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সোরার রাজা সালফার। |
বাংলাদেশ হোমিওপ্যাথি গবেষণা পরিষদ কর্তৃক আয়োজিত নিয়মিত স্ট্যাডি ক্লাসের ৮ম ক্লাস। আজকের আলোচ্য বিষয় ছিল
'সালফার দ্য কিং অফ এন্টিসোরিক।"
আপনাদের সাথে সালফার সম্পর্কিত কিছু আলোচনা তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করছি।
আমরা সাধারনত ৪ টি ক্ষেত্রে/
বিষয় বিবেচনা করে সালফার প্রয়োগ করি-
১) When well selected medicine failed / lack of proper reaction after first prescription
2) Relapsing same disease symptoms, pt seems to get almost well, when disease returns again & again.
3) patients come from multispecialist, e.g.suppressive homeopathic,allopathic,unani treatment etc.( D/D nux,sep,camphor)
4) as usaual
১ ও ৩ নং পয়েন্টে আমরা হরহামেশা নাক্স প্রয়োগ না করে সালফারের সাথে ডি/ডি করতে পারি।ন্যাশ মহাশয় বলেন, যখন কোন সুনির্বাচিত ওষুধ রোগীতে প্রয়োগের পরও ওষুধ সঠিকভাবে প্রতিক্রিয়া(Plz read- favorable effect) তৈরিতে ব্যর্থ হয়,তখন বুঝতে হবে এটা মুলত সোরিক মায়াজম বাধা তৈরি করছে,মুল প্রতিবন্ধক সোরিক মায়াজম।আমরা প্রায়শই হোলসেল বিক্রির মত গনহারে নাক্স প্রয়োগ করে থাকি,কিন্তু কখনোই ভেবে দেখিনা সোরিক প্যাথোজেনেসিসের কিং সালফার।সুতরাং প্রতিবন্ধকতা দূর করতে আমাদের সালফারকে প্রথম বিবেচনায় রাখা কর্তব্য।এখানে সালফারের পরিবর্তে সোরিনাম,কষ্টিকাম,গ্রাফাইটিস প্রভৃতি ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে।[ বিস্তারিত Expanded work of Nash পড়ুন]
শুরুতেই সালফারের শিশুদের আলোচনাই করা যাক। চেম্বারে সাধারনত সালফার চর্মরোগ, চুলকানি,কানে ইনফেকশন,ক্রেডেল ক্যাপ,ফাইমোসিস,ডায়রিয়া,আমাশয়,মাথাব্যথা,রাতে ঘুম সমস্যা,বারবার ঠান্ডা লাগা,ঘাম,জিআইটি যেকোন সমস্যা, হাপানি,কাশি,নকচারনাল এনেউরেসিস,হেমোরয়েড,হাত পা মাথা জ্বালাপোড়া, কিছু মেন্টাল- ইমোশনাল ফিগার নিয়ে আসেন
আসুন দেখা যাক আমরা প্রধানত কতপ্রকার সালফার পেতে পারি।
১) ১ম প্রকার: এরা চিকন,লম্বা,ঠোট,কানের লতি ইত্যাদি লালচে যেন রক্ত জমে আছে। এরা খাবারদাবার প্রিয়,গরমকাতর,পিপাসাযুক্ত,দুগ্ধজাত শিশুরা বারবার মায়ের বুকের দুধ পান করতে চায়।সকাল ১১ টার দিকে এদের খুদা বেশি লাগে।
২) ২য় প্রকার: এরা মোটা,ফর্সা সহজেই ঘামে,(ডি/ডি: ক্যালক কার্ব) গরমকাতর,সবসময় মুখে হাসি লেগেই থাকে,এরাও পিপাসাযুক্ত, খিদে ও রুচি ভালো।
এছাড়া এদেরকে বুঝার সুবিধার্থে আরো ৪ টি উপগ্রুপে ভাগ করা যেতে পারে।
যেমন: ১) সহজেই হাসিখুশে থাকে( Happy go lucky type)
২) নেট্রাম মিউর টাইপ
৩) ইরিট্যাবল টাইপ
৪) টিউবারকুলার টাইপ।
[ বিস্তারিত জানতে পল হার্সকিউ পড়ুন]
আসুন এবার দেখা যাক একজন চিকিৎসক তার চেম্বারে কিভাবে সালফারকে খুজে পেতে পারেন।
# ওয়েটিং রুমে সালফার:
ওয়েটিং রুমে ঢুকেই দেখতে পারেন চেয়ারে পুরো শরীরকে এলিয়ে দিয়ে ছুট্টো দুটো পা কে অনবরত ফোর্স নিয়ে নারাচ্ছে, হাসিখুশি,১ম নতুন চেম্বারে এসেছে দেখে বুঝার উপায় নেই।খুব কৌতুহলী ওয়েটিং রুমে থাকা চেয়ার,ওয়ালে থাকা ক্যালেন্ডার টুল, একটার পর একটা ছুয়ে দেখছে, যেন জানার অদম্য কৌতুহলী মন।
# রিসিপশন রুমে সালফার:
রিসিপশনিষ্ট এর সাথে শিশু কথা বলছে। আঙ্কেল এটা কি? এ কম্পিউটারে কি আছে? কম্পিউটার কিভাবে চলে,এটা কি দিয়ে তৈরি।এ তারগুলো কেন?... মজার বিষয় এদের কৌতুহলী মন ও এদের প্রশ্ন খুব সহজেই আপনার মনে পজিটিভ দাগ কাটবে( ডি/ডি: ফসফরাস)।
# খেলনাঘরে সালফার: লাইকো যদি খেলার দলের ডমিনেটর,লিডার বস হয়,তবে সালফার হবে ইনচার্জ।
আপনি লক্ষ্য করবেন সালফার দুইহাতে দুইটি খেলনা নিয়ে খেলছে, অথবা একটি দিয়ে খেলছে কিন্তু অন্য হাতে ও একটা খেলনা আছে।সে খুব কোলাহলপূর্ণ, যেন কোন নিয়মনীতি তোয়াক্কা করছে না,একটা চেম্বারে আসছে তাতে তার ভ্রুক্ষেপ নেই।সহজেই পোশাকাদি শরীর ময়লা করে ফেলছে,এলোমেলা চুল,জামার বোতাম ভুল যায়গায় লাগানো।অগোছালো।
দেখা গেল মা তাকে খেলনা রেখে আসার জন্য চাপ দিচ্ছে- সে আসলে দেখবেন সব খেলনাগুলো এলোমেলো একজায়গায় জড়ো করে রেখে চলে এসেছে।
# এতক্ষণে হয়তো সিরিয়াল চলে এসেছে,ডাক পড়ছে :১০ নং সিরিয়াল সালফার কে?
মি মি, আমি,আমি, আমি সালফার।মা জবাব দেয়ার আগেই।দেখা গেল মা ভিতরে ঢুকার আগেই সে ডাঃ এর রুমে হাজির।এদের ভয়টয় ওরকম নাই,যদিও থাকে তা মনে হয় কিউরিসিটির চাপে চাপা পড়ে যায়।এদের অন্যতম একটা ভয় হলো fear of height. ডাঃ এর রুমে ঢুকে বই ,স্টেকলম,খাতা,চেয়ার,জানালা,একটা একটা করে ছুয়ে দেখছে।এরা খুব সুন্দরভাবে ডাঃ এর প্রশ্নের উঃ দেয়, হ্যা,হ্যা,এমন এমন ইত্যাদি।এরা যদি ভয় পায়ও তা কয়েক সেকেন্ডেই বিলীন হয়ে যেতে পারে।এরা ডাক্তারকে ও ডাক্তারীবিদ্যা সম্পর্কে জানার জন্য প্রশ্ন করতে পারে
কিছু নির্দেশক লক্ষণ:
১)খুবই মিষ্টি প্রিয়,এরা সুগারপিল খেতে চায়। দুধ,ডিম,মধু সহ্য হয় না।মাংসপ্রিয়,বিশেষ করে চর্বি।
২) গরম কাতর।সহজেই ঘামে।আবার আবহাওয়ার পরিবর্তনে খুব সংবেদনশীল।
এদের ঘাম দূর্গন্ধযুক্ত।
৩) হাত,পায়ের তলা,মাথার তালু খুব গরম।জ্বালা পোড়া করে।এজন্য রাতে আবরন একদম সহ্য করতে পারেনা,কিক মেরে সরিয়ে ফেলে।শীতকালের পা,হাত,মাথা আবরণহীন রাখে।
৪) শরীরের যেকোন স্থানে জ্বালাপোড়া,ঠান্ডা মুক্ত বাতাসে,পানিতে উপশম।
৫) গোসলে অনীহা/ ভয়।আবার এমনও দেখা যায় শুরুতে গোসল করতে চায় না কিন্তু শরীরে পানি ঢালার পর খুব উপভোগ করে গোসল করে।
৬) বাম কাত হয়ে ঘুমায়।চিত হয় শুইলে রাতে ভয়ানক স্বপ্ন দেখে ঘুম ভেঙে যায়।এদের রাতে এনার্জি যেন বেড়ে যায়,প্রথম কয়েকঘন্টা ঘুমানোর পর বারবার জেগে যায়।
৭) এরা সবার আগে ঘুম থেকে জাগে এজন্য এদের আরলি বার্ড বলা হয়।
৭) শরীরে চুলকানি,চুলকানির পর জ্বালা,গোসলে বৃদ্ধি।
৬) প্রতি সপ্তাহে মাথাব্যথা।মুলত এদের পেইনটা স্কুল ছুটির দিনে হতে দেখা যায়। বেশি ঘুমায় ছুটির দিনে, ফলে মাথাব্যথা,অর্থাৎ রিলাক্স থাকলে মাথাব্যথা
ক)সকাল ১১ টায় অদম্য খিদে ও ক্লান্তি,
খ) দাড়িয়ে থাকা সবচেয়ে ঝামেলার।
গ)নখ কামড়ায়
ঘ) খুব আনন্দঘন স্বপ্ন দেখে,ফলে ঘুমের মধ্যে হাসে,ঘুম থেকে গান গাইতে গাইতে জেগে ওঠে।
ঙ) এদের রাগ করার স্টাইল খুব উপভোগ্য,হিলারিয়াস, [ পিক দ্রষ্টব্য]
ঙ)প্রায় ৫ টার সময় ডায়রিয়া, ঘুম থেকে জেগে উঠে টয়লেটে দৌড়ায়
চুল)পরিবারের অন্য সদস্যদের নিয়ে দূঃশ্চিন্তা করে।
ছ)সালফারের শিশুরা লাইকোর মত ইনটেলে(আগামী ক্লাসে শানআল্লাহ প্রধান তিনটি এন্টিসোরিক ক্যালক,লাইকো ,সালফার শেষ হবে)।এরা লাইকোর মত আর্টিকুলেটেড,অর্গানাইজড না।এরা ক্লাসে সহজেই বিরক্তি ফিল করে,ঘন্টারপর ঘন্টা টানা ক্লাস করা এদের সাথে যায় না।তবে বিষয়টা মনের মত সারাদিনও ওটা নিয়ে পড়ে থাকতে পারে,এজন্য এরাই ঘন্টারপর ঘন্টা ম্যাথ নিয়ে নিমগ্ন থাকে,ঘন্টারপর ঘন্টা ভিডিও গেমসে মত্ত থাকে,এমনকি এসময় এদের পায়খানা প্রস্রাবের বেগ হলেও তা আটকে রাখে। এদের টেবিল বেড ফ্লোর সবখানে ছেড়া কাগজ বইখাতা এলোমেলোভাবে ছড়িয়েছিটিয়ে থাকতে পারে।এদের পার্সোনাল এপিয়ারেন্স এর প্রতি ভ্রুক্ষেপ থাকে না।এরা অন্যের স্বার্থ কি জিনিস তা বুঝে না।তবুও হয় এরা ট্রুথ সিকার,ট্রুথ ইনভেনটর,ট্রুথ সার্চার, এরাই হয় একসময় আইনস্টাইন,শেক্সপিয়র ,আলভা এডিসন ইত্যাদি।
লেখক ঃ
Dr.MD Aslam (B.H.M.S)
Center for classical homeopathy.BD(CCU.BD)
সালফারের পরিচয় বা নির্বাচন লক্ষণ জানতে ব্যাপক লেখাপড়া করতে হবে। কেন্টের রেপার্টরিতে শুধু মাত্র ফার্স্ট গ্রেডের লক্ষণ সমষ্টি আপনাদের জন্য উপস্থাপন করলাম।
MATERIA MEDICA(Reversed Kent's Repertory)Presented by Sylvain Cazalet
(Red only)
Mind, absorbed, buried in thought (p. 1)
Mind, anger, irascibility (See Irritability and Quarrelsome) (p. 2)
Mind, answers, irrelevantly (p. 3)
Mind, answers, refuses to (p. 3)
Mind, anxiety (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety, evening (agg.) (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety, night, waking, on (p. 5)
Mind, anxiety, pressure on the chest (p. 7)
Mind, censorious, critical (p. 10)
Mind, confusion, morning (p. 13)
Mind, delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions (p. 20)
Mind, delusions, fancy, illusions of (p. 25)
Mind, delusions, old rags are as fine as silk (p. 30)
Mind, discontented, displeased, dissatisfied, etc. (p. 36)
Mind, disgust (See Loathing) (p. 37)
Mind, dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending (p. 37)
Mind, dullness, children (p. 38)
Mind, embarrassed, ailments, after (p. 39)
Mind, foolish behavior, happiness and pride (p. 48)
Mind, haughty (p. 51)
Mind, hurry (p. 52)
Mind, imbecility (p. 53)
Mind, imbecility, old rags are as fine as silk (p. 53)
Mind, impatience (p. 53)
Mind, indifference, external things, to (p. 55)
Mind, indifference, personal appearance (p. 55)
Mind, indifference, pleasure, to (p. 55)
Mind, indifference, welfare of others, to (p. 55)
Mind, indolence, aversion to work (p. 55)
Mind, indolence, evening (agg.) (p. 56)
Mind, irritability (See Anger) (p. 57)
Mind, irritability, evening (agg.) (p. 58)
Mind, prostration of mind (p. 69)
Mind, quarrelsome (p. 70)
Mind, religious affections (See Anxiety, Despair, Fear) (p. 71)
Mind, restlessness, nervousness (p. 72)
Mind, restlessness, night (p. 72)
Mind, restlessness, menses, before (p. 74)
Mind, sadness, mental depression (p. 75)
Mind, sensitive, oversensitive (See Offended) (p. 78)
Mind, starting, sleep, on falling (p. 83)
Mind, suspicious (p. 85)
Mind, talk, indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn (p. 86)
Mind, timidity (p. 88)
Mind, weeping, tearful mood, etc. (p. 92)
Mind, weeping, morning, inclined to, at 11 a.m. (p. 92)
Mind, weeping, causeless (p. 93)
Mind, absorbed, buried in thought (p. 1)
Mind, anger, irascibility (See Irritability and Quarrelsome) (p. 2)
Mind, answers, irrelevantly (p. 3)
Mind, answers, refuses to (p. 3)
Mind, anxiety (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety, evening (agg.) (p. 4)
Mind, anxiety, night, waking, on (p. 5)
Mind, anxiety, pressure on the chest (p. 7)
Mind, censorious, critical (p. 10)
Mind, confusion, morning (p. 13)
Mind, delusions, imaginations, hallucinations, illusions (p. 20)
Mind, delusions, fancy, illusions of (p. 25)
Mind, delusions, old rags are as fine as silk (p. 30)
Mind, discontented, displeased, dissatisfied, etc. (p. 36)
Mind, disgust (See Loathing) (p. 37)
Mind, dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending (p. 37)
Mind, dullness, children (p. 38)
Mind, embarrassed, ailments, after (p. 39)
Mind, foolish behavior, happiness and pride (p. 48)
Mind, haughty (p. 51)
Mind, hurry (p. 52)
Mind, imbecility (p. 53)
Mind, imbecility, old rags are as fine as silk (p. 53)
Mind, impatience (p. 53)
Mind, indifference, external things, to (p. 55)
Mind, indifference, personal appearance (p. 55)
Mind, indifference, pleasure, to (p. 55)
Mind, indifference, welfare of others, to (p. 55)
Mind, indolence, aversion to work (p. 55)
Mind, indolence, evening (agg.) (p. 56)
Mind, irritability (See Anger) (p. 57)
Mind, irritability, evening (agg.) (p. 58)
Mind, prostration of mind (p. 69)
Mind, quarrelsome (p. 70)
Mind, religious affections (See Anxiety, Despair, Fear) (p. 71)
Mind, restlessness, nervousness (p. 72)
Mind, restlessness, night (p. 72)
Mind, restlessness, menses, before (p. 74)
Mind, sadness, mental depression (p. 75)
Mind, sensitive, oversensitive (See Offended) (p. 78)
Mind, starting, sleep, on falling (p. 83)
Mind, suspicious (p. 85)
Mind, talk, indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn (p. 86)
Mind, timidity (p. 88)
Mind, weeping, tearful mood, etc. (p. 92)
Mind, weeping, morning, inclined to, at 11 a.m. (p. 92)
Mind, weeping, causeless (p. 93)
Vertigo (p. 96)
Vertigo, high places (p. 100)
Vertigo, looking, downward (p. 100)
Vertigo, stooping, on (agg.) (p. 104)
Vertigo, walking, in the open air, while (agg.) (p. 106)
Vertigo, walking, in the open air, on an elevation (p. 106)
Vertigo (p. 96)
Vertigo, high places (p. 100)
Vertigo, looking, downward (p. 100)
Vertigo, stooping, on (agg.) (p. 104)
Vertigo, walking, in the open air, while (agg.) (p. 106)
Vertigo, walking, in the open air, on an elevation (p. 106)
Head, congestion, hyperæmia, etc. (See Fullness, Pulsation) (p. 109)
Head, congestion, menses, during (p. 110)
Head, congestion, warm room (p. 111)
Head, constriction, tension (See also Drawing, Pressing) (p. 111)
Head, constriction, band or hoop (p. 112)
Head, constriction, string, as if by (p. 112)
Head, dandruff (p. 114)
Head, eruption (p. 115)
Head, eruption, margin of hair (p. 115)
Head, eruption, occiput (p. 115)
Head, eruption, bleeding after scratching (p. 115)
Head, eruption, burning (p. 115)
Head, eruption, crusts, scabs (p. 115)
Head, eruption, dry (p. 116)
Head, eruption, eczema (p. 116)
Head, eruption, eczema, margin of hair from ear to ear posteriorly (p. 116)
Head, eruption, excoriating (p. 116)
Head, eruption, itching (p. 116)
Head, eruption, moist (p. 116)
Head, eruption, pimples (p. 117)
Head, eruption, pimples, occiput, on (p. 117)
Head, eruption, pustules (p. 117)
Head, eruption, suppurating (p. 117)
Head, fullness (See Enlarged) (p. 118)
Head, hair, falling (p. 120)
Head, hair, falling, parturition, after (p. 120)
Head, heat, morning, waking, on (p. 121)
Head, heat, night, bed, in (p. 121)
Head, heat, waking, on (p. 123)
Head, heat, warm room (p. 123)
Head, heat, vertex (p. 124)
Head, heaviness (See Pressing) (p. 124)
Head, itching of scalp (p. 128)
Head, itching of scalp, occiput (p. 129)
Head, pain, headache in general (p. 132)
Head, pain, morning, rising, on (agg.) (p. 133)
Head, pain, evening (agg.) (p. 134)
Head, pain, evening, bed, in (agg.) (p. 135)
Head, pain, blowing nose agg. (p. 137)
Head, pain, coughing, on (agg.) (p. 138)
Head, pain, eating, after (agg.) (p. 139)
Head, pain, gastric (p. 140)
Head, pain, hammering (p. 140)
Head, pain, hammering, vivacious talking, from (p. 140)
Head, pain, pulsating (p. 146)
Head, pain, sneezing (agg.) (p. 148)
Head, pain, stooping, from (agg.) (p. 148)
Head, pain, talking, while (agg.) (p. 149)
Head, pain, twitching (p. 150)
Head, pain, walking in open air, amel. (p. 151)
Head, pain, walking in open air, after (p. 151)
Head, pain, warm room, amel. (p. 151)
Head, pain, weather, damp, cold (p. 151)
Head, pain, winter headaches (p. 152)
Head, pain, extending, eyes (p. 152)
Head, pain, forehead, in (p. 153)
Head, pain, forehead, morning (agg.) (p. 154)
Head, pain, forehead, noon (p. 155)
Head, pain, forehead, cold applications amel. (p. 156)
Head, pain, forehead, motion, on (agg.) (p. 156)
Head, pain, forehead, stooping, from (agg.) (p. 157)
Head, pain, vertex (p. 171)
Head, pain, vertex, morning (agg.) (p. 172)
Head, pain, burning, vertex (p. 177)
Head, pain, bursting, coughing, on (p. 178)
Head, pain, cutting, occiput (p. 181)
Head, pain, drawing (p. 182)
Head, pain, jerking (p. 186)
Head, pain, pressing (See Bursting, Drawing) (p. 188)
Head, pain, pressing, morning, rising on (p. 189)
Head, pain, pressing, evening (agg.) (p. 189)
Head, pain, pressing, band, as if by (p. 189)
Head, pain, pressing, forehead (p. 192)
Head, pain, pressing, forehead, morning (p. 193)
Head, pain, pressing, forehead, band, as from (p. 193)
Head, pain, pressing, temples, morning (p. 199)
Head, pain, pressing, temples, morning, rising, after (p. 199)
Head, pain, pressing, vertex (p. 200)
Head, pain, pressing, vertex, morning (p. 200)
Head, pain, sore, bruised, vertex (p. 206)
Head, pain, stitching (p. 206)
Head, pain, stitching, extending, eyes, to (p. 208)
Head, pain, stitching, forehead, side of, left (p. 210)
Head, pain, tearing, rending (p. 214)
Head, perspiration scalp, one-sided (p. 222)
Head, perspiration, occiput (p. 223)
Head, pulsating, beating, throbbing (See Bursting, Congestion, Hammering) (p. 223)
Head, congestion, hyperæmia, etc. (See Fullness, Pulsation) (p. 109)
Head, congestion, menses, during (p. 110)
Head, congestion, warm room (p. 111)
Head, constriction, tension (See also Drawing, Pressing) (p. 111)
Head, constriction, band or hoop (p. 112)
Head, constriction, string, as if by (p. 112)
Head, dandruff (p. 114)
Head, eruption (p. 115)
Head, eruption, margin of hair (p. 115)
