., bor., bov., calc., canth., carb-v., caust.,
cham., chel., chin., cocc., coff., colch., dros., ign., iod., kali-c., kreos., lyc., mag-arct., mag-c., mag-m., merc., mez., mur-ac., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., petr., ph-ac., phos., plat., ran-s.,
rhod., rhus-t., sars., seneg., Sep., sil., spig.,
spong., staph., stront., sul-ac., sulph., tarax., thu., zinc.
++ canines :
Am-c., anac., calc-p., calc., carb-an., laur., mag-m., mur-ac., nat-c., petr., rhus-t., sep., staph., stront., sul-ac., zinc.
++ molars : Æsc., agar., all-c., alum., am-c., ambr., anac., ang., ant-t., arg-n.,
arn., asar., asc-t., aur., bar-c., bell., bism-ox., bor., bov., Bry., calad., calc.,
camph., canth., carb-an., carb-v., cast., caust., cham., Chin., clem., cocc.,
coff., colch., coloc., croc., cycl., dios., eupho., graph., guai., hell.,
hyos., ign., iod., kali-c., kali-n., Kreos., laur., lyc.,
mag-arct., mag-c., mag-m., mang., merc., mez., mur-ac., nat-c., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., par., petr.,
ph-ac., phos., plat., plb., puls., ran-s., rheum., rhod., rhus-t., sabad., sabin., sars., seneg., Sep., sil., spig.,
spong., staph., stront., sul-ac., sulph., teucr., thu.,
verat., verb., Zinc., zing.
++ right : Cinnb.
++ left : Arg-n.,
cast., chel.
++ upper teeth : Agar., alum., Am-c., am-m., ambr.,
ang., arn., asar., aur., bell., bor., bov., calc., canth., carb-ac., carb-an., Carb-v., caust., cham., chel., Chin., clem., cocc.,
coff., colch., con., cycl., dios., eupho., graph., guai., hell., hyos.,
kali-n., Kreos., lyc.,
mag-arct., mag-aust., mag-c., mag-m., mang., merc., mez., mur-ac., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., ph-ac., phos., plat., puls., ran-s., rheum., rhod.,
rhus-t., sabad., sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig., spong., staph., stry., sul-ac., sulph., teucr., thu., verat., verb., Zinc.
++ right bi-cuspid
: Cinnb.
++ molar : Dios.
++ left : Arn.,
PAIN, upper teeth, left 2nd bi-cuspid
++ left 2nd
bi-cuspid : Olnd.
++ lower teeth : Æsc., agar., alum., am-c., am-m., ambr., anac.,
ang., arn., arum-t., asaf., asar., asc-t., astac., aur., bar-c., Bell., bor., bov., bry., calc., camph., Canth., carb-an., carb-v., Caust., Cham., chel., chin., clem., cocc., coff., colch., coloc.,
con., dros., eupho., graph., guai., hell., hep., hyos., ign., kali-c., kali-n.,
kreos., lach., Laur., lyc.,
mag-arct., mag-c., mag-m., mang., merc., mez., mur-ac., Nat-c., nat-m.,
nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., par., petr., ph-ac., phos., plat., plb., puls., ran-s., rheum., rhod., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., sabin., sars., Scil., sel., seneg., Sep., sil., spig., spong., Staph., stront.,
sul-ac., sulph., teucr., thu., verat., verb., Zinc.
++ 2nd molar : Æsc.
++ one incisor :
++ 1st bi-cuspid :
++ right : Astac., Bell., brach., bry., calc., cann-s., carb-ac., caust., chr-ac., cinnb., coff., com., cycl., dios., dol., Fl-ac., lach., lyss., mag-c., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., petr., phos., psor., spig., Staph., verb.
++ to left : Acon., lyc.
++ left : Acon., agar., apis., arg-n., arn., arum-t., aur., bar-c., brom., carb-v., cast., Caust., Cham., chel., chin., Clem., form.,guai., hyos., kali-c., laur., Lues., merc., Mez., nux-m., olnd., phos., rhus-t., Sep., sil., Sulph., Thu., zinc.
++ to right :
All-c., gamb.
++ daytime :
Bar-c., bell., calc., carb-an., cocc-s., nux-v., ust.
++ morning :
Ant-t., arg-n., ars., bar-c., bry., calad., camph., carb-v., caust., chin.,
clem., ferr., hyos., kreos., lach., merc., nat-m., nux-v.,
ph-ac., phos., plat., puls., rhod., rhus-t., sulph.
++ bed in :
Kali-c., kreos., lach., mang., mez., nux-v., ran-b., staph.
++ wakes him :
++ waking, on :
Bell., carb-v., coc-c., ign., kali-c., lach., nux-v., sil.
++ rising, after :
Mag-c., plat., sep.
++ when washing : Arg-n.
++ 3 a.m. : Bry.
++ forenoon :
All-s., carb-v., caust., cham., kali-p., nat-m., nux-v., puls., staph., sulph.
++ noon : Cocc.,
++ afternoon :
Agar., anan., calc., caust., form., ip., mag-c., merc., nux-v., phos., sulph., ther., thu.
++ after dinner :
Berb., lach., nux-v., puls.
++ evening : Ail., alum., Am-c., ambr., anac., ant-c., apis., arum-t., bar-c., bell., bov., bry., bufo-r., calad., carb-s., caust., cham., chel., ferr., graph.,
hep., hyos., ign., kali-c., kali-i., kali-p., kali-s., kalm., lyc., mag-s., mang., meph., merc., mez., nicc., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., phos., Puls., rat., rhus-t., sabin., staph., sul-ac., sulph., tab., ther., thu.
++ in bed : Alum., Am-c., Ant-c., aran.,
bar-c., bell., bov., bry., calc., carb-an., cham., chr-ac., graph., ign., kali-c.,led., Mag-c., mag-m., merc., nat-c., nit-ac., phos., puls., sel., sul-ac., Sulph., zinc.
++ amel. : Alum.
++ smoking amel. :
++ 6 p.m. lasting
till 1 or 2 a.m. : Sep.
++ night : Am-c., ambr., anac., ant-c., aran., ars., aur., bar-c., bell., berb., bov., bry., bufo-r., calc-p., calc., carb-an., Carb-s., carb-v., cedr., Cham., chel., chin-a., chin., clem., coff., colch., crot-c., cycl., glon., Graph., grat., hell., hep., hyper., ip., kali-i., kali-n., kali-p., Lyc., Mag-c., mag-m., merc-c., Merc., mez., naja., nat-a., nat-c., nat-h., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nicc., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., par., petr., ph-ac., phos., psor., puls., rhod., rhus-t., rob., sabad., sabin., sep., sil., spig., staph.,Sulph.
++ chilliness as
it disappears : Merc.
++ lying, when : Aran., graph., phos.
++ 9 p.m. : Merc.
++ 10 p.m. :
++ midnight,
before : Alum., am-c., bov., bry., cham., chin., graph., nat-m., petr., puls., rhus-t., sep., stry.,
sul-ac., sulph., thu., zinc.
PAIN, night, midnight, after
++ after : Alum.,
am-c., ars., bar-m., bell., bry., carb-v., cham.,
chin., merc., nat-m., puls., rhus-t., staph., sulph.
++ 3 a.m. : Cham.
++ air, cold : Agar., all-c., alum., anan., ant-c., bell., bor., bry., bufo-r., Calc., camph., Caust., Cham., chin., cina.,
fl-ac., hep., hyos., mag-c., mag-p., Merc., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., phos., plan., plat., puls., rhus-t., sabad., sars., seneg., sep., sil., spig., staph., sul-ac., Sulph., ther., thu., trom.
++ amel. : Chel., clem., kali-s., mag-m., mez., nat-s., nux-v., Puls., sars., sel., thu.
++ draft, from a : Bell., calc-p., Calc., cham., chin., gymn., mag-c., sars., sep., Sulph.
++ drawn in, from
: Acon., alum., am-c., ant-c., arn., aur., bell., berb., bry., calc-p., Calc., Caust., chin., cic.,
cina., cob., fl-ac., grat., kali-n., Merc., mez., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., petr., rhod., rhus-t., sabin., sel., sil., spig., staph., sulph.,thu.
++ amel. : Clem., mez., nat-s., nux-v., puls., sars., sel.
++ open, in the : Acon., alum., am-c., ambr., anac., ant-c., bell., carb-an.,
carb-v., cast., caust., cham., chin., con., hyos., mez., nat-c., nat-m.,
nux-m., nux-v., petr., phos., rhus-t., sep., spig., staph., Sulph.
++ amel. : All-c.,
ant-c., bov., bry., hep., mag-m., puls., sep., stann., sulph., thu.
++ sensation as
from cold air : Cedr., coc-c., par.
++ rushed out of :
++ were forced
into : Ambr., cocc-s.
++ alternating
with catarrh : All-c.
++ dizziness :
++ headache :
++ itching in ear
: Agar.
++ sides : Chel.,
clem., coloc., dulc., lac-c.
++ stitching pain
in left breast : Kali-c.
++ tearing in
limbs : Merc.
++ vertigo : Merc.
++ anger, after :
Cham., nux-v.
++ anxiety, with :
Acon., coff., merc-c.
++ autumn, in the
: Aur., bry., chin., colch., merc., nux-m., nux-v., rhod., rhus-t., verat.
++ bed, on going
to (See Evening and Night) : Carb-an., kali-c.
++ in : Ant-c., aphis., bar-c., bell., bov., bry., carb-an., cham., clem., com., graph., kali-c., Mag-c., mag-p., Merc., nux-v.,
olnd., petr., ph-ac., phos., puls., rhus-t., sabin., sul-ac., Sulph.
++ beer : Nux-v.,
rhus-t., sulph., zinc.
++ amel. : Camph.
++ bending forward
with forehead on table agg. : Nit-ac.
++ amel. : Mang.
++ to either side,
from : Calc.
++ backward, from
: Calc.
++ biting teeth
together, when : Æsc., alum., Am-c., ars., aur.,
bell., bor., bry., calc., carb-an., caust., chin-a.,
chin., coc-c., colch., fl-ac., graph., guai., hell., hep., hyos., ip., lach., lith., lyc., mag-m., mang., merc., Mez., nux-v.,
petr., ph-ac., phos., puls., rhus-t., Sep., sil., spong., staph., sul-ac., sulph., tab., verb., zinc-ox.
++ afraid for fear
would fall out : Nit-ac.
++ menses, during
: Am-c.
++ desire to :
++ amel. : Ars.,
bell., brom., bry., chর্in., cocc., coff., eupho., ign., mag-m.,
nat-m., phos., Phyt., puls.,
rhus-t., sanic.
++ biting on
elastic substance amel. : Mang.
++ bleeding of
gums amel. : Bell., caust., sanic., sars., sel.
++ blowing the
nose, on : Phos., thu.
++ bread, from
eating : Carb-an.
++ breathing :
++ deep agg. : Nux-v.
++ brushing teeth
agg. : Bry., carb-v., Lach., lyc., staph.
++ catarrh, when
catarrh is better, toothache is worse and vice versa : All-c.
PAIN, chewing (See Masticating)
--- chewing (See Masticating)
++ chamomile, from
: Alum., puls.
++ change of
weather : Anan., mag-c., rhod.
++ children :
Acon., ant-c., bell., calc., Cham., Coff., ign., merc., nux-m., puls., rheum.
++ chill, during :
Agar., carb-v., graph., hell., kali-c., Rhus-t., sep., staph.
++ chilliness,
with : Daph., eupho., hell., lach., puls., rhod., rhus-t.
++ chronic : Caust.
++ coffee, from :
Anan., bell., camph., carb-v., Cham., cocc., ign., lachn., merc., nux-v., puls., rhus-t., sil.
++ coition, after
: Daph.
++ relieved after
: Camph.
++ cold, from a : Acon., bar-c., bell., camph., carb-v., caust., cham., chin., colch., dulc., gels., glon., grat., hyos., ign., kali-c., kali-p., merc., mez., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., puls., rhus-t., staph., sul-ac., zinc.
++ after
overheating : Cham., glon., kali-c., rhus-t.
++ from a, in the
Spring : Puls.
--- air (See Air)
++ anything :
Agar., anan., ant-c., arg-n., ars., bar-c., bov., calc-p., calc., carb-s., carb-v., cast., coc-c., colch., con., grat., hell., Kali-c., kali-i.,
kali-n., kali-p., Lues., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mag-p., mang., merc., Nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., par., ph-ac., phos., plan., plb., psor., puls., Rhus-t., rob., Sep., sil., spig., staph., sul-ac., sulph., thu.
++ amel. : Ambr., bell., bry., calc., cham., chin., coff., ferr-p., glon., merc., nux-v., phos., puls., staph., sulph.
++ drinks, from :
Agar., anan., Ant-c., arg-n., ars., bar-c., bry., calc., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., cast., caust., cench., cham., chin-a., cina., coc-c., fl-ac., graph., gymn., Hep., kali-ar., Kali-c., kali-p., Lach., mag-p., mang., merc., mur-ac., Nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., phos., plan., puls., rhod., Rhus-t., rumx.,
sabad., sars., sel., sil., spig., Staph., sulph.,ther., thu., til.
++ food, from :
Agar., bov., bry., calc., carb-v., con., glon., hell., merc., nux-v., par., plb.,
rhus-t., rob., sabad., sulph.
++ hand applied
amel. : Ang., rhus-t.
++ cold water
amel. : Æsc., all-c., ambr., ap-g., bell., bism-ox., Bry., camph., caust., cham., chel., chim., clem., Coff., ferr-p., ferr., fl-ac., lac-c., laur., mag-c., mag-m., merc., nat-s., nux-v., phos., Puls., rhus-t., sel.,
sep., sulph., thu.
++ weather : Ars.,
nux-m., phos.
++ concussion,
from : Arn., nux-m.
++ coughing agg. :
Bry., lyc., sep.
++ crumbs of
bread, from : Clem., nux-v., staph.
++ damp places,
from working in : Ars., Calc., dulc., Rhus-t.
++ weather :
Acon., all-c., am-c., aran., bor., calc., dulc., Merc., nat-c., nat-s., nux-m., phos., rhod., Rhus-t., seneg., sil.
++ diverted, when,
amel. : Bar-c., pip-m., thu.
++ drinking, from
: Bar-c., caust., cham., con., mag-p., sabin., sil.
++ amel. : Sel.,
++ dry weather : Caust.
++ eating, before
dinner : Nux-v., sulph.
++ during : Am-c., anan., ant-c., aur., bry., calc., canth., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., cast., caust., cocc., con., crot-h., crot-t., eupho., graph., hep.,
ign., Kali-c., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mag-s., Merc., nat-c., nux-m., phos., psor., puls., sabin.,
sep., sil., staph., sulph., thu., trom., verat.
++ amel. : Am-c.,
bell., cham., chin., coff., ip., ph-ac., sel., sil., spig.
++ only : Calc.,
++ after : Alum., am-c., Ant-c., ars-i.,
bar-c., bell., bor., bry., carb-s., carb-v., cham., chel., chim., chin., coff., ferr-p., graph., hep., ign., iod., kali-c., lach., lyc., mag-c., mag-s., merc., nat-c., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., puls., rhus-t., sabin., sil., spig., stann., Staph., sulph., zinc.
++ amel. : Am-c.,
ambr., arn., calc., carb-v., ip., ph-ac., Rhod., rhus-t., sil.
PAIN, excitement, from (agg.)
++ excitement,
from : Acon., bell., cham., coff., gels., hyos.
++ amel. : Thu.
++ exertion agg. :
++ filled tooth,
in a : Cic., dios., merc-i-f.
++ filling, after
: Arn., merc-i-f., merc., Nux-v., sep.
++ fruit, after
eating : Nat-c., nat-s.
++ gradually
increasing and decreasing : Bell., stann.
++ heated, when :
++ heat of stove
agg. (See Warmth) :
++ amel. : Ars.
++ hot food, from
(See Warm) : Carb-v., Coff., Kali-c., ph-ac.,
sabad., sep.
++ inspiration, on
: Nux-v.
++ intermittent
(See Paroxysmal) : Ant-t., ars-i.,
astac., bell., bor., bry., calc., cham., chin., coff., merc., nux-v., puls., rhod., rhus-t., sabad., sil., staph., sulph.
--- lachrymation (See Weeping)
++ loose teeth :
++ lying, while :
Aran., ars., bell., bry., cham., clem., graph., hyos., ign., merc., nux-v., olnd., petr., phos., puls., rhus-t., sep., staph., sul-ac., sulph., trom.
++ amel. : Alum.,
am-m., bry., lyc., nat-c., nux-v., spig.
++ immediately
after : Aran., bell., canth., hell., ign., puls.,
rat., sanic.
++ head, low,
with, agg. : Puls.
++ high, agg. :
++ painful side,
agg. : Ars., guare., ign., nux-v., puls.