Head, eruption, occiput (p. 115)
Head, eruption, bleeding after scratching (p. 115)
Head, eruption, burning (p. 115)
Head, eruption, crusts, scabs (p. 115)
Head, eruption, dry (p. 116)
Head, eruption, eczema (p. 116)
Head, eruption, eczema, margin of hair from ear to ear posteriorly (p. 116)
Head, eruption, excoriating (p. 116)
Head, eruption, itching (p. 116)
Head, eruption, moist (p. 116)
Head, eruption, pimples (p. 117)
Head, eruption, pimples, occiput, on (p. 117)
Head, eruption, pustules (p. 117)
Head, eruption, suppurating (p. 117)
Head, fullness (See Enlarged) (p. 118)
Head, hair, falling (p. 120)
Head, hair, falling, parturition, after (p. 120)
Head, heat, morning, waking, on (p. 121)
Head, heat, night, bed, in (p. 121)
Head, heat, waking, on (p. 123)
Head, heat, warm room (p. 123)
Head, heat, vertex (p. 124)
Head, heaviness (See Pressing) (p. 124)
Head, itching of scalp (p. 128)
Head, itching of scalp, occiput (p. 129)
Head, pain, headache in general (p. 132)
Head, pain, morning, rising, on (agg.) (p. 133)
Head, pain, evening (agg.) (p. 134)
Head, pain, evening, bed, in (agg.) (p. 135)
Head, pain, blowing nose agg. (p. 137)
Head, pain, coughing, on (agg.) (p. 138)
Head, pain, eating, after (agg.) (p. 139)
Head, pain, gastric (p. 140)
Head, pain, hammering (p. 140)
Head, pain, hammering, vivacious talking, from (p. 140)
Head, pain, pulsating (p. 146)
Head, pain, sneezing (agg.) (p. 148)
Head, pain, stooping, from (agg.) (p. 148)
Head, pain, talking, while (agg.) (p. 149)
Head, pain, twitching (p. 150)
Head, pain, walking in open air, amel. (p. 151)
Head, pain, walking in open air, after (p. 151)
Head, pain, warm room, amel. (p. 151)
Head, pain, weather, damp, cold (p. 151)
Head, pain, winter headaches (p. 152)
Head, pain, extending, eyes (p. 152)
Head, pain, forehead, in (p. 153)
Head, pain, forehead, morning (agg.) (p. 154)
Head, pain, forehead, noon (p. 155)
Head, pain, forehead, cold applications amel. (p. 156)
Head, pain, forehead, motion, on (agg.) (p. 156)
Head, pain, forehead, stooping, from (agg.) (p. 157)
Head, pain, vertex (p. 171)
Head, pain, vertex, morning (agg.) (p. 172)
Head, pain, burning, vertex (p. 177)
Head, pain, bursting, coughing, on (p. 178)
Head, pain, cutting, occiput (p. 181)
Head, pain, drawing (p. 182)
Head, pain, jerking (p. 186)
Head, pain, pressing (See Bursting, Drawing) (p. 188)
Head, pain, pressing, morning, rising on (p. 189)
Head, pain, pressing, evening (agg.) (p. 189)
Head, pain, pressing, band, as if by (p. 189)
Head, pain, pressing, forehead (p. 192)
Head, pain, pressing, forehead, morning (p. 193)
Head, pain, pressing, forehead, band, as from (p. 193)
Head, pain, pressing, temples, morning (p. 199)
Head, pain, pressing, temples, morning, rising, after (p. 199)
Head, pain, pressing, vertex (p. 200)
Head, pain, pressing, vertex, morning (p. 200)
Head, pain, sore, bruised, vertex (p. 206)
Head, pain, stitching (p. 206)
Head, pain, stitching, extending, eyes, to (p. 208)
Head, pain, stitching, forehead, side of, left (p. 210)
Head, pain, tearing, rending (p. 214)
Head, perspiration scalp, one-sided (p. 222)
Head, perspiration, occiput (p. 223)
Head, pulsating, beating, throbbing (See Bursting, Congestion, Hammering) (p. 223)
Eye, agglutinated, morning (p. 235)
Eye, bleeding from eyes, lids (p. 235)
Eye, cataract (p. 236)
Eye, cataract, cortical (p. 236)
Eye, close, involuntary (p. 236)
Eye, dryness (p. 238)
Eye, dryness, morning, lachrymation, after (p. 238)
Eye, eruptions, about the eyes (See Face) (p. 239)
Eye, heat in (p. 241)
Eye, inflammation (p. 241)
Eye, inflammation, acute (p. 242)
Eye, inflammation, scrofulous (p. 242)
Eye, inflammation, washing agg. (p. 242)
Eye, inflammation, conjunctiva (p. 243)
Eye, inflammation, conjunctiva, pustular (including cornea) (p. 243)
Eye, inflammation, cornea (p. 243)
Eye, inflammation, lids (p. 243)
Eye, itching (p. 244)
Eye, itching, evening (p. 244)
Eye, itching, eyebrows (p. 245)
Eye, itching, lids (p. 245)
Eye, itching, lids, daytime only (p. 245)
Eye, lachrymation (See Tears) (p. 245)
Eye, lachrymation, morning (p. 245)
Eye, lachrymation, open air (agg.) (p. 246)
Eye, opacity of cornea (See Spots) (p. 247)
Eye, opacity of cornea, arcus senilis (p. 247)
Eye, pain, evening (agg.) (p. 248)
Eye, pain, dryness of eyeballs, with (p. 249)
Eye, pain, aching, evening (agg.) (p. 252)
Eye, pain, burning, smarting, biting (p. 252)
Eye, pain, burning, morning (p. 253)
Eye, pain, burning, night, midnight, after (p. 253)
Eye, pain, burning, margins of lids, morning (p. 254)
Eye, pain, pressing, evening (p. 256)
Eye, pain, sand, as from (p. 257)
Eye, pain, stitching (p. 258)
Eye, paralysis of optic nerve, amaurosis (p. 261)
Eye, photophobia (p. 261)
Eye, photophobia, sunlight (p. 262)
Eye, redness (p. 264)
Eye, redness, morning (p. 264)
Eye, redness, canthi (p. 264)
Eye, redness, lids, morning (p. 264)
Eye, redness, lids, edges of (p. 265)
Eye, scrofulous affections (p. 265)
Eye, styes (p. 266)
Eye, styes, recurrent (p. 266)
Eye, swollen, morning (p. 267)
Eye, tears, acrid (p. 267)
Eye, tears, burning (p. 268)
Eye, twitching, lids (p. 269)
Eye, agglutinated, morning (p. 235)
Eye, bleeding from eyes, lids (p. 235)
Eye, cataract (p. 236)
Eye, cataract, cortical (p. 236)
Eye, close, involuntary (p. 236)
Eye, dryness (p. 238)
Eye, dryness, morning, lachrymation, after (p. 238)
Eye, eruptions, about the eyes (See Face) (p. 239)
Eye, heat in (p. 241)
Eye, inflammation (p. 241)
Eye, inflammation, acute (p. 242)
Eye, inflammation, scrofulous (p. 242)
Eye, inflammation, washing agg. (p. 242)
Eye, inflammation, conjunctiva (p. 243)
Eye, inflammation, conjunctiva, pustular (including cornea) (p. 243)
Eye, inflammation, cornea (p. 243)
Eye, inflammation, lids (p. 243)
Eye, itching (p. 244)
Eye, itching, evening (p. 244)
Eye, itching, eyebrows (p. 245)
Eye, itching, lids (p. 245)
Eye, itching, lids, daytime only (p. 245)
Eye, lachrymation (See Tears) (p. 245)
Eye, lachrymation, morning (p. 245)
Eye, lachrymation, open air (agg.) (p. 246)
Eye, opacity of cornea (See Spots) (p. 247)
Eye, opacity of cornea, arcus senilis (p. 247)
Eye, pain, evening (agg.) (p. 248)
Eye, pain, dryness of eyeballs, with (p. 249)
Eye, pain, aching, evening (agg.) (p. 252)
Eye, pain, burning, smarting, biting (p. 252)
Eye, pain, burning, morning (p. 253)
Eye, pain, burning, night, midnight, after (p. 253)
Eye, pain, burning, margins of lids, morning (p. 254)
Eye, pain, pressing, evening (p. 256)
Eye, pain, sand, as from (p. 257)
Eye, pain, stitching (p. 258)
Eye, paralysis of optic nerve, amaurosis (p. 261)
Eye, photophobia (p. 261)
Eye, photophobia, sunlight (p. 262)
Eye, redness (p. 264)
Eye, redness, morning (p. 264)
Eye, redness, canthi (p. 264)
Eye, redness, lids, morning (p. 264)
Eye, redness, lids, edges of (p. 265)
Eye, scrofulous affections (p. 265)
Eye, styes (p. 266)
Eye, styes, recurrent (p. 266)
Eye, swollen, morning (p. 267)
Eye, tears, acrid (p. 267)
Eye, tears, burning (p. 268)
Eye, twitching, lids (p. 269)
Vision, colors, black, spots, floating (muscæ volitantes) (p. 272)
Vision, colors, dark (p. 273)
Vision, colors, dark, points (p. 273)
Vision, colors, dark, spots (p. 273)
Vision, colors, dark, spots, floating (p. 273)
Vision, colors, dark, stripes (p. 273)
Vision, colors, halo of colors around the light (p. 274)
Vision, dazzling, looking long (p. 275)
Vision, dim (p. 275)
Vision, dim, headache, during (p. 276)
Vision, dim, reading (p. 277)
Vision, distant, objects seem (p. 278)
Vision, flickering (p. 278)
Vision, foggy (p. 279)
Vision, foggy, evening (p. 279)
Vision, spots (p. 284)
Vision, colors, black, spots, floating (muscæ volitantes) (p. 272)
Vision, colors, dark (p. 273)
Vision, colors, dark, points (p. 273)
Vision, colors, dark, spots (p. 273)
Vision, colors, dark, spots, floating (p. 273)
Vision, colors, dark, stripes (p. 273)
Vision, colors, halo of colors around the light (p. 274)
Vision, dazzling, looking long (p. 275)
Vision, dim (p. 275)
Vision, dim, headache, during (p. 276)
Vision, dim, reading (p. 277)
Vision, distant, objects seem (p. 278)
Vision, flickering (p. 278)
Vision, foggy (p. 279)
Vision, foggy, evening (p. 279)
Vision, spots (p. 284)
Ear, discharges (p. 286)
Ear, discharges, excoriating (p. 286)
Ear, discharges, fetid (p. 286)
Ear, eruptions, behind ears (p. 288)
Ear, eruptions, meatus, in, boils (p. 289)
Ear, inflammation, inside (p. 290)
Ear, inflammation, media (p. 291)
Ear, itching in (p. 291)
Ear, itching, external ear (p. 292)
Ear, noises in (p. 292)
Ear, noises, evening, in bed (p. 293)
Ear, noises, ringing (p. 298)
Ear, noises, roaring (p. 299)
Ear, noises, roaring, evening (p. 300)
Ear, noises, roaring, lying, while (agg.) (p. 300)
Ear, noises, swashing (p. 302)
Ear, pain (p. 303)
Ear, pain, noises, from (p. 305)
Ear, pain, aching (p. 307)
Ear, pain, lacerating (p. 311)
Ear, pain, stitching, in (p. 313)
Ear, pain, stitching, in, left (p. 313)
Ear, pain, tearing in (p. 315)
Ear, pain, tearing in, noises agg. (p. 315)
Ear, water, sensation of, in ear (p. 320)
Ear, discharges (p. 286)
Ear, discharges, excoriating (p. 286)
Ear, discharges, fetid (p. 286)
Ear, eruptions, behind ears (p. 288)
Ear, eruptions, meatus, in, boils (p. 289)
Ear, inflammation, inside (p. 290)
Ear, inflammation, media (p. 291)
Ear, itching in (p. 291)
Ear, itching, external ear (p. 292)
Ear, noises in (p. 292)
Ear, noises, evening, in bed (p. 293)
Ear, noises, ringing (p. 298)
Ear, noises, roaring (p. 299)
Ear, noises, roaring, evening (p. 300)
Ear, noises, roaring, lying, while (agg.) (p. 300)
Ear, noises, swashing (p. 302)
Ear, pain (p. 303)
Ear, pain, noises, from (p. 305)
Ear, pain, aching (p. 307)
Ear, pain, lacerating (p. 311)
Ear, pain, stitching, in (p. 313)
Ear, pain, stitching, in, left (p. 313)
Ear, pain, tearing in (p. 315)
Ear, pain, tearing in, noises agg. (p. 315)
Ear, water, sensation of, in ear (p. 320)
Hearing, impaired (p. 321)
Hearing, impaired, eating agg. (p. 322)
Hearing, impaired, scarlet fever, after (p. 323)
Hearing, impaired, voice, the human (p. 323)
Hearing, lost (p. 323)
Hearing, impaired (p. 321)
Hearing, impaired, eating agg. (p. 322)
Hearing, impaired, scarlet fever, after (p. 323)
Hearing, impaired, voice, the human (p. 323)
Hearing, lost (p. 323)
Nose, catarrh (p. 324)
Nose, coryza (p. 325)
Nose, coryza, discharge, with (fluent) (p. 327)
Nose, discharge, offensive (p. 331)
Nose, discharge, yellow (p. 333)
Nose, discoloration, redness (p. 334)
Nose, discoloration, redness, inside (p. 334)
Nose, discoloration, redness, tip (p. 334)
Nose, dryness, inside (p. 334)
Nose, epistaxis (p. 335)
Nose, epistaxis, morning (p. 336)
Nose, epistaxis, blowing the nose, from (p. 337)
Nose, freckles (p. 338)
Nose, inflammation (p. 339)
Nose, itching (p. 339)
Nose, itching, inside (p. 339)
Nose, odors, fetid (p. 342)
Nose, odors, offensive (p. 342)
Nose, odors, offensive, blowing nose, on (p. 342)
Nose, odors, old catarrh (p. 342)
Nose, odors, snuff (p. 342)
Nose, picking nose, in brain-affections (p. 348)
Nose, smell, acute, strong odors, stool (p. 349)
Nose, smell, acute, strong odors, unpleasant odors (p. 349)
Nose, sneezing (p. 350)
Nose, sneezing, morning (p. 350)
Nose, sneezing, evening (p. 350)
Nose, sneezing, frequent (p. 351)
Nose, swelling of (p. 352)
Nose, catarrh (p. 324)
Nose, coryza (p. 325)
Nose, coryza, discharge, with (fluent) (p. 327)
Nose, discharge, offensive (p. 331)
Nose, discharge, yellow (p. 333)
Nose, discoloration, redness (p. 334)
Nose, discoloration, redness, inside (p. 334)
Nose, discoloration, redness, tip (p. 334)
Nose, dryness, inside (p. 334)
Nose, epistaxis (p. 335)
Nose, epistaxis, morning (p. 336)
Nose, epistaxis, blowing the nose, from (p. 337)
Nose, freckles (p. 338)
Nose, inflammation (p. 339)
Nose, itching (p. 339)
Nose, itching, inside (p. 339)
Nose, odors, fetid (p. 342)
Nose, odors, offensive (p. 342)
Nose, odors, offensive, blowing nose, on (p. 342)
Nose, odors, old catarrh (p. 342)
Nose, odors, snuff (p. 342)
Nose, picking nose, in brain-affections (p. 348)
Nose, smell, acute, strong odors, stool (p. 349)
Nose, smell, acute, strong odors, unpleasant odors (p. 349)
Nose, sneezing (p. 350)
Nose, sneezing, morning (p. 350)
Nose, sneezing, evening (p. 350)
Nose, sneezing, frequent (p. 351)
Nose, swelling of (p. 352)
Face, chapped, lips (p. 356)
Face, chlorotic (p. 356)
Face, cracked lips (p. 357)
Face, discoloration, dirty looking (p. 359)
Face, discoloration, pale (p. 359)
Face, discoloration, red, circumscribed (p. 362)
Face, discoloration, red, spots (See Skin) (p. 363)
Face, discoloration, red, lips (p. 363)
Face, discoloration, sallow (p. 363)
Face, discoloration, yellow (p. 363)
Face, dropping of jaw (See Mouth, open) (p. 364)
Face, dryness, lips (p. 364)
Face, eruptions (See Skin) (p. 365)
Face, eruptions, chin (p. 365)
Face, eruptions, chin, painful (p. 365)
Face, eruptions, forehead (p. 365)
Face, eruptions, lips, upper (p. 366)
Face, eruptions, mouth, around (p. 366)
Face, eruptions, nose (p. 366)
Face, eruptions, acne, forehead (p. 366)
Face, eruptions, comedones (p. 367)
Face, eruptions, comedones, forehead (p. 367)
Face, eruptions, eczema (p. 368)
Face, eruptions, eczema, margins of hair (p. 368)
Face, eruptions, itching (p. 369)
Face, eruptions, painful (p. 369)
Face, eruptions, painful, chin (p. 369)
Face, eruptions, pimples (p. 370)
Face, eruptions, rash (p. 371)
Face, eruptions, urticaria (p. 372)
Face, expression, suffering (p. 375)
Face, freckles (p. 375)
Face, heat, flashes (p. 377)
Face, heat, flashes, shivering, with (p. 377)
Face, itching, chin (p. 379)
Face, pain, air, open, agg. (p. 380)
Face, pain, burning (See Heat) (p. 385)
Face, swelling, jaw, lower, glands in general (p. 393)
Face, swelling, lips, upper (p. 393)
Face, chapped, lips (p. 356)
Face, chlorotic (p. 356)
Face, cracked lips (p. 357)
Face, discoloration, dirty looking (p. 359)
Face, discoloration, pale (p. 359)
Face, discoloration, red, circumscribed (p. 362)
Face, discoloration, red, spots (See Skin) (p. 363)
Face, discoloration, red, lips (p. 363)
Face, discoloration, sallow (p. 363)
Face, discoloration, yellow (p. 363)
Face, dropping of jaw (See Mouth, open) (p. 364)
Face, dryness, lips (p. 364)
Face, eruptions (See Skin) (p. 365)
Face, eruptions, chin (p. 365)
Face, eruptions, chin, painful (p. 365)
Face, eruptions, forehead (p. 365)
Face, eruptions, lips, upper (p. 366)
Face, eruptions, mouth, around (p. 366)
Face, eruptions, nose (p. 366)
Face, eruptions, acne, forehead (p. 366)
Face, eruptions, comedones (p. 367)
Face, eruptions, comedones, forehead (p. 367)
Face, eruptions, eczema (p. 368)
Face, eruptions, eczema, margins of hair (p. 368)
Face, eruptions, itching (p. 369)
Face, eruptions, painful (p. 369)
Face, eruptions, painful, chin (p. 369)
Face, eruptions, pimples (p. 370)
Face, eruptions, rash (p. 371)
Face, eruptions, urticaria (p. 372)