++ amel. : Bry., chin-s.,
hyper., ign., mag-c., puls.
++ painless side
agg. : Bry., cham., ign., puls.
++ amel. : Nux-v.
++ right side, on
: Spig.
++ masticating,
from : Alum., am-c., anan., ant-c., arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., aur., bell., bry., calc-p., calc., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., caust., Cham., chel., chin., cocc., coff., con., crot-t., eupho., ferr-ma., graph., hura., hyos., ign., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-p., lach., Lues., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., merc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., ph-ac., phos., puls., rhus-t., sabin., sang.,sil., spig., spong., staph., sul-ac., sulph., thu., verat., zinc.
++ amel. by :
Bry., rhod., seneg.
++ only when :
Calc., lyc., olnd.
++ food, only
when, not from empty chewing : Cocc.
++ after : Nat-m.,
sabin., staph.
++ menses, at
beginning : Nat-m., puls.
++ and end : Puls.
++ before : Agar.,
am-c., ant-c., ars., bar-c., nat-m., phos., puls., sulph., thu.
++ during : Am-c., ars., bar-c., bov., calc., carb-v., cast., cedr., cham., coff., graph., kali-ar., kali-c., lach., laur., mag-c., nat-m., nit-ac., phos., puls., Sep., Staph., sul-ac.
++ if the flow
diminishes : Lach.
++ menorrhagia : Ferr-s.
++ after : Am-c., calc., cham., mag-c., mag-p., phos., thu.
++ mental
exertion, from : Bell., ign., nux-v.
++ mercury, from :
Colch., hep., nit-ac., staph.
++ motion agg. : Bry., chel., chin., clem., daph., hyper., merc., mez., nux-v., sabin., spig., staph.
++ amel. : Mag-c., phos., puls., rhus-t.
++ music agg. :
++ nervous
patients : Acon., ars., bell., Cham., Coff., gels., mag-p., puls., staph.
++ noise agg. :
Calc., coff., tarent., ther.
++ nursing
mothers, in : Acon., ars., bell., calc., dulc., merc., nux-v., phos., staph.,
++ nurses, while
the infant : Chin.
++ opening mouth,
from : Bry., caust., hep., nux-v., phos., puls., sabin.
--- operation, after dental (See Filling)
++ paroxysmal (See Intermittent) : All-s., anac., bor.,
calc., cham., gels., glon., hyper., ip., lac-c.,
lyc., merc., nux-m., petr., plat., rumx., sep.
PAIN, pears, after eating
++ pears, after
eating : Nat-c.
++ periodical :
Aran., ars., cham., chin-s., coloc.
++ every other day
: Cham., nat-m.
++ every seven
days : Ars., calc-ars., phos., sulph.
++ perspiration,
during : Chin., hyos.
++ amel. : All-c.,
aphis., carb-ac., carb-an.
++ from suppressed
: Cham.
++ tendency to
perspire : Daph.
++ picking teeth,
excited by : Kali-c., puls., sang.
++ amel. by : All-c., bell., ph-ac., sanic.
++ pregnancy,
during : Acon., alum., apis., bell., bry., calc., cham., hyos., Lyss., mag-c., merc., nux-m., nux-v., puls., rat.,rhus-t., Sep., staph., tab.
++ pressure :
Carb-an., Cham., hyos.,
kali-bi., mag-m., nat-c., nat-m., phos., sep., spig., sul-ac., sulph., zinc.
++ amel. : Ail., alum., am-c., am-m., ars., bell., brom., bry., chin., clem., cocc., coloc.,
com., eupho., grat., ign., indg., kali-c., laur., mag-m., mag-p., merc-i-f., mur-ac., nat-c., nat-m.,
nat-p., ol-an., phos., puls., rhus-t., sep., staph., tab.
++ of cold hand
amel. : Rhus-t.
++ pulsating : Acon., agar., agn., all-c., aloe., am-c., ang., apis., arn., ars., bar-c., bar-m., Bell., brom., calc., cann-i., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., Caust., Cham., chin-a., Chin., coc-c.,
cocc-s., coff., coloc., daph., eupho., glon., hep., hyos., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., Lach., lyc., mag-c., mag-s., merc., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-m., par., phos., plat., psor., puls., rat., rhus-t., sabad., sabin., Sep., sil., spig., staph., stram., Sulph., tarent.,
thu., verat., zinc.
++ quinine, from
abuse of : Hep., nit-ac., Puls.
++ reading, while
: Calc., ign., nux-v., thu.
++ rheumatic :
Acon., Act-r., Ant-t., bell.,
calc-p., cham., coch., colch., indg., mag-c., mag-p., merc., mill., nux-v., phyt.,rhod., sil.,
++ riding in a
carriage, while : Calc., mag-c.
++ rising from bed
amel. : Clem., olnd., phos., sabin.
++ rubbing cheek
amel. : Merc., phos.
++ saliva, with
involuntary flow of : Bell., cham., daph., dulc., Merc., nat-m.
++ salt food, from
: Carb-v.
++ amel. : Carb-an.
++ salt amel. :
++ sitting agg. :
Am-m., ant-c., cocc-s., graph., merc., puls., rhus-t.
++ erect agg. :
++ quiet amel. :
++ up in bed amel.
: Alum., ars., bar-m., merc., petr., rhus-t.
++ sleep, on going
to : Ant-t., ars., merc., sulph.
++ after : Bar-m.,
bell., bry., calc., carb-v., caust., con., graph., kali-c., kali-p., lach., nux-v., phos., sabin., sil., spig., sulph., zinc.
++ amel. : Merc.,
nux-v., puls., sanic.
++ wakes from,
with pain (See Morning) :
Ars., carb-an., chel., lach., mag-c.
--- smoke agg. (See Tobacco)
++ sneezing agg. :
++ sound teeth, in
: Acon., alum., am-c.,
arn., ars., bell., bry., carb-v., caust., cham., coff., con., ham., hyos., mag-c., nux-v., plan., rhod., rhus-t., sulph.,
++ sour things,
from : Arg-n.
++ amel. : Puls.
++ spring, in the
: Acon., aur., bell., bry., calc., carb-v., dulc., Lach., lyc., nat-m., nux-v., puls., rhod., rhus-t., sep., sil., sulph., verat.
++ standing up,
after : Ign., plat., sep.
++ amel. : Alum.,
nux-v., olnd., phos., sabin., spig.
++ stimulants agg.
: Acon.
++ stooping agg. :
Sep., spig.
++ amel. : Arn.
++ sucking teeth
agg. : Bell., bov., carb-v., cast., kali-c., mang., nux-m., nux-v., sil., zinc.
++ amel. : All-c.,
bov., caust., clem., mang., sep.
++ suddenly begins
and goes : Bell., sanic.
++ ceases, begins
slowly : Sul-ac.
PAIN, summer, in the
++ summer, in the
: Ant-c., bell., bry., calc., carb-v., cham., lach., lyc., nat-c., nat-m., nux-v., puls., sel.
++ suppressed foot
sweat, after : Sil.
++ swallowing agg.
: Alum., chin-s., phos., staph.
++ sweets, after :
Am-c., nat-c., phos., sep.
++ swelling of
cheek, with : Arn., ars., Bell., Bry., calc., caps., Lach., lyc., Merc., nat-m., nux-v., petr., ph-ac., phos., puls., staph., sulph.
++ talking, from :
Ars., bry., cham., chel., nux-v., sep., trom.
++ of others agg. :
Ars., bry.
++ tea drinking :
Chin., coff., ferr., ign., lach., sel., sep., thu.
++ thinking about
it : Bar-c., nux-v., spig., thu.
--- other thing (See Diverted)
++ thunderstorm,
before : Rhod.
++ tobacco smoking
: Bry., caust., cham., chin., clem., ign., merc., nux-v., sabin., sars., Spig., thu.
++ amel. : Aran.,
bor., merc., nat-c., nat-s., sel., spig.
++ chewing : Bry.
++ touch : Alum.,
am-c., anac., anag., ant-c., arn., ars., aur., bar-c., bell., bor., bry., calc., camph., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., cast., caust., chel., chin-a., Chin., clem.,
coc-c., coff., daph., eupho., graph., hep., ign., kali-n., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mag-s., mang., merc-c., merc., mez., nat-m., nux-m., nux-v., ph-ac., phos., plan., psor., puls., rat., rhod., rhus-t., sabin., Sep., staph., sulph., thu.
++ amel. : Bry.,
nat-m., nux-v., sep.
++ of food, from :
Bell., camph., kali-c., mag-m., mag-s., nit-ac., rob., sang.
++ of tongue :
Am-c., anac., Ant-c., bry.,
carb-v., cast., chin., ign., merc., mez., nat-c., phos., rhus-t., sep., thu.
++ travelling,
while : Ars., bry., cham., puls., rhus-t., staph., sulph.
++ uncovering body
amel. : Puls.
++ vexation, after
: Acon., cham., rhus-t., staph.
++ walking, while
: Camph., guare., nux-v., phos.
++ amel. : Mag-c., puls., rat., rhus-t., spig.
++ open air, in :
Agn., cham., con., dros., graph., kali-c., kali-n., mag-s., nat-c., nux-v., phos., sabad., sabin., staph.
++ in the wind :
++ amel. : Ant-c., bov., bry.,
clem., hep., kali-s., lyc., mag-arct., mag-m., nux-v., par., Puls., rhus-t., sep.
++ wandering :
Ambr., hyos., mag-p., mang., nux-v., puls., thu., til.
++ warm drinks,
from : Æsc., agn., all-c., am-c., am-m., bism-ox., bry., carb-v., Cham., Coff., dros., ferr-p., fl-ac., Lach., Lues., merc., mill., nat-s., nit-ac., ph-ac., Puls., rhus-t.,
sabad., Sep., sil., trom.
++ amel. : Ars.,
bry., cast., lyc., mag-p., nux-m., nux-v., puls., rhus-t., sang., sil., staph., sul-ac., sulph.,
++ food, from :
Agn., ambr., bar-c., bell., bry., calc., carb-s., carb-v., Cham., graph., guare., hell., Kali-c., mag-arct.,
mag-aust., mag-s., nat-m., nux-v., par., ph-ac., phos., Puls., rhod.,
sabad., sep., sil.
++ things : Agn.,
am-c., ambr., anac., bar-c., bry., calc-p., Calc., carb-s., carb-v., Cham., chel., clem., Coff., colch., ferr-p., glon., graph., hell., Kali-c., lach.,
lachn., mag-m., mag-s., merc., nat-m., nit-ac., par., ph-ac., phos., plan., prun-s., Puls., sep., sil., staph., sulph.
++ amel. : Bov.,
calc., com., kali-i., lyc., mag-p., mur-ac., nux-m., nux-v., psor., rhod., rhus-t., sil., sul-ac.
++ warmth,
external : All-c., ambr., arn., bry., carb-s., chel., Coff., cor-r., ferr-p., ferr., graph., hell., hep., mag-c., mag-s.,
nux-m., ph-ac., phos., Puls., sabin., sulph.
++ amel. : Am-c.,
arg-n., ars-h., ars., bov., calc., cast., chin., com., kali-ar., kali-c., lach., lyc., mag-m., Mag-p.,Merc., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., nat-p., Nux-m., Nux-v., phos., psor., puls., Rhod., Rhus-t., sabad., sil., staph., sul-ac.
++ wrapping up
head amel. : Nux-v., phos., Sil.
PAIN, warmth, of bed agg.
++ of bed agg. :
Ant-c., bell., bry., Cham., chel., clem.,
graph., jug-r., led., mag-c., Merc., ph-ac., phos., Puls., rhod.,
sabin., sulph.
++ amel. : Lyc., mag-s., nux-v., sil., spig., vinc.
++ room, agg. : All-c., ant-c., apis., bry., cham., ham., hep., iris., kali-s., mag-c., merc., nicc., nux-v., ph-ac., Puls., rhod., sep.,
spig., sulph., thu.
++ amel. : Ars., nux-v., phel., phos., sulph.
++ washerwomen, in
: Phos.
++ washing, after
: Ant-c., bry., calc., cham., merc., nux-m., nux-v., phos., rhus-t., sil., staph., Sulph.
++ with cold
water, from : Calc., cham., graph., kali-c., merc., nux-m., nux-v., puls.,
sep., spig., staph., Sulph.
++ amel. : All-c., asar., bell., bry., cham., clem.,
kali-c., laur., puls.
++ water held in
mouth, agg. : Camph.
++ from having
hands in, warm or cold : Phos.
++ wet, from
getting : Bell., calc., Lach., rhus-t.
++ wind, in raw : Acon., all-c., graph., puls., rhod., rhus-t., sil.
++ in dry, cold : Acon., caust.
++ amel. : Calc.
++ wine agg. : Acon., anan., camph., ign., nux-v.
++ winter : Acon., Ars., bell., bry.,
calc., carb-v., caust., cham., dulc., Hep., hyos., ign., Merc., nux-m., Nux-v., ph-ac.,phos., puls., Rhus-t., Sil., sulph.
--- wrapping (See Warmth)
++ extending to
arms : Mang., sep.
++ left arm :
++ bones, cheek :
Alum., caust., chen., con., ham., hyos., kali-c., mag-c., mag-m., mang., mez., nux-v., phos., rob., sil.
++ maxillary :
Calc., cupr-ar., gels., sel.
++ lower : Hyos.
++ cheeks : Bry.,
++ chest : Kali-c.
++ downward :
Ant-c., caust.
++ ear : Alum.,
am-c., ammc., anac., aphis., arn., ars., bar-c., bell., bor., brach.,
bry., calc-ars., calc., caust., cham.,chel., chin., chr-ac., clem., cocc-s., coloc., con., hep.,
indg., kali-ar., kali-c., Kreos., lach., lyss., mag-c., Mang., meph., Merc., mez., nat-m., nicc., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., petr., plan., puls., ran-s., rat., Rhod., rhus-t.,
sabad., sang., Sep., Staph., Sulph., thu., viol-o.
++ right : Glon.,
nicc., spig.
++ eyes : Bar-c.,
bell., calc-p., calc., Caust., cham., chel.,
chim., con., hyos., kali-c., kreos., lach., mag-c., merc., nat-m., nicc., nux-v., puls.,
rob., sel., staph., sulph., tarax.
++ on going into
cold air : Camph.
++ face : Alum.,
am-c., bry., caust., cham., coloc., gels., glon., hyos., kali-c., kreos., lyss., mag-c., Merc., nux-v.,
phos., puls., rhus-t., sabad., sil., staph., sulph., tarax.
++ left side :
++ during menses :
++ fingers, to :
++ forehead :
Chr-ac., hyos., kali-c., phos., rhus-t., sil., zinc.
++ head : Alum., Ant-c., apis., ars., bar-c., bor., bry., calc., caust., cham., clem., cupr., glon., grat., hyos., kali-ar., kali-c., kreos., mag-c., merc., mez., nux-m., nux-v., ph-ac., phos., psor., puls., rhus-t., sang., staph., sulph.
++ larynx : Alum., com., mang., nit-ac.
++ neck : Alum., bry., mang., spig., thu., zinc.
++ nose : Bar-c.,
calc., Caust., cham., hyos.,
++ occiput :
++ œsophagus :
++ other parts : Mang.
++ shoulders : Alum., rhus-t.
++ side, entire
left : Sep.
PAIN, extending, temples
++ temples :
Act-sp., alum., ars., bar-c., calc., cham., chel., con., cupr., daph., gels.,
glon., iod., kali-ar., kali-c., Kreos., mag-c., mez.,
nat-m., nux-m., phos., puls., rhus-t., rob., sel., sil., spig., zinc.
++ tooth, to
another, from one : Bry., mang., nux-m., prun-s., rhod.
++ throat : Mang., nat-m.
++ tongue : Cic.
++ upward : Caust.
++ zygoma : Caust., chin., phos.
--- beating (See Pulsating)
++ biting : Calc.,
cocc., phel., rhod.
++ blows,
sensation of : Calc., nux-v., tarax.
++ boring : Alum., bar-c., bell., bor., bov., bufo-r., calad., calc-p., calc., camph., cann-i., cast., caust., chel., chin., con., cycl., daph., eupho., grat., ign., indg., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n., lach., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mez., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., petr., ph-ac., phos., plan., rhod., sel., sil., sulph., verat.
++ evening, with
tearing and digging : Alum.
++ while lying :
++ dinner, after :
++ in roots : Cham.
++ sound teeth :
Alum., plan.
++ break off, as
if would : Bell.
--- bruised, as if (See Sore)
++ bubbling :
Berb., carb-v., lyc., nit-ac., spig.
++ burning :
Bar-c., caust., cham., coloc., dulc., graph., kali-c., mag-c., merc., mez., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., ph-ac., phel., phos., puls., rhus-t., rob.,
sil., spig., spong., sulph., ther., urt-u., zinc.
++ burst, as if
would : Sabin., thu.
++ buzzing : Hyos.