Face, expression, suffering (p. 375)
Face, freckles (p. 375)
Face, heat, flashes (p. 377)
Face, heat, flashes, shivering, with (p. 377)
Face, itching, chin (p. 379)
Face, pain, air, open, agg. (p. 380)
Face, pain, burning (See Heat) (p. 385)
Face, swelling, jaw, lower, glands in general (p. 393)
Face, swelling, lips, upper (p. 393)
Mouth, aphthæ (p. 397)
Mouth, discoloration, tongue, red, edges (p. 401)
Mouth, discoloration, tongue, red, tip (p. 401)
Mouth, discoloration, tongue, white (p. 402)
Mouth, dryness (p. 403)
Mouth, dryness, morning (p. 403)
Mouth, dryness, palate (p. 404)
Mouth, dryness, tongue (p. 404)
Mouth, dryness, tongue, morning, on waking (p. 404)
Mouth, odor, offensive (p. 409)
Mouth, open (p. 409)
Mouth, stomacace (p. 420)
Mouth, swelling, gums (p. 420)
Mouth, swelling, palate (p. 421)
Mouth, taste, bad (p. 422)
Mouth, taste, bitter (p. 422)
Mouth, taste, insipid, morning (p. 424)
Mouth, taste, sweetish (p. 426)
Mouth, aphthæ (p. 397)
Mouth, discoloration, tongue, red, edges (p. 401)
Mouth, discoloration, tongue, red, tip (p. 401)
Mouth, discoloration, tongue, white (p. 402)
Mouth, dryness (p. 403)
Mouth, dryness, morning (p. 403)
Mouth, dryness, palate (p. 404)
Mouth, dryness, tongue (p. 404)
Mouth, dryness, tongue, morning, on waking (p. 404)
Mouth, odor, offensive (p. 409)
Mouth, open (p. 409)
Mouth, stomacace (p. 420)
Mouth, swelling, gums (p. 420)
Mouth, swelling, palate (p. 421)
Mouth, taste, bad (p. 422)
Mouth, taste, bitter (p. 422)
Mouth, taste, insipid, morning (p. 424)
Mouth, taste, sweetish (p. 426)
Teeth, pain, left (p. 434)
Teeth, pain, evening, in bed (agg.) (p. 434)
Teeth, pain, night (p. 434)
Teeth, pain, air, cold (agg.) (p. 435)
Teeth, pain, air, draft, from a (p. 435)
Teeth, pain, air, open, in the (agg.) (p. 435)
Teeth, pain, bed, in (p. 435)
Teeth, pain, pulsating (p. 438)
Teeth, pain, washing, after (p. 440)
Teeth, pain, washing, with cold water, from (agg.) (p. 440)
Teeth, pain, extending, ear (p. 440)
Teeth, pain, left (p. 434)
Teeth, pain, evening, in bed (agg.) (p. 434)
Teeth, pain, night (p. 434)
Teeth, pain, air, cold (agg.) (p. 435)
Teeth, pain, air, draft, from a (p. 435)
Teeth, pain, air, open, in the (agg.) (p. 435)
Teeth, pain, bed, in (p. 435)
Teeth, pain, pulsating (p. 438)
Teeth, pain, washing, after (p. 440)
Teeth, pain, washing, with cold water, from (agg.) (p. 440)
Teeth, pain, extending, ear (p. 440)
Throat, choking, constricting (See Larynx) (p. 448)
Throat, dryness (p. 450)
Throat, elongated uvula (p. 451)
Throat, pain, burning (p. 460)
Throat, pain, stitching, swallowing, on (agg.) (p. 464)
Throat, scraping (p. 466)
Throat, swelling, tonsils (p. 469)
Throat, choking, constricting (See Larynx) (p. 448)
Throat, dryness (p. 450)
Throat, elongated uvula (p. 451)
Throat, pain, burning (p. 460)
Throat, pain, stitching, swallowing, on (agg.) (p. 464)
Throat, scraping (p. 466)
Throat, swelling, tonsils (p. 469)
External throat, induration of glands (p. 472)
External throat, swelling, cervical glands (p. 474)
External throat, induration of glands (p. 472)
External throat, swelling, cervical glands (p. 474)
STOMACHStomach, appetite, increased (hunger in general) (p. 477)
Stomach, appetite, increased, forenoon, 11 a.m. (p. 477)
Stomach, appetite, increased, vanishing, at sight of food (p. 478)
Stomach, appetite, increased, weakness, with (p. 478)
Stomach, appetite, ravenous, canine, excessive (p. 478)
Stomach, appetite, ravenous, forenoon, 11 a.m. (p. 478)
Stomach, appetite, wanting (p. 479)
Stomach, appetite, wanting, food, at sight of (p. 479)
Stomach, appetite, wanting, thirst, with (p. 480)
Stomach, aversion, meat (p. 481)
Stomach, desires alcoholic drinks (p. 483)
Stomach, desires, alcoholic drinks, beer (p. 484)
Stomach, desires, alcoholic drinks, whisky (p. 484)
Stomach, desires, alcoholic drinks, wine (p. 484)
Stomach, desires, highly seasoned food (p. 485)
Stomach, desires, raw food (p. 486)
Stomach, desires, sweets (p. 486)
Stomach, distention (p. 487)
Stomach, emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, goneness, hungry feeling (p. 487)
Stomach, emptiness, forenoon, 11 a.m. (p. 488)
Stomach, emptiness, dinner, before (p. 488)
Stomach, epileptic aura (p. 489)
Stomach, eructations (p. 489)
Stomach, eructations, eating, after (p. 491)
Stomach, eructations, empty (p. 493)
Stomach, eructations, empty, eating, after (p. 494)
Stomach, eructations, sour (p. 496)
Stomach, eructations, sour, daytime (p. 496)
Stomach, eructations, waterbrash (p. 497)
Stomach, fullness, sensation of (p. 498)
Stomach, heaviness, weight, oppression (See Fullness) (p. 501)
Stomach, heaviness, eating, after (p. 501)
Stomach, indigestion (Includes Complaints After Substances Not Otherwise Described) (p. 503)
Stomach, indigestion, milk, after (p. 503)
Stomach, nausea (p. 504)
Stomach, nausea, odors, of his own body (p. 508)
Stomach, pain (p. 511)
Stomach, pain, eating, after (agg.) (p. 513)
Stomach, pain, menses, during (p. 514)
Stomach, pain, standing, while (p. 514)
Stomach, pain, burning (p. 515)
Stomach, pain, pressing, menses, during (p. 521)
Stomach, thirst (p. 527)
Stomach, thirst, extreme (p. 529)
Stomach, thirst, large quantities, for (p. 529)
Stomach, vomiting (p. 531)
Stomach, vomiting, eating, after (agg.) (p. 533)
Stomach, vomiting, sour (p. 539)
Stomach, appetite, increased, forenoon, 11 a.m. (p. 477)
Stomach, appetite, increased, vanishing, at sight of food (p. 478)
Stomach, appetite, increased, weakness, with (p. 478)
Stomach, appetite, ravenous, canine, excessive (p. 478)
Stomach, appetite, ravenous, forenoon, 11 a.m. (p. 478)
Stomach, appetite, wanting (p. 479)
Stomach, appetite, wanting, food, at sight of (p. 479)
Stomach, appetite, wanting, thirst, with (p. 480)
Stomach, aversion, meat (p. 481)
Stomach, desires alcoholic drinks (p. 483)
Stomach, desires, alcoholic drinks, beer (p. 484)
Stomach, desires, alcoholic drinks, whisky (p. 484)
Stomach, desires, alcoholic drinks, wine (p. 484)
Stomach, desires, highly seasoned food (p. 485)
Stomach, desires, raw food (p. 486)
Stomach, desires, sweets (p. 486)
Stomach, distention (p. 487)
Stomach, emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, goneness, hungry feeling (p. 487)
Stomach, emptiness, forenoon, 11 a.m. (p. 488)
Stomach, emptiness, dinner, before (p. 488)
Stomach, epileptic aura (p. 489)
Stomach, eructations (p. 489)
Stomach, eructations, eating, after (p. 491)
Stomach, eructations, empty (p. 493)
Stomach, eructations, empty, eating, after (p. 494)
Stomach, eructations, sour (p. 496)
Stomach, eructations, sour, daytime (p. 496)
Stomach, eructations, waterbrash (p. 497)
Stomach, fullness, sensation of (p. 498)
Stomach, heaviness, weight, oppression (See Fullness) (p. 501)
Stomach, heaviness, eating, after (p. 501)
Stomach, indigestion (Includes Complaints After Substances Not Otherwise Described) (p. 503)
Stomach, indigestion, milk, after (p. 503)
Stomach, nausea (p. 504)
Stomach, nausea, odors, of his own body (p. 508)
Stomach, pain (p. 511)
Stomach, pain, eating, after (agg.) (p. 513)
Stomach, pain, menses, during (p. 514)
Stomach, pain, standing, while (p. 514)
Stomach, pain, burning (p. 515)
Stomach, pain, pressing, menses, during (p. 521)
Stomach, thirst (p. 527)
Stomach, thirst, extreme (p. 529)
Stomach, thirst, large quantities, for (p. 529)
Stomach, vomiting (p. 531)
Stomach, vomiting, eating, after (agg.) (p. 533)
Stomach, vomiting, sour (p. 539)
Abdomen, distension (p. 544)
Abdomen, distension, children, in (p. 545)
Abdomen, distension, after (p. 545)
Abdomen, distension, menses, during (p. 545)
Abdomen, enlarged (p. 546)
Abdomen, flatulence (See Rumbling) (p. 547)
Abdomen, fullness, sensation of (p. 549)
Abdomen, fullness, food, at sight of (p. 549)
Abdomen, gurgling (p. 550)
Abdomen, itching, night (p. 553)
Abdomen, liver and region of (p. 553)
Abdomen, pain, menses, during (p. 559)
Abdomen, pain, stool, before (p. 560)
Abdomen, pain, stool, during (p. 560)
Abdomen, pain, stool, after (agg.) (p. 560)
Abdomen, pain, hypogastrium (p. 564)
Abdomen, pain, hypogastrium, menses, before (p. 565)
Abdomen, pain, hypogastrium, menses, during (p. 565)
Abdomen, pain, umbilicus, region of, afternoon (p. 571)
Abdomen, pain, umbilicus, region of, evening (p. 571)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping (p. 573)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, menses, during (p. 575)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, stool, before (p. 576)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, stool, during (p. 576)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, stool, after (agg.) (p. 576)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, hypogastrium (p. 576)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, hypogastrium, menses, before (p. 577)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, umbilicus, region of, afternoon (p. 578)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, umbilicus, region of, evening (p. 578)
Abdomen, pain, cutting (p. 578)
Abdomen, pain, cutting, stool, during (p. 580)
Abdomen, pain, cutting, stool, diarrhœic, during (p. 580)
Abdomen, pain, dragging, bearing down (p. 582)
Abdomen, pain, dragging, night, in bed (p. 582)
Abdomen, pain, pressing (p. 585)
Abdomen, pain, sore, bruised, tenderness, etc. (p. 589)
Abdomen, pain, stitching (sticking, etc.) (p. 591)
Abdomen, rumbling (p. 600)
Abdomen, rumbling, night (p. 601)
Abdomen, rumbling, night, stool, before (p. 601)
Abdomen, swelling, inguinal region, glands, of (See Bubo) (p. 603)
Abdomen, tension (p. 603)
Abdomen, tension, umbilicus, region of (p. 604)
Abdomen, distension (p. 544)
Abdomen, distension, children, in (p. 545)
Abdomen, distension, after (p. 545)
Abdomen, distension, menses, during (p. 545)
Abdomen, enlarged (p. 546)
Abdomen, flatulence (See Rumbling) (p. 547)
Abdomen, fullness, sensation of (p. 549)
Abdomen, fullness, food, at sight of (p. 549)
Abdomen, gurgling (p. 550)
Abdomen, itching, night (p. 553)
Abdomen, liver and region of (p. 553)
Abdomen, pain, menses, during (p. 559)
Abdomen, pain, stool, before (p. 560)
Abdomen, pain, stool, during (p. 560)
Abdomen, pain, stool, after (agg.) (p. 560)
Abdomen, pain, hypogastrium (p. 564)
Abdomen, pain, hypogastrium, menses, before (p. 565)
Abdomen, pain, hypogastrium, menses, during (p. 565)
Abdomen, pain, umbilicus, region of, afternoon (p. 571)
Abdomen, pain, umbilicus, region of, evening (p. 571)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping (p. 573)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, menses, during (p. 575)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, stool, before (p. 576)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, stool, during (p. 576)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, stool, after (agg.) (p. 576)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, hypogastrium (p. 576)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, hypogastrium, menses, before (p. 577)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, umbilicus, region of, afternoon (p. 578)
Abdomen, pain, cramping, griping, umbilicus, region of, evening (p. 578)
Abdomen, pain, cutting (p. 578)
Abdomen, pain, cutting, stool, during (p. 580)
Abdomen, pain, cutting, stool, diarrhœic, during (p. 580)
Abdomen, pain, dragging, bearing down (p. 582)
Abdomen, pain, dragging, night, in bed (p. 582)
Abdomen, pain, pressing (p. 585)
Abdomen, pain, sore, bruised, tenderness, etc. (p. 589)
Abdomen, pain, stitching (sticking, etc.) (p. 591)
Abdomen, rumbling (p. 600)
Abdomen, rumbling, night (p. 601)
Abdomen, rumbling, night, stool, before (p. 601)
Abdomen, swelling, inguinal region, glands, of (See Bubo) (p. 603)
Abdomen, tension (p. 603)
Abdomen, tension, umbilicus, region of (p. 604)
Rectum, constipation (See Inactivity) (p. 606)
Rectum, constipation, difficult stool (See Inactivity) (p. 607)
Rectum, constipation, ineffectual urging and straining (p. 607)
Rectum, constipation, insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory stools (p. 607)
Rectum, constipation, portal stasis, from (p. 608)
Rectum, diarrhœa (p. 609)
Rectum, diarrhœa, morning (p. 609)
Rectum, diarrhœa, morning, bed, driving out of (p. 609)
Rectum, diarrhœa, morning, waking with urging (p. 610)
Rectum, diarrhœa, morning, 5 a.m. (p. 610)
Rectum, diarrhœa, night (p. 610)
Rectum, diarrhœa, night, midnight, after (p. 610)
Rectum, diarrhœa, beer, after (p. 611)
Rectum, diarrhœa, children, in (p. 611)
Rectum, diarrhœa, eruptions, suppressed, after (p. 612)
Rectum, diarrhœa, painless (p. 614)
Rectum, diarrhœa, standing agg. (p. 615)
Rectum, dysentery (p. 616)
Rectum, excoriation (p. 616)
Rectum, excoriation, must rub anus until raw (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, daytime (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, evening (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, night (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, amel. (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, odorless (p. 618)
Rectum, flatus, offensive (p. 618)
Rectum, flatus, offensive, spoiled eggs (p. 618)
Rectum, formication in anus (p. 618)
Rectum, formication in anus, sitting, while (p. 618)
Rectum, fullness (p. 618)
Rectum, hæmorrhage from anus (p. 619)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids (p. 619)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, night agg. (p. 619)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, beer agg. (p. 619)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, chronic (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, external (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, internal (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, large (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, suppressed (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, touch agg. (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, walking agg. (p. 621)
Rectum, involuntary stool (p. 621)
Rectum, itching (p. 622)
Rectum, itching, daytime (p. 622)
Rectum, itching, burning (p. 622)
Rectum, itching, scratching agg. (p. 622)
Rectum, itching, voluptuous (p. 623)
Rectum, itching, around anus (p. 623)
Rectum, itching, perineum (p. 623)
Rectum, moisture (p. 623)
Rectum, moisture, scratching (p. 623)
Rectum, pain (p. 623)
Rectum, pain, stool, during (p. 624)
Rectum, pain, stool, after (agg.) (p. 624)
Rectum, pain, burning (p. 625)
Rectum, pain, burning, night (p. 625)
Rectum, pain, burning, diarrhœa, during (p. 625)
Rectum, pain, burning, sitting, while (p. 626)
Rectum, pain, burning, stool, during (p. 626)
Rectum, pain, burning, stool, after (agg.) (p. 626)
Rectum, pain, cutting, stool, during (p. 626)
Rectum, pain, pressing (pressure) (p. 627)
Rectum, pain, pressing, downward, outward, etc. (p. 627)
Rectum, pain, pressing, stool, during (p. 627)
Rectum, pain, soreness (p. 628)