++ clawing :
++ contracting :
Bor., cann-s., carb-an., carb-v., nit-ac.
++ corrosive :
Calc., carb-v., cham., con., kali-c., nicc., phos., puls., staph., sul-ac.,
--- cramp-like (See Jerking)
++ crushed, as if
: Lyc.
++ molars : Ign.
++ cutting :
Alum., arn., aur., bell., benz-ac., calc., camph., daph., graph., ham., kali-c., lach., mez., olnd., petr., ran-b., rhod., rob., sep.
++ evening, when
lying in bed : Alum.
++ lying, while :
++ open air, in
the : Alum.
++ shooting
through gums to roots of incisors and canines : Camph.
++ swollen
submaxillary gland, seems to originate in : Camph.
++ thunderstorm,
before : Rhod.
++ roots, in :
--- darting (See Stitching)
++ digging : Ambr.,
anan., ant-c., arg-n., bell., berb., bor., bov., bry., bufo-r., calc., cast., caust., cham., chin., fl-ac., glon.,ign., kali-c.,
mag-m., nat-c., nux-v., plan., plat., puls., rat., rheum., ruta., seneg., sil.,
spig., sul-ac.
++ evening : Alum.
++ with pressure,
sensation as if pain were felt below left lower molars : Ambr.
++ drawing :
Abrot., agar., all-c., all-s., alum., am-c., ambr., anac., anan., ang., ant-c., arg-n., asaf.,
astac., aur-s., aur., bad., bar-c., bell., berb., bism-ox., bor., bov., bry., calad., calc-p., calc., camph., cann-s., canth., caps.,
carb-an., carb-s., Carb-v., caust., Cham., chel., chim., chin., clem., coc-c., cocc., colch., con., crot-t., cycl., daph., fl-ac., glon., Graph., Guai., hep., hyos.,
hyper., iod., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n., kalm., kreos., lach., led., lyc., lyss., mag-c., mag-m., meph., merc-c., merc-i-f., Merc., mez., naja., nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., olnd., par., petr., ph-ac.,
phos., plat., puls., ran-b., ran-s.,rhod., rhus-t.,
sabad., sabin., sars., sep., sil., staph., sulph., tab., tarax., ter., thu., verat., zinc.
++ morning : Ran-s., staph., sulph.
++ 10 a.m. : Anac.
++ noon, towards :
++ afternoon :
Canth., carb-an., coloc.
++ 5 p.m. : Zing.
PAIN, drawing, evening
++ evening :
Alum., bov., bry., hep., puls.
++ in bed : Kali-c.
++ right side,
going off after lying down : Alum.
++ night : Am-c.,
ambr., bell., carb-an., mag-c., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac.
++ when lying down
: Canth., olnd.
++ air, in open :
Chin., nux-v., sep., sulph.
++ amel. : Chin.,
++ biting, only
when : Am-c.
++ bed, agg., in :
Aphis., kali-c.
++ cold, from : Nux-v., Sep.
++ amel. from :
++ finger, amel.
by : Ang.
++ eating, while :
Am-c., bry., con., sep., verat.
++ amel. : Am-c.,
ambr., cham.
++ cold food : Con.
++ after : Bry., cham., hep.
++ exertion of
mind : Nux-v.
++ menses, during
: Am-c., sep.
++ music, from :
++ pulsating :
Hyos., sep.
++ reading :
++ stretched, as
if nerves were : Anac., coloc., Puls.
++ sudden : Coc-c.
++ sweat amel. :
++ thunderstorm,
before : Rhod.
++ walking, while
: Camph.
++ in open air : Con.
++ wandering :
Ambr., hyos.
++ warmth agg. :
++ warm fluids :
Am-c., nux-v., Sep.
++ room : Puls.
++ extending from
lower incisors to malar bone and temple : Alum.
++ to cheek :
Am-c., sep.
++ ear : Alum.,
am-c., ammc., anac., aphis., bar-c., cocc-s., Kreos., nat-m.
++ eyes : Chel.,
++ head, to side
of : Alum., apis.
++ malar bone :
Alum., aphis.
++ neck : Alum.
++ larynx : Alum.,
++ shoulders :
++ other teeth,
right side : Aphis.
++ parts : Alum.
++ temple, right :
Bar-c., kreos.
++ throat : Nat-m.
++ incisors, lower
: Agar., alum., asaf., kreos., zinc.
++ upper : Agar.,
ang., camph., grat., kreos.
++ one of : Ambr.
++ molars : Bry.,
++ right : Ambr.,
++ left : Calad.,
carb-an., kreos.
++ lower : Anac.,
++ upper : Ambr.,
ang., bell., Sep.
++ upper teeth :
Ang., bell.
++ amel. by cold
finger : Ang.
++ right side, all
night : Bell.
++ lower teeth :
++ canine :
++ roots, in :
Anac., staph.
++ drawing-bubbling
: Berb.
++ drawing-lancinating,
as if air a current of air rushed into : Ambr.
++ drawing-pressure
: Ars.
++ drawing-tearing
: Abrot.
++ dull : Aur.,
chin., clem., cocc-s., daph., dol., hyos., kali-i., kalm., lob., lyc., lyss.,
++ griping : Bor.
++ as if soft and
became bent on chewing : Coch.
++ upper molars
with tearing pain in cheek bone : Anag.
++ during
mastication : Aur.
++ with trembling
of heart : Anag.
PAIN, fly to pieces, as if would, on biting together
++ fly to pieces,
as if would, on biting together : Cinnb.
--- forced out (See Pressing)
++ gnawing :
Agar., Ant-c., bar-c.,
berb., Calc., camph.,
canth., carb-v., cast., cham., con., daph., eupho., indg., kali-bi., kali-i., lac-c., naja., nicc., nux-v., op., phos., Puls., rhus-t.,
sec., Staph., sul-ac., thu.
++ morning, in bed
: Phos.
++ evening : Calc., phos., Puls.
++ 9 p.m. : Alum.
++ night : Cham., coff.
++ air, cold
inhaling : Rhus-t.
++ amel. : Nux-v.
++ eating, after : Ant-c.
++ sitting up in
bed amel. : Alum.
++ warm room : Nux-v.
++ molars, lower :
Cast., nicc.
++ right : Cast., nicc.
++ alternating
with itching in ear : Agar.
++ with violent
tearing behind ear : Alum.
++ in right ear :
++ upper : Agar., calc.
++ grumbling (See Dull) : Aur., bar-c., cann-s.,
carb-an., cham., kali-i., kali-n., lil-t., mag-s., meny., nit-ac., ph-ac., Rhod., sep.
++ right side, one
lower molar, with sensation as if headache came from that side : Æth.
++ left side,
upper : Agar.
++ lower teeth,
left side : Arg-n.
++ jerking :
All-c., all-s., alum., am-c., anac., ant-c., apis., ars., aur-m., bar-c., bar-m., bell., benz-ac., berb., bov., bry., Calc.,carb-an., carb-s.,
carb-v., caust., Cham., chin-a., chin., clem., coc-c., cocc-s., coff., con., cycl., Eupho., hep., hyos., hyper., indg., kali-c., kali-i.,
kali-n., kali-p., kreos., lach., laur., Lues., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mag-s., meph., merc., mez., nat-c., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., ox-ac., par., phos., plat., plb., prun-s., puls., ran-s., rat., rhus-t., sep., sil., spig., stann., stront., sulph.,zinc.
++ 9 a.m. :
++ evening in bed
: Bry., zinc.
++ now in upper,
now in lower molars, when in upper and they are pressed by tip of finger,
suddenly changes to lower : Bry.
++ night : Cycl., Merc., rhus-t.
++ after midnight
: Alum.
++ drinking cold
water : Agar.
++ eating, after :
++ rising from
bed, after, amel. : Alum.
++ sitting up in
bed amel. : Ars.
++ smoking, while
: Bry.
++ amel. : Spig.
++ stretch and let
loose, as if nerves were put on : Puls.
++ stroking head
amel. : Ars.
++ torn out, as if
tooth would be : Berb., cocc., ind., ip.
++ canines, upper
: Carb-an.
++ molars :
++ upper, right
side : All-s.
++ root, in :
Bell., lach.
++ extending to
temples : Ars.
++ head : Rhus-t.
++ knocking :
Ars., carb-an., kali-c.
--- lancinating (See Tearing)
++ neuralgic :
Act-r., Bell., bor., carb-s., cham., chel., chlol., Coff., coloc., gels., iris., kali-p., Mag-p., nux-m., phyt., plan., rhod., sil.
++ piercing : Acon.,
ant-c., bell., bry., calc., caust., cham., chin., lach., merc., nux-m., nux-v., ph-ac., puls., rhus-t., sil., staph.
++ pinching :
Am-c., aran.
++ cold drinks,
from : Carb-an.
++ pressing :
Acon., all-c., am-c., anac., aran., arn., bism-ox., bor., bov., bry., calc., carb-v., caust., cham., chel., chin., coloc., cor-r., eupho., graph., guai., guare., hyos., ign., iod., kali-c., kali-p., kalm., led., lob., Merc., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., petr.,
phos., rhod., rhus-t., sil., spig., staph., sulph., tarax., verat.
PAIN, pressing, as if blood were forced
into them
++ as if blood
were forced into them : Arn., chin.
++ as if too close
: Acon., arn., bell., calc., cham., chin., coff., hep., hyos., nux-v., puls.
++ as if held in a
grip : Nux-m., sil.
++ as if pressed
into sockets : Alum., am-c.
++ old stumps :
++ as if a shred
of meat were between the teeth : Caust., cor-r., lach.
++ as if wedged :
Anan., caust., cor-r., lach., spong.
++ asunder,
expansive : Anan., kalm., mur-ac., ph-ac., ran-b., sabin., spig., spong., thu.
++ dinner, after : Kali-c.
++ filling, of the
: Chlol.
++ inward :
Rhus-t., staph.
++ outward : Arn.,
bell., berb., phos., puls., spig., zinc.
++ swallowing,
when : Alum.
++ transitory jerking
in upper molars and jaws, right side, in afternoon : All-s.
++ warm room, on
entering : All-c.
++ incisor, in one
: Alum.
++ roots, in :
Alum., caust., kali-c., staph., zing.
++ upper teeth :
Acon., aran., calc.
++ pricking :
Am-c., ant-c., bar-m., calc., caust., hell., mag-s., nux-m., phos., prun-s.
++ night, waking
him : Calc.
++ molars,
especially : Am-c.
++ masticating
agg. : Am-c.
++ touching
decayed teeth : Am-c.
++ pulled out,
feel as if, were being : Anan., arn., astac., bell., berb., bufo-r., caust.,
coc-c., cocc-s., com., ip., mang., mez.,nat-c., nux-m.,
nux-v., ph-ac., prun-s., puls., rhus-t., sel., stront., sulph., zinc.
++ and, left in
their sockets, as if : Sanic.
++ scraping :
Berb., cham.
++ roots, as if
scraped with a knife : Arn.
++ screwing : Bry., Eupho.
++ better
momentarily from cold water : Bry.
--- shocks (See Jerking)
--- shooting (See Stitching)
++ sore, bruised :
Alum., apis., arn., ars., aur., bapt., bar-c., bell., bry., calc., carb-an., carb-v., caul., caust.,
cham., cina., cinnb., colch., crot-h., crot-t., graph., ign., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-p., lyc., mang., med., Merc., nat-m., nux-v., phos., phyt., plan., psor., puls., rhod., rhus-t., sep., staph., tab., thu., zinc.
++ air, from
drawing in : Bell.
++ eating amel. : Ign.
++ cold drink, from
: Ars., bry.
++ masticating,
when : Ars., aur.
++ meals, between
: Ign.
++ molars, right
upper : Alum.
++ pressure amel.
: Alum.
++ splintered, as
if : Sabin.
++ sprained, as if
: Arn.
++ stitching,
stinging : Acon., æsc., agar., all-c., alum., am-c., am-m., ambr., ant-c., apis., asaf., aur-s., aur., bar-c., bar-m., bell., benz-ac., berb., bor., bov., Bry., bufo-r.,
calc-p., calc., carb-an., carb-s., carb-v., Caust., cham., chin., cist., clem., coff., colch., con., crot-h., cub., cycl., daph., dros., echi., eupho., euphr., gels., Graph., grat., guai.,
hæm., hell., hep., iris., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-n., kali-p., kalm., Lach., laur., Lyc., lyss.,
mag-c., mag-p., mang., merc., mez., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac.,nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., petr., phel., phos., prun-s., psor., puls., ran-s., raph., rat., rhod., rhus-t., sabad., sabin., samb., sars., Scil., Sep., sil., spong., staph., stront., stry., sulph., tab., valer., zinc.
++ right : Æsc., bar-c., caust., cycl., echi., gamb., teucr., zinc.
++ upper : Arn.
++ left : Ail.,
anac., bell., iod., phos., samb., sul-ac., sulph.
++ upper and
lower, worse lying down, compelling him to walk, better from external pressure
: Ail.
PAIN, stitching, morning
++ morning : Camph., dros.
++ on waking :
++ evening :
Bell., bufo-r., zinc.
++ night :
Bufo-r., clem., sil.
++ after midnight
: Alum., bar-m.
++ better after
rising : Alum.
++ air, when
drawing in : Am-c., ant-c.
++ biting, when :
Am-c., caust.
++ cold, touched
by anything : Nit-ac., sulph.
++ dinner, after :
Ambr., calc.
++ drinking :
Con., sulph.
++ eating, while :
Con., psor.
++ amel. : Calc.
++ food, when
touched by warm : Bar-c., nit-ac.
++ intermittent : Asaf.
++ menses
suppressed, with : Puls.
++ outward : Asaf.
++ rasping : Sang.
++ warm bed amel.
: Lyc.
++ extending to
ear : Bor., bry., calc., gels., lil-t., mang., nat-m., rhod., Sep., sulph., Thu.
++ eyes : Bov.,
calc., nat-m., sulph.
++ right side of
head : Agar.
++ zygoma : Gels.
++ incisors : Kali-c., lach., nat-m., rhod., sep., thu.
++ upper : Am-m.
++ lower teeth : Æsc., carb-an., euphr.
++ right side : Agar.
++ molars : Am-c.,
calc., kali-c.
++ lower : Æsc., caust.
++ root : Sars.
++ later only in
right : Æsc.
++ upper : Bell.,
++ left : Alum.
++ tearing :
Abrot., Acon., act-sp., æsc., agar., agn., ail., alum., Am-c., am-m., ambr.,
anac., anag., anan., ang., ant-t., aphis., apis., arg-n., arn., ars-i., ars., arum-t., aur., bar-c., bar-m., bell., benz-ac., berb., bor., bry., bufo-r., calc-p., calc., camph.,
canth., carb-an., carb-s., Carb-v., cast., Caust., cham., chel., chin-a., chin., clem., coc-c., coff., colch., coloc., con., cupr-ar., cupr., cycl., daph., gamb., gels., graph., grat., guai., hell., hyos., hyper., indg., iod., ip., kali-ar.,
kali-bi., kali-c., kali-i., kali-p., kreos., lach., laur., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mang., meph., Merc., merl., mez., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-s., nicc., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., olnd., petr., ph-ac., phel., phos., plb., prun-s., psor., puls., ran-b., rat., rhod., rhus-t., sabin., samb., Sars., Sep., sil., spig., Staph., stront.,
sul-ac., sulph., tab., tarent., teucr., thu., verb., vinc., viol-o., zinc.
++ morning :
Arg-n., caust., hyper., mang.
++ after walking : Mez.
++ washing :
++ afternoon :
++ evening : Ail.,
alum., am-m., bell., cahin., mag-s., sep., tab., zinc.
++ night : Alum., ars., calc-p., calc., carb-an., mag-c., merc., nat-c., nat-m., nicc., nux-m., sep.,
++ lying on
painful side agg. : Ars.
++ midnight,
before : Am-c., merc.
++ after : Bell., sulph.
++ air, as from a
current of : Ambr.
++ biting
together, when : Am-c.
++ amel. : Mag-m.
++ bed, worse
after going to : Acon.
++ from warmth of
: Graph., ph-ac.
++ cold air :
Bufo-r., carb-s.
++ cold water :
Agar., arg-n., nux-m., phos., sars., staph.
++ eating, while :
Bry., carb-an., sep., sil., staph.
++ lying on
painful side : Ars.
++ sound side :
++ menses, before
: Ars.
PAIN, tearing, menses, during
++ during : Ars.,
mag-c., nat-m.
++ motion amel. :
++ opening mouth,
when : Caust., indg.
++ paroxysmal :
++ pregnancy,
during : Nux-m.
++ pulsating :
Agn., bell.
++ rising from
bed, on, amel. : Alum.
++ wandering :
++ warmth amel. : Ars.
++ extending out
through left ear : Sep.
++ to ears :
Am-c., anac., aphis., lach., nat-m.