Rectum, pain, soreness, stool, diarrhœic, after (p. 628)
Rectum, pain, sticking (p. 628)
Rectum, pain, stitching (p. 628)
Rectum, pain, stitching, evening (p. 629)
Rectum, pain, stitching, lying, while (p. 629)
Rectum, pain, stitching, sitting, while (p. 629)
Rectum, pain, tenesmus (p. 630)
Rectum, pain, tenesmus, stool, before (p. 630)
Rectum, pain, tenesmus, stool, after (agg.) (p. 631)
Rectum, redness of anus (p. 632)
Rectum, urging, desire (See Tenesmus) (p. 633)
Rectum, urging, night (p. 633)
Rectum, urging, stool, before (p. 634)
Rectum, urging, stool, during (p. 634)
Rectum, urging, stool, after (p. 634)
Rectum, urging, sudden (p. 634)
Rectum, urging, sudden, morning (p. 634)
Rectum, worm, complaints (p. 634)
Rectum, worm, lumbricoides (p. 635)
Rectum, constipation (See Inactivity) (p. 606)
Rectum, constipation, difficult stool (See Inactivity) (p. 607)
Rectum, constipation, ineffectual urging and straining (p. 607)
Rectum, constipation, insufficient, incomplete, unsatisfactory stools (p. 607)
Rectum, constipation, portal stasis, from (p. 608)
Rectum, diarrhœa (p. 609)
Rectum, diarrhœa, morning (p. 609)
Rectum, diarrhœa, morning, bed, driving out of (p. 609)
Rectum, diarrhœa, morning, waking with urging (p. 610)
Rectum, diarrhœa, morning, 5 a.m. (p. 610)
Rectum, diarrhœa, night (p. 610)
Rectum, diarrhœa, night, midnight, after (p. 610)
Rectum, diarrhœa, beer, after (p. 611)
Rectum, diarrhœa, children, in (p. 611)
Rectum, diarrhœa, eruptions, suppressed, after (p. 612)
Rectum, diarrhœa, painless (p. 614)
Rectum, diarrhœa, standing agg. (p. 615)
Rectum, dysentery (p. 616)
Rectum, excoriation (p. 616)
Rectum, excoriation, must rub anus until raw (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, daytime (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, evening (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, night (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, amel. (p. 617)
Rectum, flatus, odorless (p. 618)
Rectum, flatus, offensive (p. 618)
Rectum, flatus, offensive, spoiled eggs (p. 618)
Rectum, formication in anus (p. 618)
Rectum, formication in anus, sitting, while (p. 618)
Rectum, fullness (p. 618)
Rectum, hæmorrhage from anus (p. 619)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids (p. 619)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, night agg. (p. 619)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, beer agg. (p. 619)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, chronic (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, external (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, internal (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, large (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, suppressed (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, touch agg. (p. 620)
Rectum, hæmorrhoids, walking agg. (p. 621)
Rectum, involuntary stool (p. 621)
Rectum, itching (p. 622)
Rectum, itching, daytime (p. 622)
Rectum, itching, burning (p. 622)
Rectum, itching, scratching agg. (p. 622)
Rectum, itching, voluptuous (p. 623)
Rectum, itching, around anus (p. 623)
Rectum, itching, perineum (p. 623)
Rectum, moisture (p. 623)
Rectum, moisture, scratching (p. 623)
Rectum, pain (p. 623)
Rectum, pain, stool, during (p. 624)
Rectum, pain, stool, after (agg.) (p. 624)
Rectum, pain, burning (p. 625)
Rectum, pain, burning, night (p. 625)
Rectum, pain, burning, diarrhœa, during (p. 625)
Rectum, pain, burning, sitting, while (p. 626)
Rectum, pain, burning, stool, during (p. 626)
Rectum, pain, burning, stool, after (agg.) (p. 626)
Rectum, pain, cutting, stool, during (p. 626)
Rectum, pain, pressing (pressure) (p. 627)
Rectum, pain, pressing, downward, outward, etc. (p. 627)
Rectum, pain, pressing, stool, during (p. 627)
Rectum, pain, soreness (p. 628)
Rectum, pain, soreness, stool, diarrhœic, after (p. 628)
Rectum, pain, sticking (p. 628)
Rectum, pain, stitching (p. 628)
Rectum, pain, stitching, evening (p. 629)
Rectum, pain, stitching, lying, while (p. 629)
Rectum, pain, stitching, sitting, while (p. 629)
Rectum, pain, tenesmus (p. 630)
Rectum, pain, tenesmus, stool, before (p. 630)
Rectum, pain, tenesmus, stool, after (agg.) (p. 631)
Rectum, redness of anus (p. 632)
Rectum, urging, desire (See Tenesmus) (p. 633)
Rectum, urging, night (p. 633)
Rectum, urging, stool, before (p. 634)
Rectum, urging, stool, during (p. 634)
Rectum, urging, stool, after (p. 634)
Rectum, urging, sudden (p. 634)
Rectum, urging, sudden, morning (p. 634)
Rectum, worm, complaints (p. 634)
Rectum, worm, lumbricoides (p. 635)
Stool, balls, like (See Sheep Dung) (p. 635)
Stool, frothy (p. 637)
Stool, green (p. 637)
Stool, hard (p. 638)
Stool, hard, burnt, as if (p. 638)
Stool, knotty, nodular, lumpy (p. 638)
Stool, large (p. 638)
Stool, mucous, slimy (p. 639)
Stool, odor, offensive (p. 640)
Stool, odor, sour (p. 640)
Stool, pasty, papescent (p. 641)
Stool, scanty (p. 641)
Stool, sheep dung, like (See Balls) (p. 641)
Stool, soft (p. 641)
Stool, thin, liquid (p. 642)
Stool, thin, liquid, fecal (p. 642)
Stool, tough (p. 642)
Stool, watery, Stool, watery (p. 643)
Stool, watery, morning (p. 643)
Stool, yellow, greenish (p. 644)
Stool, balls, like (See Sheep Dung) (p. 635)
Stool, frothy (p. 637)
Stool, green (p. 637)
Stool, hard (p. 638)
Stool, hard, burnt, as if (p. 638)
Stool, knotty, nodular, lumpy (p. 638)
Stool, large (p. 638)
Stool, mucous, slimy (p. 639)
Stool, odor, offensive (p. 640)
Stool, odor, sour (p. 640)
Stool, pasty, papescent (p. 641)
Stool, scanty (p. 641)
Stool, sheep dung, like (See Balls) (p. 641)
Stool, soft (p. 641)
Stool, thin, liquid (p. 642)
Stool, thin, liquid, fecal (p. 642)
Stool, tough (p. 642)
Stool, watery, Stool, watery (p. 643)
Stool, watery, morning (p. 643)
Stool, yellow, greenish (p. 644)
Bladder, catarrh muco-pus (See Urine, Sediment Purulent) (p. 645)
Bladder, paralytic weakness (p. 650)
Bladder, urging to urinate (morbid desire) (p. 652)
Bladder, urging, morning (p. 652)
Bladder, urging, morning, rising, on (p. 652)
Bladder, urging, night (p. 652)
Bladder, urging, constant (p. 653)
Bladder, urging, frequent (See Urination, Frequent) (p. 653)
Bladder, urging, sudden (p. 655)
Bladder, urging, sudden, hasten to urinate, must, or urinate will escape (p. 655)
Bladder, urination, dribbling (by drops) (p. 655)
Bladder, urination, dysuria (p. 656)
Bladder, urination, feeble stream (slow) (p. 657)
Bladder, urination, frequent (p. 657)
Bladder, urination, frequent, night (p. 658)
Bladder, urination, frequent, perspiration, during (p. 658)
Bladder, urination, involuntary, night (incontinence in bed) (p. 659)
Bladder, catarrh muco-pus (See Urine, Sediment Purulent) (p. 645)
Bladder, paralytic weakness (p. 650)
Bladder, urging to urinate (morbid desire) (p. 652)
Bladder, urging, morning (p. 652)
Bladder, urging, morning, rising, on (p. 652)
Bladder, urging, night (p. 652)
Bladder, urging, constant (p. 653)
Bladder, urging, frequent (See Urination, Frequent) (p. 653)
Bladder, urging, sudden (p. 655)
Bladder, urging, sudden, hasten to urinate, must, or urinate will escape (p. 655)
Bladder, urination, dribbling (by drops) (p. 655)
Bladder, urination, dysuria (p. 656)
Bladder, urination, feeble stream (slow) (p. 657)
Bladder, urination, frequent (p. 657)
Bladder, urination, frequent, night (p. 658)
Bladder, urination, frequent, perspiration, during (p. 658)
Bladder, urination, involuntary, night (incontinence in bed) (p. 659)
Kidneys, inflammation (p. 662)
Kidneys, inflammation (p. 662)
Prostate gland, emission, stool, difficult, with (p. 667)
Prostate gland, emission, stool, after (p. 667)
Prostate gland, emission, urination, after (p. 667)
Prostate gland, emission, stool, difficult, with (p. 667)
Prostate gland, emission, stool, after (p. 667)
Prostate gland, emission, urination, after (p. 667)
Urethra, discharge, gleety (p. 669)
Urethra, inflammation, meatus (p. 672)
Urethra, itching (p. 672)
Urethra, pain, burning (p. 674)
Urethra, pain, burning, coition, after (p. 674)
Urethra, pain, burning, discharged, when semen is (p. 674)
Urethra, pain, burning, emission, during (p. 674)
Urethra, pain, burning, urination, during (agg.) (p. 675)
Urethra, pain, burning, meatus (p. 675)
Urethra, pain, stitching (p. 677)
Urethra, pain, stitching, anterior part (p. 678)
Urethra, swelling, orifice (p. 679)
Urethra, discharge, gleety (p. 669)
Urethra, inflammation, meatus (p. 672)
Urethra, itching (p. 672)
Urethra, pain, burning (p. 674)
Urethra, pain, burning, coition, after (p. 674)
Urethra, pain, burning, discharged, when semen is (p. 674)
Urethra, pain, burning, emission, during (p. 674)
Urethra, pain, burning, urination, during (agg.) (p. 675)
Urethra, pain, burning, meatus (p. 675)
Urethra, pain, stitching (p. 677)
Urethra, pain, stitching, anterior part (p. 678)
Urethra, swelling, orifice (p. 679)
Urine, acrid (p. 680)
Urine, burning (includes hot) (p. 681)
Urine, cloudy (p. 682)
Urine, color, brown, beer, like (p. 683)
Urine, copious (increased) (p. 685)
Urine, copious, night (p. 685)
Urine, copious, night, midnight, after (p. 685)
Urine, odor offensive (p. 687)
Urine, scanty (p. 688)
Urine, scanty, perspiration, during (p. 688)
Urine, acrid (p. 680)
Urine, burning (includes hot) (p. 681)
Urine, cloudy (p. 682)
Urine, color, brown, beer, like (p. 683)
Urine, copious (increased) (p. 685)
Urine, copious, night (p. 685)
Urine, copious, night, midnight, after (p. 685)
Urine, odor offensive (p. 687)
Urine, scanty (p. 688)
Urine, scanty, perspiration, during (p. 688)
Genitalia male, empyocele (p. 694)
Genitalia male, erections, incomplete (p. 695)
Genitalia male, erections, incomplete, coition, during (p. 695)
Genitalia male, erections, wanting (impotency) (p. 696)
Genitalia male, excoriation, scrotum (p. 698)
Genitalia male, hair, falling of, offensive sweat, from (p. 698)
Genitalia male, induration, scrotum (p. 699)
Genitalia male, itching, penis, glans (p. 700)
Genitalia male, itching, scrotum (p. 701)
Genitalia male, moisture, scrotum (p. 701)
Genitalia male, perspiration, offensive (p. 708)
Genitalia male, perspiration, scrotum (p. 708)
Genitalia male, relaxed, scrotum (p. 709)
Genitalia male, seminal discharge, painful (p. 709)
Genitalia male, seminal emissions (nightly) (p. 710)
Genitalia male, empyocele (p. 694)
Genitalia male, erections, incomplete (p. 695)
Genitalia male, erections, incomplete, coition, during (p. 695)
Genitalia male, erections, wanting (impotency) (p. 696)
Genitalia male, excoriation, scrotum (p. 698)
Genitalia male, hair, falling of, offensive sweat, from (p. 698)
Genitalia male, induration, scrotum (p. 699)
Genitalia male, itching, penis, glans (p. 700)
Genitalia male, itching, scrotum (p. 701)
Genitalia male, moisture, scrotum (p. 701)
Genitalia male, perspiration, offensive (p. 708)
Genitalia male, perspiration, scrotum (p. 708)
Genitalia male, relaxed, scrotum (p. 709)
Genitalia male, seminal discharge, painful (p. 709)
Genitalia male, seminal emissions (nightly) (p. 710)
Genitalia female, itching (p. 720)
Genitalia female, leucorrhœa (p. 720)
Genitalia female, leucorrhœa, burning (p. 721)
Genitalia female, leucorrhœa, yellow (p. 723)
Genitalia female, lochia, suppressed (p. 724)
Genitalia female, menopause (p. 724)
Genitalia female, menses, absent, amenorrhœa (p. 724)
Genitalia female, menses, late (p. 727)
Genitalia female, menses, scanty (p. 728)
Genitalia female, menses, short duration (p. 728)
Genitalia female, menses, suppressed (p. 728)
Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, climacteric period (p. 730)
Genitalia female, pain, bearing down, uterus, night in bed (p. 735)
Genitalia female, pain, burning, vagina (p. 737)
Genitalia female, subinvolution (p. 744)
Genitalia female, itching (p. 720)
Genitalia female, leucorrhœa (p. 720)
Genitalia female, leucorrhœa, burning (p. 721)
Genitalia female, leucorrhœa, yellow (p. 723)
Genitalia female, lochia, suppressed (p. 724)
Genitalia female, menopause (p. 724)
Genitalia female, menses, absent, amenorrhœa (p. 724)
Genitalia female, menses, late (p. 727)
Genitalia female, menses, scanty (p. 728)
Genitalia female, menses, short duration (p. 728)
Genitalia female, menses, suppressed (p. 728)
Genitalia female, metrorrhagia, climacteric period (p. 730)
Genitalia female, pain, bearing down, uterus, night in bed (p. 735)
Genitalia female, pain, burning, vagina (p. 737)
Genitalia female, subinvolution (p. 744)
Larynx and trachea, catarrh (p. 746)
Larynx and trachea, catarrh, larynx (p. 746)
Larynx and trachea, dryness, larynx (p. 748)
Larynx and trachea, dust, as from (p. 748)
Larynx and trachea, irritation, trachea (p. 750)
Larynx and trachea, pain, rawness, larynx (p. 753)
Larynx and trachea, pain, rawness, larynx, morning (p. 753)
Larynx and trachea, pain, rawness, larynx, coughing, from (p. 753)
Larynx and trachea, pain, soreness (p. 754)
Larynx and trachea, pain, soreness, larynx (p. 754)
Larynx and trachea, scraping, clearing larynx (p. 756)
Larynx and trachea, voice, hoarseness, morning (p. 759)
Larynx and trachea, catarrh (p. 746)
Larynx and trachea, catarrh, larynx (p. 746)
Larynx and trachea, dryness, larynx (p. 748)
Larynx and trachea, dust, as from (p. 748)
Larynx and trachea, irritation, trachea (p. 750)
Larynx and trachea, pain, rawness, larynx (p. 753)
Larynx and trachea, pain, rawness, larynx, morning (p. 753)
Larynx and trachea, pain, rawness, larynx, coughing, from (p. 753)
Larynx and trachea, pain, soreness (p. 754)
Larynx and trachea, pain, soreness, larynx (p. 754)
Larynx and trachea, scraping, clearing larynx (p. 756)
Larynx and trachea, voice, hoarseness, morning (p. 759)
Respiration, accelerated (p. 762)
Respiration, asthmatic (p. 763)
Respiration, catching, stitching, in piles (p. 765)
Respiration, deep, desire to breathe (p. 766)
Respiration, difficult (p. 766)
Respiration, difficult, evening (agg.) (p. 767)
Respiration, difficult, night, during (p. 767)
Respiration, difficult, air, in open, amel. (p. 768)
Respiration, difficult, bending arm backwards, on (p. 768)
Respiration, difficult, open, wants doors and windows (p. 770)
Respiration, difficult, talking, after (p. 771)
Respiration, difficult, walking (agg.) (p. 772)
Respiration, difficult, warm, room, in a (p. 772)
Respiration, loud (p. 774)
Respiration, accelerated (p. 762)
Respiration, asthmatic (p. 763)
Respiration, catching, stitching, in piles (p. 765)
Respiration, deep, desire to breathe (p. 766)
Respiration, difficult (p. 766)
Respiration, difficult, evening (agg.) (p. 767)
Respiration, difficult, night, during (p. 767)
Respiration, difficult, air, in open, amel. (p. 768)
Respiration, difficult, bending arm backwards, on (p. 768)
Respiration, difficult, open, wants doors and windows (p. 770)
Respiration, difficult, talking, after (p. 771)
Respiration, difficult, walking (agg.) (p. 772)
Respiration, difficult, warm, room, in a (p. 772)
Respiration, loud (p. 774)
Cough, morning (agg.) (p. 778)
Cough, evening, bed, in (p. 780)
Cough, night (p. 780)
Cough, night, waking from the cough (p. 780)
Cough, dry (p. 786)
Cough, dry, evening (p. 787)
Cough, dry, evening, lying down (agg.) (p. 787)
Cough, dry, night (p. 787)
Cough, dry, night, loose by day (p. 787)
Cough, dry, night, lying agg. (p. 787)
Cough, dry, night, waking from sleep (p. 788)
Cough, dry, waking, on (p. 789)
Cough, dust, as from (p. 790)
Cough, irritation in air passages, from, larynx in, from (p. 794)
Cough, irritation in air passages, from, trachea, in, from (p. 795)
Cough, loose, morning (p. 796)
Cough, lying, bed, agg. (p. 797)
Cough, racking (p. 801)
Cough, rawness in larynx excites (p. 801)
Cough, sleep, before (p. 804)
Cough, sleep, disturbing (p. 804)
Cough, sleep, going to, on (p. 804)
Cough, sleep, wakens from (p. 804)
Cough, suffocative (p. 806)
Cough, morning (agg.) (p. 778)
Cough, evening, bed, in (p. 780)
Cough, night (p. 780)
Cough, night, waking from the cough (p. 780)
Cough, dry (p. 786)
Cough, dry, evening (p. 787)
Cough, dry, evening, lying down (agg.) (p. 787)
Cough, dry, night (p. 787)
Cough, dry, night, loose by day (p. 787)
Cough, dry, night, lying agg. (p. 787)
Cough, dry, night, waking from sleep (p. 788)
Cough, dry, waking, on (p. 789)
Cough, dust, as from (p. 790)
Cough, irritation in air passages, from, larynx in, from (p. 794)
Cough, irritation in air passages, from, trachea, in, from (p. 795)
Cough, loose, morning (p. 796)
Cough, lying, bed, agg. (p. 797)
Cough, racking (p. 801)
Cough, rawness in larynx excites (p. 801)
Cough, sleep, before (p. 804)
Cough, sleep, disturbing (p. 804)
Cough, sleep, going to, on (p. 804)
Cough, sleep, wakens from (p. 804)
Cough, suffocative (p. 806)
Expectoration, daytime only (p. 812)
Expectoration, morning (p. 812)
Expectoration, bloody, spitting of blood (See Chest Hæmorrhage) (p. 813)
Expectoration, greenish (p. 816)
Expectoration, mucous, morning (p. 817)
Expectoration, daytime only (p. 812)
Expectoration, morning (p. 812)
Expectoration, bloody, spitting of blood (See Chest Hæmorrhage) (p. 813)
Expectoration, greenish (p. 816)
Expectoration, mucous, morning (p. 817)
Chest, abscess, mammæ (p. 822)
Chest, catarrh (p. 824)
Chest, coldness (p. 824)
Chest, congestion (hyperæmia of chest) (p. 825)
Chest, constriction, tension, tightness (p. 826)
Chest, empyema (p. 830)
Chest, eruptions (p. 830)
Chest, eruptions, boils (p. 830)
Chest, eruptions, eczema (p. 830)
Chest, fullness, menses, before (p. 833)
Chest, fullness, heart (p. 833)
Chest, heat (p. 834)
Chest, heat, flushes (See Congestion) (p. 834)
Chest, heat, flushes, rising to face (p. 834)
Chest, hepatization of lungs (p. 834)
Chest, inflammation, heart, pericardium (p. 835)
Chest, inflammation, lungs (p. 835)
Chest, inflammation, lungs, neglected (p. 836)
Chest, inflammation, lungs, typhoid (p. 836)
Chest, inflammation, mammæ (p. 836)
Chest, inflammation, pleura (p. 836)
Chest, inflammation, pleura, neglected (p. 836)
Chest, itching (p. 836)
Chest, itching, axilla (p. 837)
Chest, oppression (p. 838)
Chest, oppression, bending, arm backward (p. 839)
Chest, oppression, coughing, when (p. 839)
Chest, orgasm of blood (See Heat flushes) (p. 841)
Chest, pain, cough, during (p. 842)
Chest, pain, inflammation of lungs, after (p. 843)
Chest, pain, sides (p. 846)
Chest, pain, sides, cough, during (p. 847)
Chest, pain, lungs, left, above nipple (p. 848)
Chest, pain, heart, extending, to, back (p. 850)
Chest, pain, burning, extending to face (p. 853)
Chest, pain, burning, extending, upward (p. 853)
Chest, pain, burning, mammæ, nipples (p. 853)
Chest, pain, cutting, heart (p. 856)
Chest, pain, pressing (p. 858)
Chest, pain, stitching (p. 863)
Chest, pain, stitching, extending to back (p. 865)
Chest, pain, stitching, clavicle, under, extending, to scapula (p. 866)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, right, extending, to scapula (p. 868)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, left (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, left, inspiration (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, left, extending, to, back (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, left, extending, to, scapula (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, inspiration (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, extending, scapula, to (p. 870)
Chest, pain, stitching, heart (p. 871)
Chest, pain, stitching, heart, extending, to, scapula, left (p. 872)
Chest, palpitation heart (p. 873)
Chest, palpitation heart, night, bed, in (p. 874)
Chest, palpitation heart, anxiety (p. 874)
Chest, palpitation heart, ascending steps (p. 874)
Chest, palpitation heart, lying, while (agg.) (p. 875)
Chest, palpitation heart, motion, arms, of, agg. (p. 876)
Chest, palpitation heart, sleep, on going to (p. 876)
Chest, palpitation heart, turning in bed (p. 877)
Chest, perspiration, axilla (p. 878)
Chest, perspiration, axilla, offensive (p. 878)
Chest, perspiration, axilla, garlic, like (p. 878)
Chest, phthisis pulmonalis (p. 878)
Chest, pulsation, night, on waking (p. 879)
Chest, warmth, sensation of (p. 882)
Chest, weakness, talking, loud (p. 882)
Chest, abscess, mammæ (p. 822)
Chest, catarrh (p. 824)
Chest, coldness (p. 824)
Chest, congestion (hyperæmia of chest) (p. 825)
Chest, constriction, tension, tightness (p. 826)
Chest, empyema (p. 830)
Chest, eruptions (p. 830)
Chest, eruptions, boils (p. 830)
Chest, eruptions, eczema (p. 830)
Chest, fullness, menses, before (p. 833)
Chest, fullness, heart (p. 833)
Chest, heat (p. 834)
Chest, heat, flushes (See Congestion) (p. 834)
Chest, heat, flushes, rising to face (p. 834)
Chest, hepatization of lungs (p. 834)
Chest, inflammation, heart, pericardium (p. 835)
Chest, inflammation, lungs (p. 835)
Chest, inflammation, lungs, neglected (p. 836)
Chest, inflammation, lungs, typhoid (p. 836)
Chest, inflammation, mammæ (p. 836)
Chest, inflammation, pleura (p. 836)
Chest, inflammation, pleura, neglected (p. 836)
Chest, itching (p. 836)
Chest, itching, axilla (p. 837)
Chest, oppression (p. 838)
Chest, oppression, bending, arm backward (p. 839)
Chest, oppression, coughing, when (p. 839)
Chest, orgasm of blood (See Heat flushes) (p. 841)
Chest, pain, cough, during (p. 842)
Chest, pain, inflammation of lungs, after (p. 843)
Chest, pain, sides (p. 846)
Chest, pain, sides, cough, during (p. 847)
Chest, pain, lungs, left, above nipple (p. 848)
Chest, pain, heart, extending, to, back (p. 850)
Chest, pain, burning, extending to face (p. 853)
Chest, pain, burning, extending, upward (p. 853)
Chest, pain, burning, mammæ, nipples (p. 853)
Chest, pain, cutting, heart (p. 856)
Chest, pain, pressing (p. 858)
Chest, pain, stitching (p. 863)
Chest, pain, stitching, extending to back (p. 865)
Chest, pain, stitching, clavicle, under, extending, to scapula (p. 866)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, right, extending, to scapula (p. 868)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, left (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, left, inspiration (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, left, extending, to, back (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, left, extending, to, scapula (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, inspiration (p. 869)
Chest, pain, stitching, sides, extending, scapula, to (p. 870)
Chest, pain, stitching, heart (p. 871)
Chest, pain, stitching, heart, extending, to, scapula, left (p. 872)
Chest, palpitation heart (p. 873)
Chest, palpitation heart, night, bed, in (p. 874)
Chest, palpitation heart, anxiety (p. 874)
Chest, palpitation heart, ascending steps (p. 874)
Chest, palpitation heart, lying, while (agg.) (p. 875)
Chest, palpitation heart, motion, arms, of, agg. (p. 876)
Chest, palpitation heart, sleep, on going to (p. 876)
Chest, palpitation heart, turning in bed (p. 877)
Chest, perspiration, axilla (p. 878)
Chest, perspiration, axilla, offensive (p. 878)
Chest, perspiration, axilla, garlic, like (p. 878)
Chest, phthisis pulmonalis (p. 878)
Chest, pulsation, night, on waking (p. 879)
Chest, warmth, sensation of (p. 882)
Chest, weakness, talking, loud (p. 882)
Back, coldness (including Chill) (p. 884)
Back, coldness, evening (p. 885)
Back, coldness, extending, up the back (p. 885)
Back, coldness, sacral region, extending upwards (p. 886)
Back, curvature of spine (p. 887)
Back, eruptions (p. 887)
Back, eruptions, boils, cervical region (p. 887)
Back, eruptions, rash, cervical region, heat (p. 889)
Back, fistulæ (p. 889)
Back, itching (p. 892)
Back, itching, cervical region (p. 892)
Back, pain (p. 894)
Back, pain, night (p. 894)
Back, pain, menses, during (p. 896)
Back, pain, motion, on (agg.) (p. 896)
Back, pain, rising from sitting (See Straightening Up) (p. 897)
Back, pain, sitting, erect (p. 897)
Back, pain, sitting, bent, has to sit (p. 898)
Back, pain, standing, while (agg.) (p. 898)
Back, pain, cervical region, coughing (p. 900)
Back, pain, dorsal region (p. 901)
Back, pain, lumbar region (p. 905)
Back, pain, lumbar region, evening (p. 905)
Back, pain, lumbar region, on the side, left agg. (p. 906)
Back, pain, lumbar region, menses, during (p. 906)
Back, pain, lumbar region, motion, during (agg.) (p. 906)
Back, pain, lumbar region, rising from a seat (agg.) (p. 907)
Back, pain, lumbar region, stooping (agg.) (p. 908)
Back, pain, sacral region, rising from sitting (p. 911)
Back, pain, sacral region, extending, to groin (p. 911)
Back, pain, sacral region, extending, to groin, during menses (p. 911)
Back, pain, aching, night (p. 914)
Back, pain, aching, lumbar region (p. 916)
Back, pain, aching, lumbar region, menses, during (p. 917)
Back, pain, aching, lumbar region, stooping, when (agg.) (p. 917)
Back, pain, burning (p. 919)
Back, pain, pressing, lumbar region (p. 931)
Back, pain, pressing, lumbar region, menses, during (p. 931)
Back, pain, pressing, lumbar region, extending, groin (p. 931)
Back, pain, sore, bruised, beaten (p. 932)
Back, pain, sore, rising after sitting (p. 932)
Back, pain, sore, lumbar region (p. 933)
Back, pain, sore, lumbar region, night (p. 933)
Back, pain, sore, coccyx (p. 934)
Back, pain, sore, coccyx, rising from a seat (p. 934)
Back, pain, sore, cervical region (p. 935)
Back, pain, stitching, dorsal region, scapulæ, under (p. 939)
Back, pain, stitching, lumbar region (p. 939)
Back, perspiration, cervical region (p. 944)
Back, stiffness (p. 946)
Back, tension, lumbar region, stooping (p. 949)
Back, weakness (tired feeling, in spine) (p. 950)
Back, weakness, sitting, while (p. 950)
Back, weakness, walking, while (agg.) (p. 950)
Back, weakness, lumbar region (p. 950)
Back, weakness, lumbar region, standing (p. 951)
Back, coldness (including Chill) (p. 884)
Back, coldness, evening (p. 885)
Back, coldness, extending, up the back (p. 885)
Back, coldness, sacral region, extending upwards (p. 886)
Back, curvature of spine (p. 887)
Back, eruptions (p. 887)
Back, eruptions, boils, cervical region (p. 887)
Back, eruptions, rash, cervical region, heat (p. 889)
Back, fistulæ (p. 889)
Back, itching (p. 892)
Back, itching, cervical region (p. 892)
Back, pain (p. 894)
Back, pain, night (p. 894)
Back, pain, menses, during (p. 896)
Back, pain, motion, on (agg.) (p. 896)
Back, pain, rising from sitting (See Straightening Up) (p. 897)
Back, pain, sitting, erect (p. 897)
Back, pain, sitting, bent, has to sit (p. 898)
Back, pain, standing, while (agg.) (p. 898)
Back, pain, cervical region, coughing (p. 900)
Back, pain, dorsal region (p. 901)
Back, pain, lumbar region (p. 905)
Back, pain, lumbar region, evening (p. 905)
Back, pain, lumbar region, on the side, left agg. (p. 906)
Back, pain, lumbar region, menses, during (p. 906)
Back, pain, lumbar region, motion, during (agg.) (p. 906)
Back, pain, lumbar region, rising from a seat (agg.) (p. 907)
Back, pain, lumbar region, stooping (agg.) (p. 908)
Back, pain, sacral region, rising from sitting (p. 911)
Back, pain, sacral region, extending, to groin (p. 911)
Back, pain, sacral region, extending, to groin, during menses (p. 911)
Back, pain, aching, night (p. 914)
Back, pain, aching, lumbar region (p. 916)
Back, pain, aching, lumbar region, menses, during (p. 917)
Back, pain, aching, lumbar region, stooping, when (agg.) (p. 917)
Back, pain, burning (p. 919)
Back, pain, pressing, lumbar region (p. 931)
Back, pain, pressing, lumbar region, menses, during (p. 931)
Back, pain, pressing, lumbar region, extending, groin (p. 931)
Back, pain, sore, bruised, beaten (p. 932)
Back, pain, sore, rising after sitting (p. 932)
Back, pain, sore, lumbar region (p. 933)
Back, pain, sore, lumbar region, night (p. 933)
Back, pain, sore, coccyx (p. 934)
Back, pain, sore, coccyx, rising from a seat (p. 934)
Back, pain, sore, cervical region (p. 935)
Back, pain, stitching, dorsal region, scapulæ, under (p. 939)
Back, pain, stitching, lumbar region (p. 939)
Back, perspiration, cervical region (p. 944)
Back, stiffness (p. 946)
Back, tension, lumbar region, stooping (p. 949)
Back, weakness (tired feeling, in spine) (p. 950)
Back, weakness, sitting, while (p. 950)
Back, weakness, walking, while (agg.) (p. 950)
Back, weakness, lumbar region (p. 950)
Back, weakness, lumbar region, standing (p. 951)
Extremities, blood, rush of, to arms (p. 953)
Extremities, blood, rush of, legs (p. 954)
Extremities, callosities, horny, on hands (p. 954)
Extremities, carbuncles (p. 954)
Extremities, chapped hand (See Roughness) (p. 955)
Extremities, chapped hand, working in water (p. 955)
Extremities, coldness, hands (p. 958)
Extremities, coldness, foot (p. 962)
Extremities, corns, inflamed (p. 969)
Extremities, corns, painful (p. 969)
Extremities, corns, pressing (p. 969)
Extremities, corns, stinging (p. 970)
Extremities, corns, tearing (p. 970)
Extremities, cracks skin, hands (See Chapping) (p. 970)
Extremities, cracks skin, hands, wetting, from (p. 970)
Extremities, cracks skin, hands, winter, in (p. 970)
Extremities, cracking, knee (p. 971)
Extremities, cramps (p. 971)
Extremities, cramps, thigh (p. 974)
Extremities, cramps, leg (p. 974)
Extremities, cramps, calf (p. 975)
Extremities, cramps, calf, night (p. 975)
Extremities, cramps, calf, bed, in (p. 975)
Extremities, cramps, calf, cholera, in (p. 975)
Extremities, cramps, calf, walking, on (p. 976)
Extremities, cramps, foot, sole (p. 977)
Extremities, cramps, foot, sole, night (p. 977)
Extremities, cramps, foot, sole, night, cholera, in (p. 977)
Extremities, drawing up limbs, amel. (p. 984)
Extremities, dryness, hands (p. 984)
Extremities, emaciation (p. 985)
Extremities, eruption (p. 986)
Extremities, eruption, boils (p. 986)
Extremities, eruption, pustules (p. 987)
Extremities, eruption, upper limbs (p. 987)
Extremities, eruption, upper limbs, pustules (p. 989)
Extremities, eruption, upper limbs, urticaria (p. 989)
Extremities, eruption, hand, pustules (p. 993)
Extremities, eruption, hand, pustules, itching (p. 993)
Extremities, eruption, hand, pustules, red, evening (p. 993)
Extremities, eruption, hand, urticaria (p. 994)
Extremities, eruption, hand, back of (p. 994)
Extremities, eruption, hand, back of, itching (p. 994)
Extremities, eruption, hand, back of, vesicles (p. 995)
Extremities, eruption, hand, between the fingers, itching (p. 995)
Extremities, eruption, hand, between the fingers, vesicles (p. 995)
Extremities, eruption, hand, between the fingers, vesicles, itching (p. 995)
Extremities, eruption, hand, between index finger and thumb, vesicles (p. 996)
Extremities, eruption, lower limbs (p. 997)
Extremities, eruption, lower limbs, vesicles (p. 998)
Extremities, eruption, thigh, rash (p. 1000)
Extremities, eruption, leg, eczema (p. 1001)
Extremities, eruption, leg, pustules (p. 1002)
Extremities, eruption, leg, scabs (p. 1002)
Extremities, eruption, leg, urticaria (p. 1002)
Extremities, eruption, foot, herpes (p. 1003)
Extremities, excoriation, thighs, between (p. 1004)
Extremities, hang-nails (p. 1009)
Extremities, hardness, skin of hands (See Callosities) (p. 1010)
Extremities, heat, wrist (p. 1010)
Extremities, heat, hand (p. 1010)
Extremities, heat, hand, flushes, in (p. 1011)
Extremities, heat, hand, palm (p. 1011)
Extremities, heat, foot (p. 1012)
Extremities, heat, foot, night (p. 1012)
Extremities, heat, foot, bed, in (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, burning (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, burning, uncovers them (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, flushes (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, sole (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, sole, fever, during (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, sole, uncovers them (p. 1013)
Extremities, heaviness, lower limbs (p. 1015)
Extremities, heaviness, foot (p. 1017)
Extremities, inflammation, foot (p. 1019)
Extremities, itching (p. 1019)
Extremities, itching, burning on scratching (p. 1020)
Extremities, itching, scratching agg. (p. 1020)
Extremities, itching, upper limbs (p. 1020)
Extremities, itching, upper limbs, bed, in (p. 1020)
Extremities, itching, upper limbs, scratching agg. (p. 1021)
Extremities, itching, wrist, scratching agg. (p. 1022)
Extremities, itching, hand (p. 1022)
Extremities, itching, hand, scratching agg. (p. 1022)
Extremities, itching, hand, back of (p. 1022)
Extremities, itching, hand, back of, evening (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, hand, between fingers (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, hand, between fingers, morning (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, palm (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, palm, burning, rubbing, after (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, fingers (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, lower limbs (p. 1024)
Extremities, itching, lower limbs, heat, after (p. 1025)
Extremities, itching, nates (p. 1025)
Extremities, itching, thigh (p. 1025)
Extremities, itching, thigh, night (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, knee (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, knee, bend of (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, leg (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, leg, night (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, foot (p. 1027)
Extremities, itching, foot, sole of, walking, while (p. 1028)
Extremities, itching, toes (p. 1028)
Extremities, jerking, upper limbs (p. 1029)
Extremities, jerking, lower limbs (p. 1030)
Extremities, lameness, lower limbs (p. 1032)
Extremities, mouse, sensation of, running, upper limbs, before epilepsy (p. 1035)
Extremities, mouse, sensation of, running, lower limbs (p. 1035)
Extremities, pain (p. 1043)
Extremities, pain, rheumatic (p. 1045)
Extremities, pain, joints, gouty (p. 1047)
Extremities, pain, shoulder (p. 1051)
Extremities, pain, shoulder, left (p. 1052)
Extremities, pain, shoulder, rheumatic (p. 1053)
Extremities, pain, wrist (p. 1057)
Extremities, pain, nates (p. 1067)
Extremities, pain, knee, rising from a seat (p. 1073)
Extremities, pain, burning, wrist, extending, to little finger (p. 1093)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand (p. 1093)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand, evening (p. 1093)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand, back of, evening (p. 1093)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand, palm (p. 1094)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand, palm, rubbing, after (p. 1094)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot (p. 1096)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, evening, in bed (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, night (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, night, bed, in (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, warmth of bed, from (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole, night (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole, bed, in (agg.) (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole, walking, while (agg.) (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole, walking, after long sitting (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, drawing (p. 1100)
Extremities, pain, drawing, evening (p. 1100)
Extremities, pain, drawing, thigh (p. 1109)
Extremities, pain, pressing, shoulder (p. 1118)
Extremities, pain, pressing, knee (p. 1121)
Extremities, pain, sore, bruised (p. 1125)
Extremities, pain, sprained, joint (p. 1135)
Extremities, pain, stitching, joints (p. 1138)
Extremities, pain, stitching, hand, palm (p. 1143)
Extremities, pain, stitching, fingers, tips of (p. 1143)
Extremities, pain, stitching, knee (p. 1148)
Extremities, pain, stitching, leg, tibia (p. 1151)
Extremities, pain, tearing, joints (p. 1156)
Extremities, pain, tearing, upper limbs (p. 1157)
Extremities, pain, tearing, upper limbs, right (p. 1157)
Extremities, pain, tearing, shoulder (p. 1158)
Extremities, pain, tearing, elbow (p. 1160)
Extremities, pain, tearing, elbow, motion, amel. (p. 1161)
Extremities, pain, tearing, fingers (p. 1164)
Extremities, pain, tearing, knee, night, bed, in (p. 1169)
Extremities, pain, tearing, knee, bed, in (p. 1169)
Extremities, pain, tearing, leg (p. 1171)
Extremities, pain, tearing, leg, sitting, while (p. 1171)
Extremities, pain, tearing, leg, walking, while (agg.) (p. 1171)
Extremities, paralysis (p. 1176)
Extremities, paralysis, upper limbs, right (p. 1177)
Extremities, perspiration, hand, ophthalmia (p. 1182)
Extremities, perspiration, hand, palm (p. 1182)
Extremities, perspiration, foot (p. 1183)
Extremities, restlessness, feet, beer, after (p. 1188)
Extremities, restlessness, feet, heat, after (p. 1188)
Extremities, restlessness, feet, lying, while (p. 1188)
Extremities, stiffness (p. 1191)
Extremities, stiffness, joints (p. 1191)
Extremities, stiffness, knee (p. 1194)
Extremities, stiffness, knee, rising from a seat (p. 1195)
Extremities, stiffness, knee, sitting, after (p. 1195)
Extremities, stiffness, ankle (p. 1195)
Extremities, swelling, joints (p. 1196)
Extremities, swelling, lower limbs (p. 1199)
Extremities, swelling, knee, right (p. 1200)
Extremities, swelling, knee, dropsical (p. 1200)
Extremities, swelling, knee, scrofulous (p. 1200)
Extremities, tension, knee, hollow of (p. 1205)
Extremities, tension, knee, hollow of, walking, while (p. 1205)
Extremities, trembling, hand (p. 1212)
Extremities, trembling, hand, writing, while (p. 1213)
Extremities, ulcers, nails (p. 1220)
Extremities, ulcers, fingers, nails (p. 1220)
Extremities, ulcers, lower limbs, deep (p. 1221)
Extremities, ulcers, foot, blisters, from (p. 1222)
Extremities, ulcers, toes, nail (p. 1222)
Extremities, uncover, inclination to, feet (p. 1222)
Extremities, varices, lower limbs, painful agg. by warmth (p. 1223)
Extremities, warts, hand (p. 1223)
Extremities, weakness, joints (p. 1225)
Extremities, blood, rush of, to arms (p. 953)
Extremities, blood, rush of, legs (p. 954)
Extremities, callosities, horny, on hands (p. 954)
Extremities, carbuncles (p. 954)
Extremities, chapped hand (See Roughness) (p. 955)
Extremities, chapped hand, working in water (p. 955)
Extremities, coldness, hands (p. 958)
Extremities, coldness, foot (p. 962)
Extremities, corns, inflamed (p. 969)
Extremities, corns, painful (p. 969)
Extremities, corns, pressing (p. 969)
Extremities, corns, stinging (p. 970)
Extremities, corns, tearing (p. 970)
Extremities, cracks skin, hands (See Chapping) (p. 970)
Extremities, cracks skin, hands, wetting, from (p. 970)
Extremities, cracks skin, hands, winter, in (p. 970)
Extremities, cracking, knee (p. 971)
Extremities, cramps (p. 971)
Extremities, cramps, thigh (p. 974)
Extremities, cramps, leg (p. 974)
Extremities, cramps, calf (p. 975)
Extremities, cramps, calf, night (p. 975)
Extremities, cramps, calf, bed, in (p. 975)
Extremities, cramps, calf, cholera, in (p. 975)
Extremities, cramps, calf, walking, on (p. 976)
Extremities, cramps, foot, sole (p. 977)
Extremities, cramps, foot, sole, night (p. 977)
Extremities, cramps, foot, sole, night, cholera, in (p. 977)
Extremities, drawing up limbs, amel. (p. 984)
Extremities, dryness, hands (p. 984)
Extremities, emaciation (p. 985)
Extremities, eruption (p. 986)
Extremities, eruption, boils (p. 986)
Extremities, eruption, pustules (p. 987)
Extremities, eruption, upper limbs (p. 987)
Extremities, eruption, upper limbs, pustules (p. 989)
Extremities, eruption, upper limbs, urticaria (p. 989)
Extremities, eruption, hand, pustules (p. 993)
Extremities, eruption, hand, pustules, itching (p. 993)
Extremities, eruption, hand, pustules, red, evening (p. 993)
Extremities, eruption, hand, urticaria (p. 994)
Extremities, eruption, hand, back of (p. 994)
Extremities, eruption, hand, back of, itching (p. 994)
Extremities, eruption, hand, back of, vesicles (p. 995)
Extremities, eruption, hand, between the fingers, itching (p. 995)
Extremities, eruption, hand, between the fingers, vesicles (p. 995)
Extremities, eruption, hand, between the fingers, vesicles, itching (p. 995)
Extremities, eruption, hand, between index finger and thumb, vesicles (p. 996)
Extremities, eruption, lower limbs (p. 997)
Extremities, eruption, lower limbs, vesicles (p. 998)
Extremities, eruption, thigh, rash (p. 1000)
Extremities, eruption, leg, eczema (p. 1001)
Extremities, eruption, leg, pustules (p. 1002)
Extremities, eruption, leg, scabs (p. 1002)
Extremities, eruption, leg, urticaria (p. 1002)
Extremities, eruption, foot, herpes (p. 1003)
Extremities, excoriation, thighs, between (p. 1004)
Extremities, hang-nails (p. 1009)
Extremities, hardness, skin of hands (See Callosities) (p. 1010)
Extremities, heat, wrist (p. 1010)
Extremities, heat, hand (p. 1010)
Extremities, heat, hand, flushes, in (p. 1011)
Extremities, heat, hand, palm (p. 1011)
Extremities, heat, foot (p. 1012)
Extremities, heat, foot, night (p. 1012)
Extremities, heat, foot, bed, in (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, burning (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, burning, uncovers them (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, flushes (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, sole (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, sole, fever, during (p. 1013)
Extremities, heat, foot, sole, uncovers them (p. 1013)
Extremities, heaviness, lower limbs (p. 1015)
Extremities, heaviness, foot (p. 1017)
Extremities, inflammation, foot (p. 1019)
Extremities, itching (p. 1019)
Extremities, itching, burning on scratching (p. 1020)
Extremities, itching, scratching agg. (p. 1020)
Extremities, itching, upper limbs (p. 1020)
Extremities, itching, upper limbs, bed, in (p. 1020)
Extremities, itching, upper limbs, scratching agg. (p. 1021)
Extremities, itching, wrist, scratching agg. (p. 1022)
Extremities, itching, hand (p. 1022)
Extremities, itching, hand, scratching agg. (p. 1022)
Extremities, itching, hand, back of (p. 1022)
Extremities, itching, hand, back of, evening (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, hand, between fingers (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, hand, between fingers, morning (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, palm (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, palm, burning, rubbing, after (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, fingers (p. 1023)
Extremities, itching, lower limbs (p. 1024)
Extremities, itching, lower limbs, heat, after (p. 1025)
Extremities, itching, nates (p. 1025)
Extremities, itching, thigh (p. 1025)
Extremities, itching, thigh, night (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, knee (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, knee, bend of (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, leg (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, leg, night (p. 1026)
Extremities, itching, foot (p. 1027)
Extremities, itching, foot, sole of, walking, while (p. 1028)
Extremities, itching, toes (p. 1028)
Extremities, jerking, upper limbs (p. 1029)
Extremities, jerking, lower limbs (p. 1030)
Extremities, lameness, lower limbs (p. 1032)
Extremities, mouse, sensation of, running, upper limbs, before epilepsy (p. 1035)
Extremities, mouse, sensation of, running, lower limbs (p. 1035)
Extremities, pain (p. 1043)
Extremities, pain, rheumatic (p. 1045)
Extremities, pain, joints, gouty (p. 1047)
Extremities, pain, shoulder (p. 1051)
Extremities, pain, shoulder, left (p. 1052)
Extremities, pain, shoulder, rheumatic (p. 1053)
Extremities, pain, wrist (p. 1057)
Extremities, pain, nates (p. 1067)
Extremities, pain, knee, rising from a seat (p. 1073)
Extremities, pain, burning, wrist, extending, to little finger (p. 1093)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand (p. 1093)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand, evening (p. 1093)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand, back of, evening (p. 1093)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand, palm (p. 1094)
Extremities, pain, burning, hand, palm, rubbing, after (p. 1094)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot (p. 1096)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, evening, in bed (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, night (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, night, bed, in (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, warmth of bed, from (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole, night (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole, bed, in (agg.) (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole, walking, while (agg.) (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, burning, foot, sole, walking, after long sitting (p. 1097)
Extremities, pain, drawing (p. 1100)
Extremities, pain, drawing, evening (p. 1100)
Extremities, pain, drawing, thigh (p. 1109)
Extremities, pain, pressing, shoulder (p. 1118)
Extremities, pain, pressing, knee (p. 1121)
Extremities, pain, sore, bruised (p. 1125)
Extremities, pain, sprained, joint (p. 1135)
Extremities, pain, stitching, joints (p. 1138)
Extremities, pain, stitching, hand, palm (p. 1143)
Extremities, pain, stitching, fingers, tips of (p. 1143)
Extremities, pain, stitching, knee (p. 1148)
Extremities, pain, stitching, leg, tibia (p. 1151)
Extremities, pain, tearing, joints (p. 1156)
Extremities, pain, tearing, upper limbs (p. 1157)
Extremities, pain, tearing, upper limbs, right (p. 1157)
Extremities, pain, tearing, shoulder (p. 1158)
Extremities, pain, tearing, elbow (p. 1160)
Extremities, pain, tearing, elbow, motion, amel. (p. 1161)
Extremities, pain, tearing, fingers (p. 1164)
Extremities, pain, tearing, knee, night, bed, in (p. 1169)
Extremities, pain, tearing, knee, bed, in (p. 1169)
Extremities, pain, tearing, leg (p. 1171)
Extremities, pain, tearing, leg, sitting, while (p. 1171)
Extremities, pain, tearing, leg, walking, while (agg.) (p. 1171)
Extremities, paralysis (p. 1176)
Extremities, paralysis, upper limbs, right (p. 1177)
Extremities, perspiration, hand, ophthalmia (p. 1182)
Extremities, perspiration, hand, palm (p. 1182)
Extremities, perspiration, foot (p. 1183)
Extremities, restlessness, feet, beer, after (p. 1188)
Extremities, restlessness, feet, heat, after (p. 1188)
Extremities, restlessness, feet, lying, while (p. 1188)
Extremities, stiffness (p. 1191)
Extremities, stiffness, joints (p. 1191)
Extremities, stiffness, knee (p. 1194)
Extremities, stiffness, knee, rising from a seat (p. 1195)
Extremities, stiffness, knee, sitting, after (p. 1195)
Extremities, stiffness, ankle (p. 1195)
Extremities, swelling, joints (p. 1196)
Extremities, swelling, lower limbs (p. 1199)
Extremities, swelling, knee, right (p. 1200)
Extremities, swelling, knee, dropsical (p. 1200)
Extremities, swelling, knee, scrofulous (p. 1200)
Extremities, tension, knee, hollow of (p. 1205)
Extremities, tension, knee, hollow of, walking, while (p. 1205)
Extremities, trembling, hand (p. 1212)
Extremities, trembling, hand, writing, while (p. 1213)
Extremities, ulcers, nails (p. 1220)
Extremities, ulcers, fingers, nails (p. 1220)
Extremities, ulcers, lower limbs, deep (p. 1221)
Extremities, ulcers, foot, blisters, from (p. 1222)
Extremities, ulcers, toes, nail (p. 1222)
Extremities, uncover, inclination to, feet (p. 1222)
Extremities, varices, lower limbs, painful agg. by warmth (p. 1223)
Extremities, warts, hand (p. 1223)
Extremities, weakness, joints (p. 1225)
Sleep, disturbed (p. 1235)
Sleep, dreams, anxious (p. 1236)
Sleep, dreams, nightmare (p. 1242)
Sleep, dreams, nightmare, lying on the back (p. 1242)
Sleep, dreams, unpleasant (p. 1243)
Sleep, dreams, vexatious (p. 1244)
Sleep, dreams, vivid (p. 1244)
Sleep, restless (p. 1247)
Sleep, sleepiness (p. 1248)
Sleep, sleepiness, morning (p. 1248)
Sleep, sleepiness, afternoon (p. 1249)
Sleep, sleeplessness (p. 1251)
Sleep, sleeplessness, evening (p. 1252)
Sleep, sleeplessness, night, midnight, before (p. 1252)
Sleep, sleeplessness, night, after 3 a.m. (p. 1253)
Sleep, sleeplessness, night, after 4 a.m. (p. 1253)
Sleep, sleeplessness, night, after 5 a.m. (p. 1253)
Sleep, unrefreshing, morning (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, 3 a.m. (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, 5 a.m., with urging to stool (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, cough, from (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, dreams, from (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, early (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, frequent (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, frequent, midnight, after (p. 1256)
Sleep, waking, fright, as from (p. 1256)
Sleep, waking, late (p. 1256)
Sleep, yawning, frequent (p. 1257)
Sleep, disturbed (p. 1235)
Sleep, dreams, anxious (p. 1236)
Sleep, dreams, nightmare (p. 1242)
Sleep, dreams, nightmare, lying on the back (p. 1242)
Sleep, dreams, unpleasant (p. 1243)
Sleep, dreams, vexatious (p. 1244)
Sleep, dreams, vivid (p. 1244)
Sleep, restless (p. 1247)
Sleep, sleepiness (p. 1248)
Sleep, sleepiness, morning (p. 1248)
Sleep, sleepiness, afternoon (p. 1249)
Sleep, sleeplessness (p. 1251)
Sleep, sleeplessness, evening (p. 1252)
Sleep, sleeplessness, night, midnight, before (p. 1252)
Sleep, sleeplessness, night, after 3 a.m. (p. 1253)
Sleep, sleeplessness, night, after 4 a.m. (p. 1253)
Sleep, sleeplessness, night, after 5 a.m. (p. 1253)
Sleep, unrefreshing, morning (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, 3 a.m. (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, 5 a.m., with urging to stool (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, cough, from (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, dreams, from (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, early (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, frequent (p. 1255)
Sleep, waking, frequent, midnight, after (p. 1256)
Sleep, waking, fright, as from (p. 1256)
Sleep, waking, late (p. 1256)
Sleep, yawning, frequent (p. 1257)
Chill, forenoon (p. 1260)
Chill, evening (p. 1260)
Chill, night (p. 1261)
Chill, ascending (See Coldness, Back) (p. 1262)
Chill, bed in (agg.) (p. 1263)
Chill, chilliness (See Generalities, Cold) (p. 1264)
Chill, chilliness, menses, during (p. 1265)
Chill, internal (p. 1268)
Chill, menses, during (p. 1269)
Chill, predominating, noon (p. 1270)
Chill, shaking, shivering, rigors (p. 1270)
Chill, warm, weather, in (p. 1276)
Chill, forenoon (p. 1260)
Chill, evening (p. 1260)
Chill, night (p. 1261)
Chill, ascending (See Coldness, Back) (p. 1262)
Chill, bed in (agg.) (p. 1263)
Chill, chilliness (See Generalities, Cold) (p. 1264)
Chill, chilliness, menses, during (p. 1265)
Chill, internal (p. 1268)
Chill, menses, during (p. 1269)
Chill, predominating, noon (p. 1270)
Chill, shaking, shivering, rigors (p. 1270)
Chill, warm, weather, in (p. 1276)
Fever, night (p. 1279)
Fever, night, chilliness, with (p. 1280)
Fever, night, perspiration, with (p. 1280)
Fever, night, waking, on (agg.) (p. 1280)
Fever, ascending (p. 1281)
Fever, chill, with (p. 1284)
Fever, continued fever, night (p. 1284)
Fever, exanthematic fevers, measles (p. 1286)
Fever, heat absent (p. 1287)
Fever, intermittent, chronic (p. 1288)
Fever, internal heat (p. 1288)
Fever, perspiration absent, heat, with (p. 1289)
Fever, puerperal fever (p. 1289)
Fever, puerperal fever, from suppressed lochia (p. 1289)
Fever, relapsing (p. 1289)
Fever, septic fever (See Zymotic, Continued, Puerperal, etc.) (p. 1290)
Fever, shivering, with (p. 1290)
Fever, sleep, after (agg.) (p. 1290)
Fever, succession of stages, chill followed by heat (p. 1290)
Fever, zymotic fevers (p. 1292)
Fever, night (p. 1279)
Fever, night, chilliness, with (p. 1280)
Fever, night, perspiration, with (p. 1280)
Fever, night, waking, on (agg.) (p. 1280)
Fever, ascending (p. 1281)
Fever, chill, with (p. 1284)
Fever, continued fever, night (p. 1284)
Fever, exanthematic fevers, measles (p. 1286)
Fever, heat absent (p. 1287)
Fever, intermittent, chronic (p. 1288)
Fever, internal heat (p. 1288)
Fever, perspiration absent, heat, with (p. 1289)
Fever, puerperal fever (p. 1289)
Fever, puerperal fever, from suppressed lochia (p. 1289)
Fever, relapsing (p. 1289)
Fever, septic fever (See Zymotic, Continued, Puerperal, etc.) (p. 1290)
Fever, shivering, with (p. 1290)
Fever, sleep, after (agg.) (p. 1290)
Fever, succession of stages, chill followed by heat (p. 1290)
Fever, zymotic fevers (p. 1292)
Perspiration, daytime (p. 1293)
Perspiration, morning, waking, after (p. 1293)
Perspiration, evening, bed, in (p. 1294)
Perspiration, night (p. 1294)
Perspiration, eating, after (agg.) (p. 1297)
Perspiration, exertion, during slight (See Walking) (p. 1297)
Perspiration, motion, on (agg.) (p. 1298)
Perspiration, odor, offensive (p. 1298)
Perspiration, odor, sour (p. 1298)
Perspiration, odor, sour, morning (p. 1299)
Perspiration, profuse, morning, waking, after (p. 1299)
Perspiration, profuse, night (p. 1299)
Perspiration, profuse, night, sleeplessness, with (p. 1300)
Perspiration, profuse, waking, on (p. 1300)
Perspiration, sleep, on beginning to (p. 1301)
Perspiration, sleep, waking, after (agg.) (p. 1301)
Perspiration, suppressed, complaints from (p. 1302)
Perspiration, symptoms agg. while sweating (p. 1302)
Perspiration, walking, while (agg.) (See Exertion) (p. 1302)
Perspiration, daytime (p. 1293)
Perspiration, morning, waking, after (p. 1293)
Perspiration, evening, bed, in (p. 1294)
Perspiration, night (p. 1294)
Perspiration, eating, after (agg.) (p. 1297)
Perspiration, exertion, during slight (See Walking) (p. 1297)
Perspiration, motion, on (agg.) (p. 1298)
Perspiration, odor, offensive (p. 1298)
Perspiration, odor, sour (p. 1298)
Perspiration, odor, sour, morning (p. 1299)
Perspiration, profuse, morning, waking, after (p. 1299)
Perspiration, profuse, night (p. 1299)
Perspiration, profuse, night, sleeplessness, with (p. 1300)
Perspiration, profuse, waking, on (p. 1300)
Perspiration, sleep, on beginning to (p. 1301)
Perspiration, sleep, waking, after (agg.) (p. 1301)
Perspiration, suppressed, complaints from (p. 1302)
Perspiration, symptoms agg. while sweating (p. 1302)
Perspiration, walking, while (agg.) (See Exertion) (p. 1302)
Skin, burning (p. 1303)
Skin, burning, scratching, after (p. 1303)
Skin, burning, spots (p. 1304)
Skin, chapping (p. 1304)
Skin, coldness (p. 1304)
Skin, cracks (p. 1305)
Skin, cracks, washing, after (p. 1305)
Skin, cracks, winter, in (p. 1305)
Skin, discoloration, brown, liver spots (p. 1306)
Skin, discoloration, dirty (p. 1306)
Skin, discoloration, pale (p. 1306)
Skin, discoloration, red, spots (p. 1306)
Skin, discoloration, yellow, spots (p. 1307)
Skin, dry (p. 1307)
Skin, eruptions (p. 1308)
Skin, eruptions, bleeding (p. 1309)
Skin, eruptions, bleeding, after scratching (p. 1309)
Skin, eruptions, boils (p. 1309)
Skin, eruptions, chicken-pox (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, crusty (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, crusty, fetid (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, crusty, moist (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, crusty, scratching, after (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, discharging, corrosive (p. 1311)
Skin, eruptions, discharging, yellow (p. 1311)
Skin, eruptions, eczema (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, excoriated (See Excoriation) (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, fetid (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic, chapping (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic, crusty (p. 1313)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic, moist (p. 1313)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic, patches (p. 1313)
Skin, eruptions, itching (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, itching, patches, bleeding after scratches (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, itching, warmth, of bed agg. (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, leprosy (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, measles (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, painful (p. 1315)
Skin, eruptions, pimples (p. 1315)
Skin, eruptions, pustules (p. 1316)
Skin, eruptions, rash (See Granular) (p. 1317)
Skin, eruptions, red (p. 1318)
Skin, eruptions, scabies (p. 1318)
Skin, eruptions, scabies, suppressed (p. 1318)
Skin, eruptions, scratching, after (p. 1319)
Skin, eruptions, stinging (p. 1319)
Skin, eruptions, suppressed (p. 1319)
Skin, eruptions, urticaria (p. 1321)
Skin, eruptions, vesicular (p. 1322)
Skin, eruptions, vesicular, ulcerated (See Phagedenic) (p. 1323)
Skin, eruptions, vesicular, washing agg. (p. 1323)
Skin, excoriation (See Intertrigo) (p. 1324)
Skin, filthy skin (p. 1325)
Skin, formication (p. 1325)
Skin, formication, evening (p. 1325)
Skin, indurations, nodules, etc. (p. 1326)
Skin, intertrigo (p. 1327)
Skin, itching (p. 1327)
Skin, itching, night (p. 1327)
Skin, itching, burning (p. 1327)
Skin, itching, crawling (p. 1328)
Skin, itching, scratching agg. (p. 1328)
Skin, itching, spots (p. 1329)
Skin, itching, voluptuous (p. 1329)
Skin, itching, warm, on becoming (p. 1329)
Skin, itching, warm, in bed, on becoming (p. 1329)
Skin, pain, scratching, after (p. 1330)
Skin, pain, spots (p. 1330)
Skin, prickling (p. 1330)
Skin, prickling, warm, in bed (p. 1330)
Skin, rough (p. 1330)
Skin, sensitiveness (p. 1331)
Skin, sore, becomes, child, in a (p. 1331)
Skin, sticking, scratching, after (p. 1331)
Skin, swelling (p. 1331)
Skin, swelling, affected parts, of (p. 1332)
Skin, swelling, burning (p. 1332)
Skin, swelling, dropsical (p. 1332)
Skin, tearing, scratching, after (p. 1332)
Skin, ulcers (p. 1333)
Skin, ulcers, burning (p. 1334)
Skin, ulcers, cancerous (p. 1334)
Skin, ulcers, crusty (p. 1334)
Skin, ulcers, deep (p. 1334)
Skin, ulcers, discharges, offensive (p. 1335)
Skin, ulcers, indolent (p. 1336)
Skin, ulcers, indurated, margins (p. 1336)
Skin, ulcers, pulsating (p. 1337)
Skin, ulcers, red areola (p. 1337)
Skin, ulcers, scratching, after (p. 1337)
Skin, ulcers, stinging, stitching (p. 1338)
Skin, ulcers, suppurating (p. 1338)
Skin, ulcers, swollen (p. 1338)
Skin, ulcers, tearing, with (p. 1339)
Skin, ulcers, tense (p. 1339)
Skin, warts (See Excrescences) (p. 1339)
Skin, burning (p. 1303)
Skin, burning, scratching, after (p. 1303)
Skin, burning, spots (p. 1304)
Skin, chapping (p. 1304)
Skin, coldness (p. 1304)
Skin, cracks (p. 1305)
Skin, cracks, washing, after (p. 1305)
Skin, cracks, winter, in (p. 1305)
Skin, discoloration, brown, liver spots (p. 1306)
Skin, discoloration, dirty (p. 1306)
Skin, discoloration, pale (p. 1306)
Skin, discoloration, red, spots (p. 1306)
Skin, discoloration, yellow, spots (p. 1307)
Skin, dry (p. 1307)
Skin, eruptions (p. 1308)
Skin, eruptions, bleeding (p. 1309)
Skin, eruptions, bleeding, after scratching (p. 1309)
Skin, eruptions, boils (p. 1309)
Skin, eruptions, chicken-pox (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, crusty (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, crusty, fetid (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, crusty, moist (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, crusty, scratching, after (p. 1310)
Skin, eruptions, discharging, corrosive (p. 1311)
Skin, eruptions, discharging, yellow (p. 1311)
Skin, eruptions, eczema (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, excoriated (See Excoriation) (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, fetid (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic, chapping (p. 1312)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic, crusty (p. 1313)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic, moist (p. 1313)
Skin, eruptions, herpetic, patches (p. 1313)
Skin, eruptions, itching (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, itching, patches, bleeding after scratches (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, itching, warmth, of bed agg. (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, leprosy (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, measles (p. 1314)
Skin, eruptions, painful (p. 1315)
Skin, eruptions, pimples (p. 1315)
Skin, eruptions, pustules (p. 1316)
Skin, eruptions, rash (See Granular) (p. 1317)
Skin, eruptions, red (p. 1318)
Skin, eruptions, scabies (p. 1318)
Skin, eruptions, scabies, suppressed (p. 1318)
Skin, eruptions, scratching, after (p. 1319)
Skin, eruptions, stinging (p. 1319)
Skin, eruptions, suppressed (p. 1319)
Skin, eruptions, urticaria (p. 1321)
Skin, eruptions, vesicular (p. 1322)
Skin, eruptions, vesicular, ulcerated (See Phagedenic) (p. 1323)
Skin, eruptions, vesicular, washing agg. (p. 1323)
Skin, excoriation (See Intertrigo) (p. 1324)
Skin, filthy skin (p. 1325)
Skin, formication (p. 1325)
Skin, formication, evening (p. 1325)
Skin, indurations, nodules, etc. (p. 1326)
Skin, intertrigo (p. 1327)
Skin, itching (p. 1327)
Skin, itching, night (p. 1327)
Skin, itching, burning (p. 1327)
Skin, itching, crawling (p. 1328)
Skin, itching, scratching agg. (p. 1328)
Skin, itching, spots (p. 1329)
Skin, itching, voluptuous (p. 1329)
Skin, itching, warm, on becoming (p. 1329)
Skin, itching, warm, in bed, on becoming (p. 1329)
Skin, pain, scratching, after (p. 1330)
Skin, pain, spots (p. 1330)
Skin, prickling (p. 1330)
Skin, prickling, warm, in bed (p. 1330)
Skin, rough (p. 1330)
Skin, sensitiveness (p. 1331)
Skin, sore, becomes, child, in a (p. 1331)
Skin, sticking, scratching, after (p. 1331)
Skin, swelling (p. 1331)
Skin, swelling, affected parts, of (p. 1332)
Skin, swelling, burning (p. 1332)
Skin, swelling, dropsical (p. 1332)
Skin, tearing, scratching, after (p. 1332)
Skin, ulcers (p. 1333)
Skin, ulcers, burning (p. 1334)
Skin, ulcers, cancerous (p. 1334)
Skin, ulcers, crusty (p. 1334)
Skin, ulcers, deep (p. 1334)
Skin, ulcers, discharges, offensive (p. 1335)
Skin, ulcers, indolent (p. 1336)
Skin, ulcers, indurated, margins (p. 1336)
Skin, ulcers, pulsating (p. 1337)
Skin, ulcers, red areola (p. 1337)
Skin, ulcers, scratching, after (p. 1337)
Skin, ulcers, stinging, stitching (p. 1338)
Skin, ulcers, suppurating (p. 1338)
Skin, ulcers, swollen (p. 1338)
Skin, ulcers, tearing, with (p. 1339)
Skin, ulcers, tense (p. 1339)
Skin, warts (See Excrescences) (p. 1339)
Generalities, daytime (p. 1341)
Generalities, morning (p. 1341)
Generalities, morning, 11 a.m. (p. 1341)
Generalities, forenoon (agg.) (p. 1341)
Generalities, evening (agg.) (p. 1342)
Generalities, night (p. 1342)
Generalities, abscesses, glands (p. 1343)
Generalities, air, open, aversion to (p. 1343)
Generalities, air, open, desire for (p. 1343)
Generalities, air, draft agg. (p. 1344)
Generalities, air, open agg. (p. 1344)
Generalities, alcoholic stimulants (p. 1344)
Generalities, alcoholic stimulants, brandy (p. 1344)
Generalities, anæmia (p. 1344)
Generalities, anxiety general physical (p. 1345)
Generalities, bathing, dread of (p. 1345)
Generalities, bathing, agg. (p. 1345)
Generalities, change of, weather, cold to warm agg. (p. 1347)
Generalities, chlorosis (p. 1347)
Generalities, chorea, suppressed eruptions (p. 1348)
Generalities, congestion of blood (p. 1350)
Generalities, constriction, internally (p. 1350)
Generalities, constriction, bones (p. 1351)
Generalities, constriction, band, sensation of a (p. 1351)
Generalities, convulsions, epileptic (p. 1353)
Generalities, convulsions, epileptic, aura, solar plexus, from (p. 1353)
Generalities, convulsions, epileptiform (p. 1353)
Generalities, dropsy, internal (p. 1356)
Generalities, dwarfishness (p. 1357)
Generalities, eating, while (agg.) (p. 1357)
Generalities, eating, after (agg.) (p. 1357)
Generalities, emaciation (p. 1357)
Generalities, exertion, physical, agg. (p. 1358)
Generalities, faintness, fainting (p. 1358)
Generalities, faintness, morning (p. 1359)
Generalities, faintness, forenoon, 11 a.m. (p. 1359)
Generalities, faintness, frequent (p. 1360)
Generalities, flabby feeling (p. 1361)
Generalities, food, milk agg. (p. 1363)
Generalities, food, sight of, agg. (p. 1364)
Generalities, formication, internally (p. 1364)
Generalities, full feeling, internally (p. 1365)
Generalities, hæmorrhage (agg.) (p. 1365)
Generalities, heat, flushes of (p. 1365)
Generalities, heat, sensation of (p. 1366)
Generalities, heaviness, externally (p. 1367)
Generalities, heaviness, internally (p. 1367)
Generalities, hunger, from (p. 1367)
Generalities, indurations, glands (p. 1367)
Generalities, inflammation, blood vessels (p. 1368)
Generalities, inflammation, glands (p. 1368)
Generalities, jerking, muscles (p. 1370)
Generalities, knotted sensation internally (See Ball, sensation of) (p. 1370)
Generalities, lean people (p. 1370)
Generalities, lying, bed, in, agg. (p. 1372)
Generalities, menses, before (p. 1373)
Generalities, menses, during (agg.) (p. 1373)
Generalities, mercury, abuse of (p. 1374)
Generalities, motion agg. (p. 1374)
Generalities, motion, amel. (p. 1374)
Generalities, motion, of affected part, amel. (p. 1375)
Generalities, motion, aversion to (p. 1375)
Generalities, mucous secretions increased (p. 1375)
Generalities, onanism, from (p. 1376)
Generalities, orgasm of blood (p. 1376)
Generalities, pain, biting (p. 1378)
Generalities, pain, burning externally (p. 1378)
Generalities, pain, burning, internally (p. 1379)
Generalities, pain, cutting, internally (p. 1380)
Generalities, pain, jerking, internally (p. 1381)
Generalities, pain, jerking, bones (p. 1381)
Generalities, pain, pressing externally (p. 1382)
Generalities, pain, pressing, internally (p. 1382)
Generalities, pain, pressing, load, as from (p. 1383)
Generalities, pain, pressing, together (p. 1383)
Generalities, pain, pressing, within outward, from (p. 1383)
Generalities, pain, scraped, as if (p. 1384)
Generalities, pain, sore, bruised, externally (p. 1384)
Generalities, pain, stitching, externally (p. 1385)
Generalities, pain, stitching, outward (p. 1386)
Generalities, pain, stitching, bones (p. 1386)
Generalities, pain, stitching, muscles (p. 1387)
Generalities, pain, tearing, externally (p. 1387)
Generalities, pain, tearing, internally (p. 1387)
Generalities, pain, tearing, downward (p. 1388)
Generalities, pain, tearing, muscles (p. 1388)
Generalities, perspiration gives no relief (p. 1391)
Generalities, perspiration, suppression of (p. 1391)
Generalities, plethora (p. 1391)
Generalities, pulsation externally (p. 1392)
Generalities, pulse, frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid (p. 1393)
Generalities, quivering (p. 1397)
Generalities, reaction, lack of (p. 1397)
Generalities, rising agg. (p. 1397)
Generalities, rubbing agg. (p. 1398)
Generalities, running agg. (p. 1398)
Generalities, sexual excesses, after (p. 1399)
Generalities, side, left (p. 1401)
Generalities, sitting, while, agg. (p. 1401)
Generalities, sleep, before, agg. (p. 1401)
Generalities, sleep, during, agg. (p. 1402)
Generalities, sleep, after, agg. (p. 1402)
Generalities, sleep, long agg. (p. 1402)
Generalities, standing agg. (p. 1403)
Generalities, stoop shouldered (p. 1403)
Generalities, swelling, affected parts of (p. 1404)
Generalities, swelling, bones (p. 1405)
Generalities, swelling, glands (p. 1405)
Generalities, tension externally (p. 1406)
Generalities, tension, internally (p. 1406)
Generalities, touch agg. (p. 1407)
Generalities, trembling externally (p. 1407)
Generalities, ulcers, cancerous (p. 1410)
Generalities, vaccination, after (p. 1410)
Generalities, vomiting agg. (p. 1411)
Generalities, waking, on (agg.) (p. 1411)
Generalities, walking agg. (p. 1411)
Generalities, walking, amel. (p. 1411)
Generalities, walking, in open air agg. (p. 1412)
Generalities, walking, fast agg. (p. 1412)
Generalities, warm, bed agg. (p. 1412)
Generalities, warm, room agg. (p. 1413)
Generalities, warm, wraps agg. (p. 1413)
Generalities, wavelike sensations (p. 1413)
Generalities, weakness, enervation (See Lassitude, Weariness) (p. 1413)
Generalities, weakness, afternoon (p. 1415)
Generalities, weakness, hunger, from (p. 1417)
Generalities, weakness, talking, from (p. 1420)
Generalities, weakness, walking, from (agg.) (p. 1420)
Generalities, weakness, walking, amel. (p. 1420)
Generalities, weariness (See Weakness) (p. 1421)
Generalities, wet applications (p. 1421)
Generalities, wounds, heal, slow to (p. 1422)
Generalities, daytime (p. 1341)
Generalities, morning (p. 1341)
Generalities, morning, 11 a.m. (p. 1341)
Generalities, forenoon (agg.) (p. 1341)
Generalities, evening (agg.) (p. 1342)
Generalities, night (p. 1342)
Generalities, abscesses, glands (p. 1343)
Generalities, air, open, aversion to (p. 1343)
Generalities, air, open, desire for (p. 1343)
Generalities, air, draft agg. (p. 1344)
Generalities, air, open agg. (p. 1344)
Generalities, alcoholic stimulants (p. 1344)
Generalities, alcoholic stimulants, brandy (p. 1344)
Generalities, anæmia (p. 1344)
Generalities, anxiety general physical (p. 1345)
Generalities, bathing, dread of (p. 1345)
Generalities, bathing, agg. (p. 1345)
Generalities, change of, weather, cold to warm agg. (p. 1347)
Generalities, chlorosis (p. 1347)
Generalities, chorea, suppressed eruptions (p. 1348)
Generalities, congestion of blood (p. 1350)
Generalities, constriction, internally (p. 1350)
Generalities, constriction, bones (p. 1351)
Generalities, constriction, band, sensation of a (p. 1351)
Generalities, convulsions, epileptic (p. 1353)
Generalities, convulsions, epileptic, aura, solar plexus, from (p. 1353)
Generalities, convulsions, epileptiform (p. 1353)
Generalities, dropsy, internal (p. 1356)
Generalities, dwarfishness (p. 1357)
Generalities, eating, while (agg.) (p. 1357)
Generalities, eating, after (agg.) (p. 1357)
Generalities, emaciation (p. 1357)
Generalities, exertion, physical, agg. (p. 1358)
Generalities, faintness, fainting (p. 1358)
Generalities, faintness, morning (p. 1359)
Generalities, faintness, forenoon, 11 a.m. (p. 1359)
Generalities, faintness, frequent (p. 1360)
Generalities, flabby feeling (p. 1361)
Generalities, food, milk agg. (p. 1363)
Generalities, food, sight of, agg. (p. 1364)
Generalities, formication, internally (p. 1364)
Generalities, full feeling, internally (p. 1365)
Generalities, hæmorrhage (agg.) (p. 1365)
Generalities, heat, flushes of (p. 1365)
Generalities, heat, sensation of (p. 1366)
Generalities, heaviness, externally (p. 1367)
Generalities, heaviness, internally (p. 1367)
Generalities, hunger, from (p. 1367)
Generalities, indurations, glands (p. 1367)
Generalities, inflammation, blood vessels (p. 1368)
Generalities, inflammation, glands (p. 1368)
Generalities, jerking, muscles (p. 1370)
Generalities, knotted sensation internally (See Ball, sensation of) (p. 1370)
Generalities, lean people (p. 1370)
Generalities, lying, bed, in, agg. (p. 1372)
Generalities, menses, before (p. 1373)
Generalities, menses, during (agg.) (p. 1373)
Generalities, mercury, abuse of (p. 1374)
Generalities, motion agg. (p. 1374)
Generalities, motion, amel. (p. 1374)
Generalities, motion, of affected part, amel. (p. 1375)
Generalities, motion, aversion to (p. 1375)
Generalities, mucous secretions increased (p. 1375)
Generalities, onanism, from (p. 1376)
Generalities, orgasm of blood (p. 1376)
Generalities, pain, biting (p. 1378)
Generalities, pain, burning externally (p. 1378)
Generalities, pain, burning, internally (p. 1379)
Generalities, pain, cutting, internally (p. 1380)
Generalities, pain, jerking, internally (p. 1381)
Generalities, pain, jerking, bones (p. 1381)
Generalities, pain, pressing externally (p. 1382)
Generalities, pain, pressing, internally (p. 1382)
Generalities, pain, pressing, load, as from (p. 1383)
Generalities, pain, pressing, together (p. 1383)
Generalities, pain, pressing, within outward, from (p. 1383)
Generalities, pain, scraped, as if (p. 1384)
Generalities, pain, sore, bruised, externally (p. 1384)
Generalities, pain, stitching, externally (p. 1385)
Generalities, pain, stitching, outward (p. 1386)
Generalities, pain, stitching, bones (p. 1386)
Generalities, pain, stitching, muscles (p. 1387)
Generalities, pain, tearing, externally (p. 1387)
Generalities, pain, tearing, internally (p. 1387)
Generalities, pain, tearing, downward (p. 1388)
Generalities, pain, tearing, muscles (p. 1388)
Generalities, perspiration gives no relief (p. 1391)
Generalities, perspiration, suppression of (p. 1391)
Generalities, plethora (p. 1391)
Generalities, pulsation externally (p. 1392)
Generalities, pulse, frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid (p. 1393)
Generalities, quivering (p. 1397)
Generalities, reaction, lack of (p. 1397)
Generalities, rising agg. (p. 1397)
Generalities, rubbing agg. (p. 1398)
Generalities, running agg. (p. 1398)
Generalities, sexual excesses, after (p. 1399)
Generalities, side, left (p. 1401)
Generalities, sitting, while, agg. (p. 1401)
Generalities, sleep, before, agg. (p. 1401)
Generalities, sleep, during, agg. (p. 1402)
Generalities, sleep, after, agg. (p. 1402)
Generalities, sleep, long agg. (p. 1402)
Generalities, standing agg. (p. 1403)
Generalities, stoop shouldered (p. 1403)
Generalities, swelling, affected parts of (p. 1404)
Generalities, swelling, bones (p. 1405)
Generalities, swelling, glands (p. 1405)
Generalities, tension externally (p. 1406)
Generalities, tension, internally (p. 1406)
Generalities, touch agg. (p. 1407)
Generalities, trembling externally (p. 1407)
Generalities, ulcers, cancerous (p. 1410)
Generalities, vaccination, after (p. 1410)
Generalities, vomiting agg. (p. 1411)
Generalities, waking, on (agg.) (p. 1411)
Generalities, walking agg. (p. 1411)
Generalities, walking, amel. (p. 1411)
Generalities, walking, in open air agg. (p. 1412)
Generalities, walking, fast agg. (p. 1412)
Generalities, warm, bed agg. (p. 1412)
Generalities, warm, room agg. (p. 1413)
Generalities, warm, wraps agg. (p. 1413)
Generalities, wavelike sensations (p. 1413)
Generalities, weakness, enervation (See Lassitude, Weariness) (p. 1413)
Generalities, weakness, afternoon (p. 1415)
Generalities, weakness, hunger, from (p. 1417)
Generalities, weakness, talking, from (p. 1420)
Generalities, weakness, walking, from (agg.) (p. 1420)
Generalities, weakness, walking, amel. (p. 1420)
Generalities, weariness (See Weakness) (p. 1421)
Generalities, wet applications (p. 1421)
Generalities, wounds, heal, slow to (p. 1422)
ইভা হোমিও হল
বাইপাইল আশুলিয়া থানার পাশে।
সাভার ঢাকা।
গভঃ রেজিঃ নং ২৩৮৭৬।
মোবাইল নং ০১৭১৬৬৫১৪৮৮।
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