++ malar bones :
++ temple : Alum.,
calc., indg., mez.
++ zygoma :
Caust., mag-m., phos.
++ incisors :
Carb-v., stront.
++ lower : Alum., teucr., zinc.
++ molars : Am-c.,
anag., apis., bar-c., benz-ac., carb-v., gamb., grat., rhod., zinc.
++ lower : Æsc., agar., alum., bell., zinc.
++ right : Canth.,
++ left : Colch.
++ upper right :
Aur., ph-ac.
++ left : Am-c.,
arn., berb., cupr-ar., guai., zinc.
++ left,
alternating with itching in left ear : Agar.
++ alternating
with right : Am-m.
++ after getting
wet : Acon.
++ roots : Am-m.,
ant-t., camph., colch., graph., lach., meph., merc., ol-an., sabin., staph., stront., teucr., zinc.
++ as if being
torn out : Calc.
++ eating, after :
Ant-t., sep.
++ during : Sep.
++ dinner, during
: Arn.
++ amel. after :
++ left side
posteriorly : Ant-t., cycl.
++ pressure of
finger amel. : Am-m.
++ tingling :
Alum., bor., calc., carb-v., cast., indg., lach., mur-ac., rhus-t., sulph.
++ in points of
crowns in evening : Bar-c.
++ twitching :
All-c., ant-c., apis., ars., aur-m., bell., bry., calc., caust., cham., cist., clem., coff., coloc., cupr-ar., hep., hyos., lach., merc., mez., nux-v., phos., puls.
++ right side :
++ left : Calc.
++ warmth of bed
amel. : Spig.
++ ulcerative :
Am-c., bell., caust., coc-c., kali-i., kali-n., mag-c., mang., phos., sil.
++ at roots :
Alum., am-c., merc., sil.
++ from touch :
++ worse when
chewing : Alum., sil.
--- wedged, as if (See Pressing)
++ wrenching :
Nux-v., prun-s.
++ PERIOSTITIS : Agar., phos., sil.
together send a shock through head, ears and nose : Am-c.
surrounded by : Alumn.
--- PULSATIONS (See Pain, Pulsating)
++ painless :
Alum., ars., sanic.
++ ROUGHNESS, sensation of
: Fl-ac.
++ from tartar : Mez.
++ SENSITIVE, tender :
Agar., alum., am-c., ant-c., arg-n., aur-m., bar-c., bol., bry., carb-an., card-m., caust., cham.,
coc-c., colch., ferr., fl-ac., gymn., kali-bi., kalm., Lach., lyss., mag-c., mag-p., manc., mang., merc-c., merc-i-r., merc., mez., nat-c., nat-m., pall., sars., senec., seneg., sil., staph., sulph., zinc.
++ evening : Agar.
++ cannot bear
dental operation : Ant-c., fl-ac., mag-c., staph.
++ to air : Acon., aran., bell., berb., bry., calc-p., calc-s., Calc., cina.,
mag-p., Nat-m., ox-ac., sin-n.
++ brushing :
++ chewing, when : Agar., calc-p., carb-an., clem., olnd., sil.
SENSITIVE, cold water, to
++ cold water, to : Acon., arg-n., ars., brom., bry., calc-s., Calc., cina., gymn.,
hell., Lach., merc.,
nat-m., nux-v., sep., sil.,staph., sulph., ther.
++ the least : Carb-an., coc-c.
++ filled tooth :
++ hollow tooth :
Aloe., caps., card-m., cham., staph.
++ painful, in
decayed lower molars : Æth.
++ points of :
++ pressure, to :
Agar., ars., hecla., kali-bi.
++ sounds
reverberate painfully in : Ther.
++ touch, to :
Agar., aloe., berb., coc-c., Lach., lyc., mag-c., Nat-m., staph.
++ warmth, to : Lach., nat-m.
++ incisors :
Agar., aur-m., mag-m., pall., sars.
++ molars, decayed
: Æth., aloe.
++ worse from
eating : Aloe.
++ upper : Manc.
++ SERRATED : Lach., Lues., med., plb., tub.
++ SHARP, edges seem,
and hurt tongue : Aloe.
++ SHOCKS, electric : Æth., thu.
on (See Mucus)
++ SOFT, feel : Caust., cinnb., coch., lepi., med., merc., nit-ac., nux-m., zinc.
++ SORDES (See Mucus) : Ail., alum., apis., Ars., Bapt., bry., cact., cadm., camph., carb-ac., carb-v., Chin., dig., gels., Hyos., iris., kali-p., merc-c., merc., mur-ac., ox-ac., petr., Ph-ac., Phos., plb., pyrog., Rhus-t., sec., stram., sul-ac., sulph., tab.
++ brown : Apis., cact., colch., kali-p., vario.
++ black : Chin., con.
++ bloody : Plan.,
++ dark : Chin., Fl-ac., tab.
++ SPONGY, feel :
++ STICKY : Arg-m., iod., sang.
as if glued : Arg-m., psor., zinc-ox.
++ TENSION, in : Anac.,
coloc., hyper., nat-m., Puls., ther.
++ right side :
++ TORPOR, sense of :
Chin., petr.
++ TWISTED, feeling as if
: Lact.
of roots : Alum.
teeth feel, left upper jaw : Fl-ac.
fetid, coming from : Nicc.
++ WEDGE-SHAPED : Kreos.
ailments from eruption of : Calc., fl-ac., mag-c., sil.
--- YELLOW (See Discoloration)
রেপার্টরির সাহায্যে দন্তরোগের সদৃশ ঔষধ নির্বাচন
ALVEOLAR abscess -- Hep., Merc.,
BLACK, dark, crumbling -- Ant. c., Kreos., Merc., Phos.
hydr., Staph., Syph., Thuya.
Caries, decay, Premature -- Calc. c.,
Calc. fl., Calc.
Cocc., Fluor. ac., Hekla, Kreos., Merc., Mez., Phos., Plant., Sil., Staph., Tub.
Crown, at -- Merc., Staph.
Root, at -- Merc., Mez., Sil.,
Syph., Thuya.
CUPPED, dwarfed, serrated -- Staph., Syph.
DENTITION, teething difficult, delayed -- Acon., Bell., Bor., Calc. c., Calc. p., Caust., Cham., Cheiranth., Coff., Cupr., Gels., Hekla, Kali br., Kreos., Mag. p., Merc.,
Nux v., Passifl., Phyt., Pod., Puls., Sil., Solan. n.,
Staph., Sul., Terb., Zinc. br.,
Zinc. m.
Cerebral, nervous symptoms -- Acon.,
Agar., Bell., Cham., Cim.,
Cyprip., Dolichos., Helleb., Kali br., Pod., Solan. n.,
Tereb., Zinc.Compression
of gums -- Cic., Phyt., Pod.
Constipation, general irritation, cachexia -- Kreos., Nux v., Op.
Convulsions -- Bell., Calc. c., Cham., Cic., Cupr., Glon.,
Kali br., Mag.
Solan. n., Stann., Zinc.
br.Cough -- Acon.,
Bell., Ferr. p., Kreos.
Deafness, otorrhœa, stuffiness of nose -- Cheiranth.
Diarrhœa -- Æth., Calc.
c., Calc. p., Cham., Ferr. p.,
Ipec., Kreos., Mag. c., Merc., Oleand., Phos., Pod., Puls., Rheum, Sil.Effusion
threatened, in brain -- Apis, Helleb.,
Tub., Zinc. m.Eye
symptoms -- Bell., Calc. c., Puls.
Insomnia -- Bell.,
Cham., Coff., Cyprip., Kreos.,
Passifl., Scutel., Tereb.
Intertrigo -- Caust., Lyc.
Milk indigestion -- Æth., Calc. c., Mag.
m.Salivation -- Bor.
Sour smell of body, pale face, irritability -- Kreos.
Weakness, pallor, fretfulness, must be carried
rapidly -- Ars.
Worms -- Cina, Merc., Stann.
Cold -- Coccinel., Gamb., Phos.
ac., Rheum.
Loose -- Alum., Am.
c., Arn., Bism., Calc. fl., Carbo v., Hyos., Lyc., Merc. c., Merc., Nit. ac., Plant., Rhus t.,
Sil., Zinc.
Numb -- Plat.
Sensitive to cold, chewing, touch (See Pain.) -- Acon., Ars., Bell.,
Carbo v., Cham., Coff., Fluor. ac., Gymnocl.,
Merc., Nit. ac., Plant., Staph.
Too long -- Bry., Carbo
v., Caust., Cham., Clem., Lyc.,
Mag. c., Merc., Mez., Parth.,
Plant., Ratanh., Rhus t.
Warm -- Fluor. ac.
Caust., Fluor. ac., Nat. m., Sil., Staph., Sul.
GRINDING -- Apis., Bell., Can. ind., Cic., Cina,
Helleb., Myg., Physt., Plant., Pod., Santon., Spig., Zinc.
ODONTALGIA, Toothache -- Acon., Agar., Ant.
c., Antipyr., Apis, Ars., Atrop., Bell., Bry., Calc. c.,
Carb. ac., Carbo v., Cham., Clem., Coccinel., Coff., Col., Ferr.
m., Gels., Glon., Hekla, Ign., Kali c., Kreos., Lach., Mag. c., Mag. p., Merc., Nux v., Ox.
ac., Phos., Phyt., Plant., Puls., Sep., Spig., Staph., Tab., Ther.,
Coffee -- Cham., Ign.
Cold bathing -- Ant. c.
Decayed teeth -- Cham., Kreos., Merc., Mez., Staph.
Dental pulp, inflamed -- Bell.
Drafts, or cold exposure -- Acon., Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Cham., Merc., Puls., Rhod., Sil.
Extraction of teeth -- Arn., Staph.
Menses, during -- Bar. c.,
Cham., Sep., Staph.Nursing
baby -- Cinch.
Pregnancy (See Female Sexual
System.) -- Alum., Calc.
Cham., Mag. c., Nux m.,
Puls., Ratanh., Sep., Tab.
Tea -- Thuya.
Tobacco-smoking -- Clem., Ign., Plant., Spig.Washing
clothes -- Phos.
Decayed teeth -- Ant. c., Cham., Kreos., Mag. c., Merc., Mez., Nux v.,
Staph., Thuya.
Eye teeth -- Ther.
Lower -- Antipyr.,
Caust., Merc., Staph., Verbasc.
Molars -- Antipyr., Bry.,
Roots of teeth -- Meph., Merc., Staph.
Sound teeth -- Arg. n.,
Caust., Cham., Plant., Spig., Staph.
Upper teeth -- Bell.,
Fluor. ac.
Neuralgic, congestive (See Odontalgia.) -- Acon., Aran., Ars., Bell., Ced., Cham., Coff., Dolichos,
Ferr. picr., Ign., Mag. c., Mag.
p., Merc. v., Plant., Spig.Rheumatic -- Acon., Bry., Cham., Chin.
s., Colch., Guaiac., Merc., Puls., Rhod.Aching -- Cham., Kreos., Merc., Mez., Staph.
Burning -- Ars., Bell., Sil.
Drawing, jerking, tearing -- Bell., Cham., Chimap.,
Coff., Cycl., Kreos., Meph., Merc., Nux v., Prun. sp., Puls., Rhod., Sep.,
Sil., Spig., Sul.
Gnawing boring -- Calc. c.,
Carbo v., Mez., Nux v., Plant., Puls., Sil., Staph.
Periodical -- Ars., Chin.
s., Coff.
Shock-like -- Am. c., Aran.,
Nux v.
Shooting -- Calc. c., Cham., Kali c., Mag.
c., Nux v., Phos., Sep.,
Stitching -- Bry., Cham., Nit.
ac., Puls.
Throbbing (See Odontalgia.) -- Acon., Bell., Coccinel.,
Glon., Kali c., Mag. c., Merc., Sil.
Distraction of the mind -- Acon., Cham.
Heat, thirst, fainting -- Cham.
Neuralgia of lids, reflex -- Plant.
Rush of blood to head, loose feeling of teeth -- Hyos.
Soreness of teeth -- Bell., Merc., Plant., Zinc. m.
Swelling about jaws, cheeks (See Gumboil.) -- Bell., Bor.,
Cham., Hekla, Hep., Lyc., Merc., Sil.
Midnight, after -- Ars.
Night, at -- Ant. c.,
Aran., Bell., Caust., Cham., Clem., Mag. c., Mag. p., Merc., Mez., Puls., Sep., Sil.,
Blowing nose [from] -- Culex., Thuya.
Change of weather [from] -- Aran., Merc., Rhod.Cold
foods, drinks [from] -- Calc. c., Lach., Mag.
p., Merc., Nux v., Staph., Sul.
Cold in general [from] -- Ant.
c., Calc. c., Hyos., Lyc.,
Mag. c., Merc., Nux
Plant., Sil., Spig., Sul.
Contact, touch [from] -- Bell., Calc. fl., Caust., Cinch.,
Kali c., Mag. m., Mez., Plant., Staph.Eating
[from] -- Ant. c., Bell., Bry., Calc. c., Cham.,
Chimap., Kali c., Mag. p.,
Mez., Nux v., Puls., Sil., Spig., Staph., Zinc.
In intervals between meals -- Ign.
Exertion of mind or body [from] -- Chimap., Nux v.
Lying down, rest, quiet [from] -- Aran., Mag. c., Nat.
s., Ratanh., Sep.Shrill
sounds [from] -- Ther.
Smoking tobacco [from] -- Clem., Ign., Spig.Warm
food [from] -- Bism., Bry., Calc.
c., Caust., Clem., Coff., Merc., Puls., Sil.
Morning, in -- Hyos.
Warmth in general -- Cham., Merc., Prun. sp., Puls., Sep.
Windy weather, thunderstorms -- Rhod.
Cold air -- Nat. s.,
Cold drinks -- Bism., Bry., Chimap., Coff., Ferr. m.,
Ferr. p., Nat. s., Puls.Eating -- Ign., Plant., Spig.Hot
liquids -- Mag.
p.Lying down -- Spig.
Mouth open, sucking in air -- Mez.
Pressure external -- Bry., Cinch.
Pressure of teeth -- Cinch., Ol. an., Staph.
Rubbing cheek -- Merc.
Sweat in general -- Cham., Chenop.
gl.Walking about -- Mag. c.,
Warmth -- Ars., Cinch., Lyc., Mag. p., Merc., Nux v.
Wet finger -- Cham.
RIGG’S DlSEASE -- Calc. ren.,
Merc., Sil. mar.
SORDES and deposits -- Ail., Alum., Ars., Bapt., Echin., Hyos., Iod.,
Kali p., Merc. c., Mur.
Phos. ac., Plant., Rhus
দন্ত রোগের বাইওকেমিক চিকিৎসা
পায়োরিয়ার উত্তম ঔষধ।দাঁতের মাঢ়ীতে ঘা রক্ত মিশ্রিত দুর্গন্ধ,পুঁজ পড়লে,ঠান্ডা
পানি মুখে দিলে সিন সিন করে ধরে।
ক্যালকেরিয়া ফ্লোর
দাঁতের মাড়ী ফোলা,অল্প নড়া দাঁতের ঘিনঘিন ব্যাথা,মাড়ীতে ঘা,নড়া দাঁতে খাদ্য
দ্রব্য লাগিলে ব্যথা বাড়ে।পায়োরিয়ায় ক্যালকেরিয়া ফ্লোরে আরোগ্য হয়।
ক্যালকেরিয়া ফস
-রক্ত শুন্য দুর্বল রোগীদের দাতে কনকনে ব্যাথা ,ঠান্ডায় বৃদ্ধি,রাতে বৃদ্ধিতে
ইহা উপকারি।শিশুদের দুধ দাঁত পড়ে উঠতে দেরি হলে এটিতে দাঁত উঠে।
ম্যাগনেশিয়া ফস
সর্বপ্রকার দাঁত ব্যাথা,গরম কিছুতে উপশমে ইহা অব্যার্থ।
নেট্রাম সালফ
দাঁত ব্যাথায় গরম খাবার মুখে দিলে বাড়ে। ঠান্ডা পানিতে উপশমে ইহা উপকারি।
দন্তরোগীর করণীয়
সকাল-বিকাল দাঁত পরিষ্কার করা উচিত। খাওয়ার পর বেশি করে কুলি করা উচিত।
যাতে করে দাঁতের ফাঁকে খাদ্য থাকতে না পারে। অধিক পরিমানে মিষ্টি দ্রব্য আহার দাঁতের
জন্য ক্ষতিকর।
আমার হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসা বিষয়ক সকল লেখা একসাথে পড়ুন।এপসটি ডাউনলোড করুন,আপডেট নিন।আমার
মোবাইল এপস লিঙ্ক
ডা. ইয়াকুব আলী সরকার
ইভা হোমিও হল।
গভঃ রেজিঃ নং ২৩৮৭৬।
মোবাইল নং ০১৭১৬৬৫১৪৮৮
কোন মন্তব্য নেই:
একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন